The next morning, Ding Dong got up early uncharacteristically.He was full of energy, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person.

After leaving the gate of the hotel, Ding Dong grabbed two deep-fried dough sticks from a roadside stall, and walked towards the Nancheng Talent Exchange Center while chewing on them.

Ding Dong's luck is bad, the talent exchange center has no recruitment activities this week.

Coming out of the lobby of the Talent Exchange Center, Ding Dong went straight to the Nancheng Employment Agency.

After he entered the agency, he stood in front of the large electronic scrolling screen in the hall, stared at his naturally slender eyes, and looked at it seriously.

After reading it over and over again, I found that there was no suitable position for me. The positions I recruited were not technical positions such as electricians and fitters, but coolie positions in the nature of auxiliary workers, or positions such as warehouse clerks. There was no real management position. post.

After leaving the employment agency, Ding Dong didn't give up, and went to the agency street for three hours.But they got nothing. The types of jobs that can be introduced there are not as good as those of the Nancheng Employment Agency. They are all hard and dirty jobs, and the wages are extremely low.

Ding Dong only heard that it was difficult to find a job, but now that he has run around, he thinks that is indeed the case.It is even more difficult to find a high-paying job.

On the way back to the hotel, Ding Dong went to a newsstand on the side of the street and bought a copy of all kinds of newspapers issued by Nancheng that day.He didn't bother to eat dinner. As soon as he returned to the hotel room, he spread all kinds of newspapers he bought on the bed, squinted his small eyes, and looked for recruitment inspiration.

It took him a full two and a half hours to read all the recruitment notices in the newspaper several times, and finally selected three companies as candidate applicants.

However, there is only one ideal company for him to apply for, which is Nancheng Dahua Trading Co., Ltd., and the position he is recruiting is the deputy general manager. The requirements for the job are: bachelor degree or above, proficiency in two or more languages, major in business administration or economics, five years of senior management work Experience, aged between 40 and 2000 years old, probationary period of six months, only 100 yuan of living expenses during the probationary period, after officially taking up the job, the annual salary is [-] million, enjoy the company's dry stock dividends, and the company solves the unit housing.

Ding Dong was determined to win this position, thinking that the recruitment conditions and remuneration seemed to be tailor-made for him.

Ding Dong was so excited that such a good job was waiting for him, he didn't sleep well all night.

However, after waking up the next morning, Ding Dong was not affected by lack of sleep and was still in good spirits.I thought to myself, people are in good spirits on happy occasions.

Not only is he in good spirits, but he also has a strong appetite. In the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel, Ding Dong killed a three-dimensional bun, a crab roe soup dumpling, a vegetable shumai, a poached egg, and a bowl of fish soup noodles.

After breakfast, Ding Dong went back to the room and looked in the mirror, polished his leather shoes, straightened his tie, and combed his hair with his hands. Then, he confidently went to Nancheng Dahua Trading Company.

Along the way, Ding Dong was thinking, there must be many people applying for such a good position, right?Regardless of how much it is, it is an excellent opportunity for me to stand up anyway, and I must grasp it well.

After arriving at Dahua Company, he found that there were indeed many applicants, and there were already 200 to [-] people who had come to compete for the position of deputy general manager.Candidates are now waiting for interviews at the door of the conference room.

Ding Dong originally thought that such a long applicant team might not be able to take his turn all afternoon, so he planned to leave early and planned to come early the next morning.Unexpectedly, in less than half an hour, the long queue of applicants was half short.

Seeing this phenomenon, Ding Dong was overjoyed and thought to himself, it seems that these people in front of him are here to make up for their numbers, and they are all not good enough.It seems that God deliberately reserved such a good position for himself.

Ding Dong couldn't help laughing, and subconsciously took out a stick of Hongtashan Diao from his pocket and put it on his mouth.

He had smoked Hongtashan ten years ago, and now few people smoke this brand, only the very poor smoke this brand.He is already very satisfied to be able to smoke this kind of cigarette right now.He is still worried about whether he can smoke it in the next days?

He took out the lighter, clicked it, lit the Hongtashan on his mouth, and smoked it leisurely, feeling that the taste of this cigarette was no less than that of the Yellow Crane Tower he smoked before.Sucking, sucking, and spit out a few thick smoke rings from time to time.

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