The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 064 Checking Card Balance

Joy fell from the sky.

At this moment, Hongping's heart was beating wildly, and her blood was boiling.

But, she no longer thinks about Ding Dong, she knows in her heart that starting from today, no, starting from this second, Ding Dong's whereabouts, Ding Dong's life and death, and everything about Ding Dong has nothing to do with her.

Hongping's thoughts are all on the card in her hand.

How much is the balance in the card?Is it 6 digits?Is it 7 digits?Is it 8 digits?Or 9 digits?

Hongping's pounding heart almost jumped out of her atrium.

She grabbed the bank card in her hand and rushed out of the room, down the stairs, across the street, through a red light, and into the bank.

She stood in front of the ATM tremblingly, shoved the bank card in her hand into the card slot of the ATM, and chose the operation of checking the balance.

The balance is out.Wow, so many zeros after the 2.Hong Ping couldn't believe her eyes for a moment.

She immediately widened her eyes and counted in horror, one 0, two 0s, three 0s, four 0s, five 0s, six 0s, seven 0s, eight 0s.

My God, this is nine figures, this is two hundred million!Hongping suddenly screamed.

Could it be that I have more than one or two 0s?

Hongping was worried about her eyes, she rubbed her eyes with her hands, and counted one zero and two zeros again, it was eight zeros, it was two hundred million.

For some reason, Hongping was still worried. She stroked her chest with her hand, reassured herself, and counted one zero and two zeros again.Yes, it's true, it's eight zeros, it's two hundred million.

After all, Hongping is a person who touched a lot of money, so she quickly regained her composure.

At this time, she was not in a hurry to pull out the bank card and leave the bank, but continued to operate.She immediately changed the password on the bank card.

She knows that this password is her birthday, which is the most insecure, not to mention it is set by Ding Dong, it is even more insecure, if he regrets it, the consequences will be disastrous.

The newly set password is the highest level security password that Hongping is used to.

In order to be safe, Hong Ping pulled out the bank card, operated according to the new password, and counted the 2 after the 0 again.

After making sure that there was no problem, Hongping pulled out her bank card and put it in her bag, and left the bank happily.

She didn't go home directly, but went to the eldest sister's house with a happy face.On the way to the eldest sister's house, she also called the second, third, and fourth sisters to the eldest sister's house, saying that there was something important to announce.

Hongping has always been a careful person, even though she just made a fortune, and she was full of joy along the way, when she approached the elder sister's house, she immediately put away the spring on her face, and walked into the elder sister's house with a sad face.

After all four sisters arrived, Hongping took out Ding Dongyou's suicide note from her bag, and read Ding Dong's suicide note with tears in her eyes and a deep cry.

Hong Ping has never been an actress, but her acting skills today are no less than that of today's top star actors.

Her grief, her tears, her crying, and her tone of voice made the four sisters go from serious to shocked, from individual silent tears to four hugging each other and crying...

Half an hour later, Hongxia, who had come out of grief, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked Hongping: "Little sister, besides sending us this suicide note, what else did Ding Dong mail us?"

Hongyun, Hongye, and Hongguo also seemed to understand something, and immediately said: "Yes, is Ding Dong's suicide note too simple?"

"I think there should be something else?"

"Little sister, did you forget when you were sad?"

The four sisters suddenly took turns to ask questions, which made Hongping's heart go "Gordon", but she soon calmed down.

She said in a calm tone: "Sisters, Ding Dong sent this suicide note by mail, and there was nothing else. When I opened the express delivery, I also felt a little strange. I thought this suicide note was too simple. There should be other things besides it. But then I thought, oh, I thought too much. If he had anything to confess, he would definitely write it in the suicide note. The suicide note is the last words that should be confessed. I think Ding Dong is a man of culture and knowledge. A person with a brain, he will not understand."

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