Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 34: All the great gods have the opportunity to hear the Dao, and each has their own enlighte

Taoist Sanqing and Kong Xuan walked directly to the innermost layer, and many gods who followed were stopped by countless space restrictions on the way, and only Taoist Sanqing and Kong Xuan were left when they reached the innermost space. , Nuwa, Taiyi, Dijun, Kunpeng, Zhenyuanzi, Qiankun Patriarch, Yiqi Patriarch, Jieyin Taoist, Zhundi Taoist and other ten great supernatural beings.

The gods stepped forward to try one by one, and Sanqing Daoist relied on his strong strength to deter him, and easily got the first three seats.Kong Xuan already knew in his heart who these seats belonged to, so he didn't try whether he could sit down, but just said to the great gods: This seat is not destined for me, so he opened the space and sat on the first seat on the second floor .

After countless attempts, although the gods could easily enter the space where the seat was located, they were not recognized by the seat.In the end, only Nuwa, Jieyin and Zhuncaimen got the fourth, fifth and sixth seats.

Taiyi and the others had no choice but to retreat to the second floor space, occupying a few seats in front of the second floor space.

In this way, the seats from the first floor to the ninth floor, after the continuous attempts of the great gods, finally got the seats that fit their own strength and opportunity.

Suddenly the bell rang... .Nine rings in a row, and a child's voice sounded: Hongjun Daozu has arrived!

Daoist Hongjun himself appeared on the cloud platform silently, Hongjun looked at the gods and said: You are all people with great chances to come here, so let's sit like this in the future!There should be no disputes in the future.

From now on, I will give lectures on the Law of the Great Dao three times, once every 30 billion years, and each time for 8000 million years.

Hongjun Daozu started from the beginning of chaos, the birth of the infinite, the yin and yang have not been judged, the five elements have not been divided, and the billions of things in the world are just nothingness:

Before the heaven and the earth first opened, there were things mixed together, born innately, lonely and lonely, independent and unchanging, traveling in circles without dying, and could be the mother of heaven and earth. ""I don't know its name, the strong word is called Dao, and the strong name is called Da."

Big is death, death is far, and far is reverse.Therefore, the Dao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the spirit is also big.There are four major domains, and Wanling is one of them.The spirit follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.Under the Dao, the heaven and the earth are the key link, and all existence is the Dao.Therefore, the so-called Dao is everywhere, and the Tao is everywhere. "

Hongjun's first sermon, he first gave a general outline, and then began to practice from the basic breathing of living beings, to the transformation of spiritual objects, and then he spoke one by one, with a faint voice,

It can be heard throughout the prehistoric world, and the sound is illusory. The lowest level of everyone in the hall is Daluo Jinxian. It is not very difficult to listen, so everyone's face is full of tears

Comfortable and relaxed, while listening to Hongjun's sermon, they confirmed the shortcomings of their respective cultivation methods, and each supplemented and perfected their cultivation methods.

At this time, Kong Xuan, who was sitting on the futon, suddenly felt sleepy when he heard it, and he was very boring. The method of self-cultivation is much better than what Hongjun said. but also

But that’s it, Kong Xuan who was full of expectations was disappointed for a while, but fortunately he remembered that this was Daoist Hongjun, and that was his own master, so he couldn’t sleep, so he listened with energy.

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