Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 32: The great gods who practiced madly in the chaos finally arrived at Zixiao Palace

When Kong Xuan entered the chaos, his divine sense swept through the void. In the wild, he could easily sweep trillions of kilometers of divine sense, but in the chaos, he could only scan hundreds of thousands of kilometers. This is because Kong Xuan's divine sense has the ability to neutralize any energy It would be great if the spiritual consciousness of a Qi trainer can sweep hundreds of kilometers away!

There is an infinite source of chaotic energy in the chaos. Pangu opened up the prehistoric universe and evolved billions of substances. As the saying goes: Chaos Wuji produces Taiji, Taiji transforms Yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang form two forms, two forms produce three talents, three talents transform four phenomena, and four Like forming five elements, five elements transforming into Liuhe, Liuhe turning into seven stars, seven stars acting in eight trigrams, eight trigrams acting in nine palaces, chaotic origin gas is the source of everything in the universe.

Kong Xuan summoned the world of Taiji Yin-Yang and Five Elements and hidden it in the void behind his head. The world of Taiji Yin-Yang and Five Elements transformed into each other and evolved into a huge chaotic world. In the chaotic world, there are seven acquired treasures with a height of one million miles.

A large amount of chaotic source qi was absorbed into the chaotic world. Kong Xuan's seven avatars turned into thousands of miles of giants, and faced the chaotic source airflow, or grasped, or clapped, or punched, or kicked, and decomposed the chaotic source airflow into hundreds of pieces. Thousands of times the chaotic Yin-Yin and five-element source qi, and these chaotic Yin-Yang and five-element source qi are all absorbed by the seven ancestral dragon veins in the seven million-mile giant peaks under the action of the power of the world, and the seven ancestral dragon veins are constantly absorbing the source qi A new evolution has begun!

The clothes on Kong Xuan's body were eroded and destroyed by the primordial energy of chaos as soon as they entered the chaos.Since billions of years ago when he forged his body in the chaotic thunder-fire layer for more than one billion years, and reached the peak of the sixth layer of the Nine-Turn Immortal Life-and-Death Mystery Art, his physical body has become equivalent to a top-level innate spiritual treasure. Kong Xuan has not tried pain for a long time. Feel it!However, the erosion of Chaos Origin Qi made Kong Xuan start to feel pain, which made Kong Xuan very happy, because Kong Xuan's Indestructible Mysterious Art has not improved for a long time

Kong Xuan transformed himself into a giant of thousands of miles, and at the same time refined a pair of shorts with Chaos Origin Qi. Following the guidance of his soul, he ran slowly in the direction of Chaos, and let the pores of his body continuously absorb Chaos Origin Qi while running.Now every cell in Kong Xuan's body is an energy world, and the energy world is the energy body formed by the countless evolutions of Kong Xuan's spiritual sutra.Countless years of continuous life-and-death transformation have made these cells very powerful, and each cell can be transformed into another Kong Xuan individually after being isolated.

The absorption of chaotic origin gas can no longer affect their survival, and the characteristic of chaotic origin gas that contains everything and destroys everything is the direction that energy cells want to evolve.Chaos source gas is sucked into the energy world of cells through countless pores, and these energy cells gradually become more inclusive and destructive in the process of continuous absorption and transformation!

There is no time in the chaos, Kong Xuan sinks his mind into every cell world while jogging, every step he takes lightly has already passed a million miles, and he does not know how long he has run in ecstasy.Suddenly his mind was lifted, and Kong Xuan only felt a very attractive aura coming from trillions of miles ahead.Follow the feeling and continue to move forward. I don't know how long it took before a huge palace finally appeared in front of it. The palace emitted gray light to resist the source of chaos for thousands of miles. In front of the palace, there seemed to be many great supernatural beings sitting cross-legged in front of Zixiao Palace. Restoration of pranayama!

Kong Xuan walked a hundred miles away from the main entrance of the palace, and saw that the palace exuded a very simple atmosphere, and this atmosphere was the atmosphere of the avenue. On the plaque at the main entrance of the palace, there were three mysterious and very large characters of Zixiao Palace.Kong Xuan collected his real body for thousands of miles and looked at the great gods, only to find Taoist Taishang, Taoist Yuanshi, and Taoist Tongtian staring at him curiously!Kong Xuan suddenly realized that he was still wearing shorts, apparently Kong Xuan's clothes frightened them.

Kong Xuan couldn't help but blushed, casually made a suit of clothes and put them on, and at the same time stepped forward to meet the elders.

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