The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 054: Name Your Son

The train travels through the night.It's very quiet in the car.The passengers are all dreaming their own dreams in the dreamland.

Ding Dong didn't feel sleepy at all.

However, he knew that his body couldn't hold on, so he should sleep to maintain his strength, otherwise he wouldn't be able to last for the next half month.He thought, since God had left him more than half a month, he should cherish it.

Even though he closed his eyes obediently, even though he counted "one sheep, two sheep, three sheep... one hundred and one sheep..." in his heart, he just couldn't fall asleep and fell asleep for a minute. no.

Since he knew that he had a son a few hours ago, his heart has not been at peace for a minute.He was very happy, he was glad that the Ding family finally had a descendant, could continue the incense line, and had the face to go to the underworld to meet his parents.

Even though it was late at night, Hongping didn't feel sleepy at all.

Where is Ding Dong taking me?

Hongping couldn't figure it out, nor could she guess.Being impatient, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she gently pushed Ding Dong's shoulder.

Ding Dong slowly opened his extremely small eyes, looked at Hongping blankly, and asked softly, "My baby, what's the matter with you?"

Hong Ping took Ding Dong's thick hairy hand and asked with a smile, "Honey, where are you taking?"

"Baby, don't ask any more. You'll know it when you get there. Anyway, it's a good place, and it's a place worth going." Ding Dong smiled and shook Hongping's tender hands: "You'd better sleep, Otherwise, I understand that there will be no strength."

Hongping knows Ding Dong's virtues, if there is something he doesn't want to talk about, it's useless for you to ask him, or you might get angry.So I stopped asking, and replied: "Okay, then I'll sleep."

Over the years, Hongping, like the four older sisters, was not really afraid of Ding Dong's anger, but was afraid that Ding Dong would cover the money pockets if he got angry.

The five sisters all knew very well that if they didn't get Ding Dong's money, throwing themselves into their arms would be meaningless.Because none of the five of them really loved Ding Dong, what they loved was Ding Dong's wealth.

They all affirm that they are flowers that everyone loves. If it is not for the sake of money, even if they are killed, they will not stick this flower on Ding Dong's pile of cow dung.

It is appropriate for the five beautiful sisters to regard Ding Dong as a pile of cow dung.In their eyes, Ding Dong, apart from having a head that can make money, is just a crooked face, a lustful organ and a belly full of bad water.

The train runs through the bright spring light in the morning.The carriage resumed its bustle during the day.

In order to make Ding Dong happier, Hongping asked, "Honey, what name do you name our son?"

"Let's call it Ding Wang." Ding Dong said without thinking.

"It's a big deal to name your son, why don't you just blurt it out without thinking?" It was originally a scam, but Hongping still asked in a serious manner.

"You misunderstood, I didn't blurt it out, how could I be so hasty about such a big matter?" Ding Dong immediately explained: "To tell you the truth, I had already thought about it all the way before you asked."

"Oh, that's how it is." Hongping's drama became more and more real: "Let me tell you, you have always been rigorous in doing things, how could you be so hasty in naming your son?"

"Do you think the name Ding Wang is good?" Ding Dong asked.

Hongping didn't think too much, and said, "You are a man of knowledge and knowledge, so the name you chose is of course good."

Ding Dong said triumphantly: "The reason why I named Ding Wang is to let our Ding family Ding prosper."

"Bah! Your Ding family is still Ding Xingwang? You will die soon." Hongping didn't say it, but said it in her heart.

Hongping knew in her heart that if Ding Dong heard what she said, let alone live another half a month, he would definitely be pissed off in three minutes.

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