Sexual life is not allowed during menstruation, this is common sense of hygiene, not only women understand, adult men also understand, of course Ding Dong also knows.Therefore, his brain sent a command to the components on his body to retreat.

But who knows, his little brother refused to obey, there was nothing he could do, Ding Dong said in a negotiating tone: "Honey, I know it's not appropriate to do that when you're on your body, but my little brother won't obey, he's three years old I haven't done any work for a month, and I'm almost dead, see if I can accommodate it today, it's a special case, I promise I won't make an exception."

This is the first time Ding Dong speaks in such a deliberative tone since he dated Hongxia.Even so, Hongxia was still not moved. She quickly waved her hand and said, "Honey, let's forget about it today. I really can't do that with my body. Please be considerate and considerate of me, okay?"

"I know I'm making trouble for no reason, it shouldn't be, but there's nothing I can do about it, but it's been bad for more than three months, and today it's really bad, can you just let me run a red light once?" Ding Dong grabbed His little brother begged for mercy.

No matter how much Ding Dong begged for mercy, Hongxia still insisted: "No, no, this is not a trivial matter, you can't do it casually, or you might get sick. Think about it, if I get sick here, I will be sad at most, but the loss is you."

"What did you say?" Ding Dong was puzzled and asked, "Why am I the one who lost?"

"Of course you are the one who loses." Hongxia explained confidently: "Don't you think about it, if my place is rotten, can you still use it in the future?"

"I understand this, but I can't help it."

"I think, if you can bear it for more than three months, you will definitely be able to bear it today."

"It's different."

"What's the difference?"

"For more than three months, it was because you were not by my side, so I held back, but today, no, at this very moment, you are lying naked in front of my eyes, as beautiful as a fairy. How can I bear it? Baby, I am a man, a healthy man!" Ding Dong became more and more excited as he spoke, and his little brother poked his head higher and higher.

"Honey, I understand your feelings, but I also hope you understand my feelings." Hongxia said seriously.

It turned out that Hongxia, who was always obedient and obedient, talked to Ding Dong for the first time.

Ding Dong wanted to say something, but was about to open his mouth, but was blocked by Hongxia's words.

On this issue, Hongxia was as smart as Hongping, she rolled her eyes and made the same suggestion: "Honey, I think you should stop talking about it here, and I will tell you a good way to solve your problem. "

Ding Dong's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously, "Quickly, what's the best way?"

"Hongyun's house is not far from here anyway, since you can't hold back anymore, why don't you go to her to release and release, she also likes to sleep late, she must still be sleeping on the bed now." Hongxia patted Ding Dong's bare buttocks: " Put on your clothes quickly, she will get up and go out when it is late."

There is no other way, just like at Hongping's house, Ding Dong complied again.

On the way to Hongyun's house, Ding Dong was thinking, good things take a long time!Thinking, thinking, Hong Yun's slender body suddenly appeared in front of his eyes...

After entering Hongyun's residential area, Ding Dong went up to the fifth floor in three steps in parallel, and excitedly rang the doorbell of Hongyun's house.

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong

No one came to the door, and there was no response.Ding Dong rang the doorbell again.

Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong

Still no one came to the door, and still no response.Ding Dong felt that there was someone in the room, so he got angry, and kept pressing the doorbell without letting go.

Five minutes later, a shirtless man wearing only a pair of briefs opened the door and said impatiently, "Hey, did you ring the doorbell like that? Who are you looking for?"

"Did I recognize the wrong door?" Ding Dong looked at the man with a fair face in front of him, thinking that he had recognized the wrong door, and asked, "Is this Hong Yun's house?"

The little white face raised his head: "Yes, what do you want to do with her?"

Ding Dong, who already understood everything in his heart, was in a dilemma at this moment, he said hesitatingly: "I, I, look, look for her, I have something to do!"

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