Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 24: Kong Xuan Lei Huo World Body Forging 3 Clans of the Demon Sect

The sky above the outer void is an infinite layer of chaotic thunder and fire, and chaos is above the layer of chaotic fire.To enter the chaos, one needs to pass through the infinite layer of chaotic thunder and fire. If you are not at the top level of Da Luo Jinxian, you must never try to pass through the chaotic thunder and fire layer. Kong Xuan came to the outer space in addition to collecting a large number of planets, hoping to pass through the chaos. The Leihuo layer practiced the Nine Revolutions Immortal Life and Death Profound Art, which had not been advanced for a long time.

Kong Xuan's ten world powers were all activated, collecting billions of stars for tens of millions of years!When Kong Xuan was collecting extraterritorial stars, he kept comprehending the avenue trajectories of billions of stars moving in the universe. With what he had realized and countless years of Dao cultivation, he created Kong Xuan's chaotic yin and yang in the boundless void of the martial arts world. Formation, the large formation formed into the martial arts world expanded ten times in an instant, and expanded into a void world full of stars in the sky for trillions of kilometers!

Kong Xuan entered the layer of chaotic thunder and fire, and countless energy god thunders and chaotic god fires of various systems stimulated each other, and these energies were constantly produced and destroyed.When Kong Xuan entered it, countless energy thunders and fires rushed to his face. Kong Xuan called out the other nine clones from outside, and at the same time, he turned into a giant of thousands of miles and sat cross-legged in the void of the world of thunder and fire. , Kong Xuan introduced the energy of thunder and fire into the flesh and blood of the whole body through the bone cells and began to refine for billions of years.

Time slipped by like this, more than one billion years in a blink of an eye.The prehistoric battlefield has reached the most important moment, and the entire prehistoric creatures have been involved in this catastrophe. More than half of the four trillion monks of the prehistoric tribes have lost more than half, and there are less than one-third of the western demon sect members left. The masters even lost as many as three of them!Both sides began to transfer all remaining troops to the battlefield, and each invited the powerful to participate in the battle.

The three major ethnic groups invited Taoist Sanqing, Patriarch Hongjun, Patriarch Qiankun, etc. dozens of supernatural powers, and Luo Hou, the leader of the Western Demon Cult, even personally dispatched, or lured or forcibly subdued a large number of reincarnated chaotic gods and demons. Supernatural beings, thus the second decisive battle of the Pangu universe officially started (the first calamity of the chaos gods and demons, Pan Gu destroyed countless chaos demon gods, absorbed the rules of the infinite chaos demon gods, and thus proved the supernatural powers of creation).

Hongjun and Luohou are the mainstays of both sides, and they understand their respective missions.Hongjun and Luohu are originally one, and the two must be combined to prove the original source. If Hongjun wins, the future controller will be mainly Hongjun, and if Luohou wins, the future controller will be mainly Luohou.One palm is straight and the other palm is reversed, Hongjun is the Tao, Luohou is the demon; thus the Tao grows and the demon disappears, and the Tao eliminates the demon and grows.

The ones who really decide the outcome on the battlefield are the great supernatural beings above Daluo Jinxian. Dozens of supernatural beings from the Sanqing side continue to attack and fight with the quasi-sages of the Western Demon Cult. Affecting the spirit and soul, the middle and low-level monks on both sides suffered countless casualties.But the three patriarchs can no longer take care of it. If they can't win, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe of extermination of the clan!Fortunately, the three chiefs each sent hundreds of millions of children with better aptitude in the clan to the world where the three holy beasts of Qinglong, Phoenix, and Qilin suppressed the universe during the decisive battle.

At the end of the battle, only a dozen of the most powerful quasi-sages remained on both sides, and the rest were destroyed in the battle between the great supernatural beings on both sides.Luo Hou calmed down, greeted Hongjun, and led more than a dozen of his quasi-sages through countless spaces to return to the Western Continent, where Luo Hou planned to form a chaotic formation to fight against Hongjun. !

Hongjun's face was expressionless, but he just signaled Taoist Sanqing and others to adjust their breathing to recover from their injuries and prepare for the final battle!

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