The entire Kunlun Mountain has been transformed by Kong Xuan and Sanqing for countless years, and it has become the most top treasure in the whole prehistoric land!The three major secret realms of the main peak of the Kunlun Mountains can easily accommodate tens of billions of monks.Not only that, Taoist Sanqing also jointly found hundreds of good spirit mountains from Honghuang and put them in the sixteen heavens of the three great secret realms, and at the same time set up several top-level formations!Even if there is no guard, three or two quasi-sages will not be able to break into Kunlun Mountain!

Over the past [-] million years, Kong Xuan's Taoism has also been greatly improved.Although Kong Xuan has many qi practitioners' practice methods, after all, he majored in martial arts practice, and he is not familiar with qi practitioners' practice, so he can only rely on his own enlightenment for countless years.Now that I have a master, I can get systematic guidance, coupled with my own countless years of accumulation, it is natural to learn from one another, and the Taoism has made great progress!

Kong Xuan's Nine Turns Immortal Life and Death Profound Art has been cultivated to the fifth level, while the other nine avatars have broken through to the fifth level peak.Kong Xuan has continuously refined and evolved the flesh cells for billions of years, and at the same time planted spiritual thoughts in the core of all cells. These cells have produced strange changes in the continuous evolution for countless years!

Physical cells and spiritual thoughts have absorbed a lot of energy over the past billions of years, and have evolved into unique conscious life forms with simple consciousness.Hundreds of billions of unique conscious life forms are combined to form Kong Xuan's powerful physical body. The billions of conscious life forms take Kong Xuan's consciousness as the center; at the same time, they can survive independently, and these individuals have the ability to absorb energy and evolve continuously!

Kong Xuan's Nine Turns Immortal Life and Death Mysterious Art has been continuously improved over the years. It has been calculated from the initial calculation of a life-and-death test to break through a first-level kung fu. Xuan also knows that this exercise is getting more and more difficult to practice now, and now he can only practice it by himself!

For those who have comprehended the Dao Sword's Indestructible Sword Body Dafa, if they want to make progress, they can only continue to comprehend hundreds of millions of formations and comprehend hundreds of millions of rules! The practice of "Dao Sword" is also divided into different levels. In Kong Xuan's deduction, the highest level of Dao Sword is based on hundreds of millions of rules!Wherever the mind reaches, hundreds of millions of rules will follow, and where the mind reaches, hundreds of millions of formations will be formed in an instant!Wherever the mind reaches, billions of thunder calamities wave to it!

Of course, all of these are just countless billions of times of deduction in the conscious world. To reach such a state, at least one must fully realize the supreme rule of one side. It is still too early for Kong Xuan now!

The millions of children who were accepted in the martial arts world have all grown up and successfully survived the catastrophe, and many of them have even certified as golden immortals!Kong Xuan took great care in cultivating them. These practitioners all practice the martial arts skills that Kong Xuan deduced based on their respective racial characteristics!

Begin to learn all kinds of cultural etiquette knowledge in early childhood. For hundreds of millions of years, all cultivators are omniscient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and after taking shape, they have a good image!Both men and women are dressed in white like Kong Xuan, personable and extraordinary!

Kong Xuan implements a parallel approach of technology and practice in the world of martial arts.The supplies used in daily life are all provided by the factory managed by the bio-robots refined by Kong Xuan. Various villas, networks, smart brains, and various technological appliances reappear in the world of martial arts. Over the countless years, these types have formed Unique lifestyle!There are countless families formed between cultivators and cultivators. After hundreds of millions of years, the world of martial arts has exceeded [-] million people!

Kong Xuan became the only god believed in in the martial arts world. Since Kong Xuan's space-time godhead received the power of faith and changed, Kong Xuan finally found a way to practice and upgrade the godhead.

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