The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 130 The Truth Comes Out

Big brother's cabin.

Brother Qiang and Ding Dong are still having breakfast.

Ding Dong hadn't had such a delicious breakfast for a long time, and felt that it was extra delicious, so he was already full and kept stuffing it into his mouth.

Brother Qiang was originally tall and big, with a very good appetite. Seeing that Ding Dong was still eating, he continued to accompany him.I thought, anyway, my stomach can still hold up, anyway, I buy a lot of breakfast.

Seeing that Brother Qiang didn't respond to his question just now, but just stared at himself blankly, Ding Dong asked again while eating: "Ah Si is so rich and powerful, and he owes his today to you, why didn't he arrange a meal for you?" A decent place to live?"

Brother Qiang was surprised.

If someone else asked this question, Brother Qiang would never respond, and he might step up and kick him.But this is what Ding Dong asked, even if he doesn't want to say it in his heart, he must answer every question, and he must tell the truth.

"A few days before I was released from prison, Ah Si arranged a big house for me, which I didn't want to live in."

Ding Dong was surprised.

Brother Qiang added: "To tell you the truth, not only Ah Si prepared a place for me, but my other brothers also rushed to arrange a place for me."

"Since someone has arranged a good place to live, why do you rent a house by yourself?"

Before Brother Qiang could answer, Ding Dong said again: "Don't you want to owe others favors?"

"That's not true, they are all brothers, and we can't talk about whether we owe it or not."

"What's that for?"

Brother Qiang looked at Ding Dong with a slight embarrassment on his face, and said, "Brother, let me tell you the truth, I am not well-educated and have no skills, but I have been strong all my life, and I just want to stand up again with my own strength. .”


Ding Dong was shocked by Brother Qiang's simple and important words.

He immediately picked up the milk cup, took the milk with the wine, and said, "Brother Qiang, I admire you! Come on, let me toast you!"

The two brothers drained the milk in the cup.

After drinking a cup of milk, Brother Qiang sighed: "My greatest wish in life is to help others; my greatest worry is that others will help me; my greatest regret is that I can't do what I want to do. "

Immediately, Ding Dong's heart was surging and tears welled up in his eyes.

Ding Dong understands Brother Qiang, he doesn't mean what he says.

However, while excited, Ding Dong knew in his heart that at present, there is no one like Brother Qiang.

Is it sad?hi?

Ding Dong couldn't judge for a while, but he hoped that Brother Qiang would stay away from the word "sorrow".

Talking about his own topic, Brother Qiang suddenly remembered what happened last night, and wanted to bear it, but he couldn't, thinking, it's his brother anyway, so it's okay to say it.

"Brother, I didn't want to say it, but I really couldn't bear it."

"They're all brothers, what can you bear, just say it."

"Your car driver, Xiao Li, and Hongxia and the other five sisters are really shameful. It wasn't like this before."

Ding Dong was startled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Last night, you drank unconsciously and wanted them to pick you up. Who knows, none of them would come, and all of them had extremely bad attitudes."

Brother Qiang thought that Ding Dong would be very surprised when he heard this, would be furious, and would slap the table and the bench, but Ding Dong was very calm and just sighed: "Ah!"

God, how could this be?

Brother Qiang was surprised by Ding Dong's attitude, even more shocked by his attitude towards those wolf-hearted people last night.

"Brother, what is going on here?"

Brother Qiang looked at Ding Dong with incomparably surprised eyes.

"It's hard to say!" Ding Dong half opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Brother Qiang was very anxious and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ding Dong bowed his head and said nothing, thinking, there is no point in talking about these anymore.

"Did something happen to you?" Brother Qiang asked anxiously, "Tell me, what happened?"

Ding Dong raised his head and looked at Brother Qiang with dull mouse eyes, but still kept his mouth shut.

It is said that a person with well-developed limbs has a simple mind.

Brother Qiang's limbs are very developed, but his mind is not simple. He already guessed that Ding Dong must be bankrupt.

I thought, if it wasn't for bankruptcy, he wouldn't be beaten and kicked for not paying enough for the bath; even if he went to live in a sea-view house, he wouldn't be able to transfer the increasingly valuable garden villa, after all, he is a master investor; Even if the sisters have something to do, they will definitely be there on call.

this is the truth!This is the way of the world today!

Brother Qiang grabbed Ding Dong's hand excitedly and asked, "Tell me honestly, are you bankrupt?"

Knowing that he couldn't hide it any longer, Ding Dong said forcefully, "You're talking, I'm bankrupt."

"Oh my god! You have more than a dozen assets, and you have been in a healthy development stage. Besides, you are an expert in production. How can you say that you are bankrupt when you go bankrupt?"

Ding Dong shook his head and said, "Don't mention it, it's bankrupt anyway."

Even though Brother Qiang knew it was true, he still couldn't accept it, and insisted on asking: "I don't believe you will go bankrupt even if you kill me! What's the matter?"

Seeing Brother Qiang's anxious eyes, Ding Dong finally couldn't bear it and told the truth.

"I'm not broke, as you said, how could I be. But I really have nothing now."

"Since there is no bankruptcy, how can you have nothing at once?"

Brother Qiang was confused by Ding Dong's words.He stared at Ding Dong with wide eyes.

"I was diagnosed with advanced bone cancer three months ago."

"My God! You have cancer, and it's still terminal."

Brother Qiang's head "buzzed", and his face turned pale, very ugly.

"Dude, don't worry, I don't have cancer, it's just a misdiagnosis."


Brother Qiang was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on, and asked urgently: "Is there, or is there not? I am so anxious!"


Hearing "no", Brother Qiang's hanging heart finally fell.But I still didn't understand, thinking to myself, if I wasn't bankrupt, how could I have nothing?It's impossible to see a doctor and lose more than a billion, right?Then he asked, "Where did your money go?"

"Oh, the money, it's all given to Hongxia and her five sisters."

"What? One billion is given to Hongxia and her five sisters? Are you crazy? Are you dead?"

Brother Qiang stared at his already big eyes like a bull's eye.

"It's like this. At that time, I thought I was going to die. I was an orphan. I had no family, no siblings, no one to inherit my inheritance, so I cashed out all my assets and distributed them. I gave it to Hongxia and the other five sisters, thinking, after all, they have all dedicated themselves to me."

"You're so stupid, you can't give it all if you want, you have to keep some for yourself."

"Hey, who knew it would be a misdiagnosis. At that time, I thought, people are going to die, so what's the use of keeping money, and it can't be used in the underworld."

"That's right." Brother Qiang sighed: "Oh, God's joke is too big!"

The hut immediately became quiet, and the two remained silent for a long time.

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