One morning after half a month.

After Hongping woke up, she didn't open her eyes immediately, but habitually stretched out her right hand to touch Ding Dong beside her. Once she touched it, it was empty, and she stretched her arms to touch it, but it was still empty. She felt strange and opened her eyes. Eyes, look, Ding Dong is no longer on the bed.

What's the matter with this guy who always sleeps late, why did he get up so early?And still get up quietly.

"Honey, where are you?" Hong Ping yelled loudly towards the bathroom while getting up and getting dressed.

There was no answer in the room.

After Hongping got out of bed, she pushed open the bathroom door, but there was no Ding Dong inside.She hastily pushed open the door leading to the balcony, but still did not see Ding Dong.

Without thinking too much, she immediately picked up the cell phone on the bedside table and dialed Ding Dong's cell phone.

"Hello! The phone you are calling is off. Hello! The phone you are calling is off."

It's over, he must be gone.He left me here alone, he must have gone back to Nancheng to meet his four older sisters, and wanted to say goodbye to his sweetheart before he died.

Hongping panicked, so panicked that her extremely beautiful facial features were deformed.

She thought, they can't be allowed to meet, they must not be allowed to meet, if they are allowed to be together, these four greedy sisters will do whatever it takes to carve up the remaining money in Ding Dong's pocket.

One hundred thousand hot!

Hong Ping didn't wash up, didn't put on makeup, didn't eat breakfast, and didn't bother to take a sip of water. She grabbed the satchel on the sofa, left the hotel in a hurry, hailed a taxi, and went straight to the lobby of Y City Terminal.

She knew that Ding Dong had always been afraid of flying, so he must have taken the train back to Nancheng. If he flew back to Nancheng by himself, he would definitely be able to reach Nancheng before Ding Dong arrived.

An hour later, Hongping got on the flight from City Y to Nancheng.

On the plane, Hong Ping leaned her head on the seat, closed her eyes and thought, this time she came out with Ding Dong, told so many lies, suffered so much, suffered so much, suffered so much If I give up all my previous efforts and get nothing, and instead get reaped by my four sisters for nothing, wouldn't I die unjustly?Still mad?

Why did Ding Dong suddenly and quietly leave him?There is no sign at all.The upside down last night was still very natural and harmonious.Could it be that he later cracked the deception of my fake pregnancy in a dream?Could it be...

Hongping was terrified, she didn't dare to think about it any more.

From City Y to Nancheng, the Boeing 747 is a two and a half hour journey.Hongping spent the terrible two and a half hours in torment.

Walking out of the lobby of the terminal building, Hongping didn't dare to delay for a minute, so she hurriedly hailed a taxi and went straight to the house of her elder sister Hongxia.She wanted to inquire about Ding Dong's whereabouts at her eldest sister's house.

When she arrived at the door of the eldest sister's house, Hongping rang the doorbell with anxiety.

After ringing the doorbell for 5 minutes, but no one opened the door, Hongping was sure that her eldest sister was not at home.At this time, she was disappointed, frustrated, but also helpless.

Do we continue to look for Ding Dong now, or go back to our own home to rest?

After thinking about it, Hongping decided not to go home for the time being, but to continue searching elsewhere.

Then where should I go to find Ding Dong next?Should I go to the second sister's house or the third sister's house?Should I go to the third sister's house or the fourth sister's house?

Just when Hongping was hesitating, the mobile phone in her bag rang three times, indicating that there was a text message.

She quickly took out her cell phone from her bag, and saw that it was a text message from Ding Dong.Hongping was overjoyed immediately, her heart was full of joy, and she quickly read the text message.

My baby: I know you have left City Y, I think, you will definitely go back to Nancheng to look for me, now I tell you, you don't need to look for me anymore, you will never find you know?I didn't go back to Nancheng, I'm in a place you can't find.I know you must be very anxious now, and you must want to ask me a hundred thousand why.Baby, don't worry, you will receive a courier from me within three days, and you will understand everything by then.farewell!Ding Dong, the father of the child in your belly.

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