Ding Dong glanced at Hongping, and spoke out weakly what had happened to him in the past three months: "At that time, I was confirmed as terminal bone cancer by the oncologist of the provincial hospital, and the report said that my survival period was only 3 days. On the last day of the countdown, I gave you my remaining 1 million yuan, and I kept 1 yuan on me. I used 1 yuan to buy myself a cemetery in my hometown. The cemetery is next to my parents. Another [-] yuan was left to a child in my hometown, and he was entrusted with handling my funeral after my death. I left [-] yuan for myself as living expenses before I died."

Talking, talking, Ding Dong suddenly stopped.

Why didn't he go on?

Feeling strange, Hongping quickly looked at Ding Dong and asked, "Hey, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you continue talking?"

"Go and get me something to eat." Ding Dong looked at Hongping with pleading eyes, and said, "Hongping, I'm not afraid of your jokes, let me tell you, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning, now I don't even have the strength to speak."

"Why don't you eat?" Hong Ping immediately grabbed the conversation: "Is it because you feel unwell and don't want to eat?"


"Why is that?"

"It's not that I don't want to eat." Ding Dong became a little excited: "I'm penniless, and I don't have money to buy food."

"Didn't you say that you left 1 yuan for living expenses?" Hongping was puzzled.

"It's a long story." Ding Dong sighed "ah", and said, "Let's not talk about it, I can't talk anymore, you hurry up and get something to eat, I'm so hungry that my eyes are watering now." Gold star."

Seeing that Ding Dong's face had turned blue, Hongping knew he wasn't lying, so she said, "Okay, let's go." She walked towards the kitchen, but stopped at the kitchen door, she turned around and said, "Hi, Look at my memory, my refrigerator is empty, you know, I never cook at home, besides, even if there are ingredients in the refrigerator, I don’t know how to cook.”

Ding Dong knew that she wasn't lying, so he reminded: "Then look for food like biscuits, no matter what, as long as it can satisfy your hunger."

"You know, I've been losing weight, so I never put snacks at home." Hongping said.

Ding Dong looked at Hongping disappointedly.

Suddenly, Hongping yelled: "Oh, I remembered, I asked someone to repair the sewer pipe a few months ago, and I bought two packs of instant noodles for them, but they didn't eat them, so I put them in the kitchen. I keep forgetting to throw it away, and it is just right for me now, but I wonder if you like it or not?"

"What time is it, why don't you like it or not?" Ding Dong comforted Hongping and herself: "Now I think of an idiom I learned in elementary school, called 'Hunger does not choose food'"

Hongping went into the kitchen and found the two packs of instant noodles, but when she saw that the expiration date on the bags had passed, she yelled, "No, the expiration date has passed."

Ding Dong didn't even think about it, he didn't know where the energy came from, and said loudly to the kitchen: "It's overdue, it's overdue, I can't control so much, anyway, I can't kill people if I eat it."

"Okay, I'll soak it for you if you say it's okay." Hongping raised her voice and asked, "One pack or two packs?"

Ding Dong quickly responded loudly: "Soak two packs! Soak two packs!"

While soaking the noodles, Hongping laughed in her heart, you bastard, you still have today!

After the soup and noodles were full, Ding Dong was refreshed, and he continued what he said just now: "After my countdown is over, another three months have passed, and my 1 yuan for living expenses has also been used up, but I am still alive. I was fine, and there was no sign of dying at all. I was puzzled and thought, did the provincial doctor misdiagnose me? I took out the 1 yuan that I left with Xiaofa to prepare for the funeral, and went to the county seat. The hospital did a physical examination and found out that there was a tumor, but it was not malignant, and the hospital could not confirm it. They suggested that I go to Beijing for an examination, so I went to Beijing, which is the most authoritative cancer hospital in the country. It is not life-threatening, and there is no need for surgery. At this time, I only have the money left to buy a hard-seat train ticket from Beijing to Nancheng. So I was hungry for a day and a night..."

God, the tumor is benign, so he can't die.Will he ask for [-] million back?

Hongping's heart was beating wildly.

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