Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 3 Changing the world and changing the planet for the three enlightenment rules of good fortu

After Yan Nanfei completed the manufacture of the spaceship and the biological intelligence brain, he thought that he would not be able to break through for a while, so why not understand the rules of creation.With the life technology in outer space and his own comprehension, he can obtain a new breakthrough in the body of the immortal sword by transforming a planet.After many days of consideration, Mars was chosen as the object of transformation. Yan Nanfei notified all the emperor-level monks on the earth to tell the reason, and got the participation of all emperor-level monks.

Taking the earth as a blueprint, Yan Nanfei used alien technology and practitioners' refining means to refine a cosmic energy conversion network system that spreads throughout the void. This system can continuously absorb cosmic energy, various harmful and harmless light substances, including solar energy Transform it into light and heat that humans, animals and plants can withstand, and use supernatural powers to change the crustal plates of Mars on a large scale, and move the hard ice formed at extremely low temperatures deep underground to the low depressions to melt and form oceans , rivers, lakes, and turn countless tons of seawater into rainwater and scatter it to deserts or dry places on the planet.After more than ten years of numerous transformations, the temperature on Mars finally returned to normal. Practitioners began to plant a large number of plant seeds in mountains, fields, and plains, and each of them was responsible for ensuring the survival of plants on a piece of land. Decades later, the Mars The living environment will be greatly improved, and it will become the first habitable planet outside the earth.

After transforming the planet and arranging trivial matters, Yan Nanfei began to re-train the Indestructible Sword Body Dafa on the highest peak of the earth.The Indestructible Sword Body Dafa cultivates pure spiritual energy. This exercise was obtained by Yan Nanfei's ancestors, but no one was able to practice it before that. The Indestructible Sword Body Dafa is divided into two levels.The first level: the pure sword skills of the sword. The left side of the word "refutation" is a horse, which means fast, and the double x on the right side means double swords.Sword rebuttal refers to the skill of using two swords to repel and strike each other, and change the direction of the sword. This is basically the most basic martial art for practicing superior swordsmanship.

Look at the nose with the eyes, watch the heart with the nose, close your eyes and look around, and enter the ancient well without waves.Even with Yan Nanfei's talent, rebuilding this set of most basic sword skills actually cost him a month of meditation time.After waking up from meditation, he opened his eyes, and the light of the half-inch sword shot out from his eyes.The sword skills learned before with the left hand, and the sword with the right hand, used the left and right strikes to fight each other.The final result is obviously, it is reasonable for the refuting swordsmanship to rank among the ultimate swordsmanship in the world of kendo.A slight collision of the two swords will change the trajectory of the kendo. No matter how perfect the sword moves are, under this ever-changing cross-cutting sword technique, there will always be a broken anchor, and they will be killed in one fell swoop.

The second level of mind, controlling the sword.There is another name for the art of controlling the sword, controlling the sword with qi, which is the legendary art of the sword fairy, controlling the sword with qi, taking the head of the enemy thousands of miles away, this is not a legend, at least Yan Nanfei has come into contact with this sword technique .The word Yu, the left horse means the speed of the sword flying, and there is a horizontal line on the x on the right, which means that one sword is the breath. The essence of the sword control technique is two swords. The handle of the sword has been replaced by Qi, and Qi is used to change the trajectory of the sword.

Practicing the art of controlling the sword requires very strict internal strength and consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, to practice the art of controlling the sword, one must first have extremely strong internal strength.But unfortunately, there is no formula for improving internal strength in the mental method of the Indestructible Sword Body Dafa. It seems that the founder thought that the person who practiced this mental method was himself a strong person with a certain level of martial arts.

Yan Nanfei's talents are numerous, and he was born with the ability to never forget.My own family's martial arts, there are as many as [-] secret records of various martial arts in the Dragon Group, and there are countless Buddhist, Taoist, witch and demon cultivation methods, which are mainly divided into two categories: one is physical training methods, and the other is spiritual training methods , Buddhism and Taoism focus on cultivating gods, and witches and demons focus on physical training.God refiner: to practice the primordial spirit, to train the body: to practice oneself!This is most similar to martial arts practitioners.The Sword Body of Indestructible Consciousness is very domineering, Yan Nanfei deeply felt that this exercise does not have a strong physical body, and if it continues to practice, it will not be able to withstand the impact of this exercise.In Yan Nanfei's sea of ​​consciousness, he kept deducing the countless classics he had read, and after decades, he finally created the matching exercise with the Immortal Sword Body Dafa, the first two layers of the Nine Turns Immortal Life and Death Mysterious Art.

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