Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 28: After the Pangu universe catastrophe, the newly born martial arts world has greatly impr

Let's say that one day after billions of years of the East-West War, mysterious and yellow merits suddenly descended from the sky in several places in the prehistoric universe, but it was Hongjun who successfully merged with Luohou's original source, ended the calamity and occupied the entire prehistoric luck, so the infinite mysterious and yellow merits descended from the sky Hongjun.At the same time, the quasi-sages (except for the three patriarchs) who participated in the calamity and survived have also more or less received Xuanhuang merit rewards.Among them, Daoist Sanqing, who was Hongjun's apprentice, gained the most, and although Kong Xuan only participated in the battle of breaking the sword formation, because of his outstanding performance in this battle and killed the opponent's four quasi-sages, he gained little merit. Worse than Taoist Sanqing!

The merit that Kong Xuan received from the heavens, although not as much as the merits gained from saving trillions of resentful spirits, is still considerable, and Xuanhuang's merit cloud has grown a lot because of this!Kong Xuan thought to himself that Hongjun should have completely killed Luohou to have merit from heaven. With Hongjun's cultivation base at this time, he should have already certified the position of saint. It seems that the time for Taoist priest to preach is approaching!

At this time, the Pangu universe has been opened for more than 120 billion years. After the Great War between the East and the West, there are no living creatures in the wild. Most of the strong innate races were destroyed in the war. Of course, there are many foresighted people who avoided it early The catastrophe survived.

In the billions of years after the war, due to the loss of inheritance of most of the cultivation techniques, most of the newly born ordinary creatures were unable to cultivate immortality and have a long lifespan.Only the descendants of some powerful races can continue to practice with the inheritance memory, and become the strongest after the three major races.

Of course, this does not include the practitioners in the world of Kongxuan. After billions of years of development, the creatures in the world of Kongxuan, although there are less than one billion creatures, most of them have quite good cultivation bases!Since the original millions of children (hereafter referred to as the first generation of the Tianzu) have been genetically repaired by Kong Xuan, the blood of the first generation of the Tianzu has become the purest descendants of the royal family in their respective races.This also makes it difficult to have offspring, and there will be less than one billion offspring in billions of years!

However, the cultivation talents of these Tianzu generations are quite good!For countless years, all the generations of the Celestial Clan have broken through to the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, many have even reached the Da Luo Tian Wonderland, and even hundreds of powerful ones have broken through to the Da Luo Jin Fairy Realm!The world of martial arts has been passed down to the sixth generation, and the fifth generation has basically broken through to the immortal way. Even those who cannot practice at all can still live as ordinary creatures by cloning their bodies!

The billions of planets in Kong Xuan's world are divided into five major star domains, and each star domain has more than a dozen stars as the source of light and heat. After years of Kong Xuan's transformation, most of the planets have the power to allow ordinary creatures to survive normally. green ecosystem.In the martial arts world, in addition to intelligent life, Kong Xuan also created a large number of non-intelligent ordinary animals through gene cloning. Kong Xuan created all the millions of land and sea life forms in his memory. These animals are only ordinary Since there is no soul, there is no possibility of practice at all.Kong Xuan placed them in the ocean and land respectively according to their living habits. After the planetary transformation was completed, he placed a large number of various animals and plants on billions of planets.For billions of years, most of the creatures on the planet have a complete ecological chain of animals and plants.

In the world of martial arts, apart from the fact that there is no return, all creatures, the sun, the moon, and the stars all conform to the trajectory of the Dao.Billions of years ago, Kong Xuan surpassed trillions of resentful spirits and obtained immeasurable black and yellow merit from the sky. Kong Xuan's Taoism was raised to the peak state of the late quasi-sage, and the martial arts world of the main consciousness and the nine worlds of clones all evolved to the middle thousand world. Just relying on the martial arts cultivation base of the main body, he has the strength to compete with the great supernatural powers of the late quasi-sage.

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