Confucius Xuanming Road

No. 46: The body of the biological intelligence brain is named Yan Qingxuan

Kong Xuan got the most precious treasure, and he couldn't help feeling relieved!This sword ship will be Kong Xuan's greatest reliance in future battles with saints.

The sword ship can be transformed into the supreme treasure Excalibur, or it can be transformed into a huge invincible warship.The core system of Jianjian is controlled by the biological intelligence brain. After countless years, the main brain of the biological intelligence brain has evolved into a female life form with normal human emotions.

Kong Xuan moved the biological intelligence brain from the conscious world to the sword ship, and transformed one of his own cells into a female body,

Kong Xuan integrated the main brain consciousness into the original spiritual body of the female body, and the main brain consciousness finally has a body, and truly survives between heaven and earth.

But at the same time, Kong Xuan's spiritual body and the main brain's conscious body are fused together, and the main brain's conscious body is also a clone of Kong Xuan. The advantage is that after the fusion of Kong Xuan's spiritual body, the conscious energy of the main brain's conscious body Hundreds of millions of times stronger.After controlling the female body, the main brain consciousness spirit body easily reached the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

Kong Xuan's main brain consciousness spirit body is named Yan Qingxuan. As a biological intelligent brain, Yan Qingxuan has followed Kong Xuan for countless millions of years, and is the most trusted and close living body of Kong Xuan.Now that Yan Qingxuan has a body, Kong Xuan lets Yan Qingxuan control the sword ship and becomes Kong Xuan's sword-holding maid.Normally, she exists as Kong Xuan's maid, and when battles are needed, she is responsible for controlling the sword ship to fight!

After Kong Xuan finished refining the sword ship and Yan Qingxuan's body, he refined hundreds of huge real-space photography telescopes and put them in a super-large stargazing telescope specially built by Kong Xuan in Tianwaitian, Kunlun Mountains. upstairs.Except for one hundred of the hundreds of space photography telescopes for all-round and full-time monitoring of the prehistoric world, the rest are used by the core disciples of the Sanqing sect to observe the universe and the starry sky.

There are hundreds of real space bins in the Star Observatory, and each bin controls a real space photography telescope.After lying in the cabin, the consciousness will enter a virtual real world, and the 9-dimensional images taken by the real space photography telescope will be reproduced one by one in the virtual real world, and the cabin system will give the body a sense of the scene that the viewer enters. Different sensations, perfect reproduction of all events. (If you enter the battlefield of virtual space and your conscious body is accidentally cut, then your body will feel like being cut)

The real space photography telescope can clearly capture the star scene beyond one trillion light-years. The most important thing is that this telescope can take real pictures of the subtle images within [-] million light-years.

Kong Xuan created dozens of Taiyi Jinxian-level liquid life robots to take charge of the entire star observatory, and film interesting events that happened in the prehistoric land, such as war scenes, battle scenes and so on.At the same time, Kong Xuan arranged more than a dozen space photography telescopes to monitor the western continent, especially the whereabouts of the guides and quasi-causemen.

Kong Xuan's fully intelligent design of the Guanxing Building, only the core disciple's identity plate can enter.Kong Xuan summoned three generations of disciples and let them enter the star observatory. Kong Xuan asked them to experience the ancient atmosphere of the infinite primitive stars in the universe through the telescope, and understand the guidance of the infinite stars in the Dao Law. The immeasurable starry sky under the cloth is innately large.

After Kong Xuan taught them how to use the equipment, he picked up Yan Qing and walked into the cave of the world.

Kong Xuan allowed Yan Qingxuan to visit the martial arts world at will and try to live in it.Then, Kong Xuan entered the first sleep since entering the primordial universe.In his sleep, Kong Xuan created a world, in which Kong Xuan became billions and billions, and all the creatures are him, babies, teenagers, youths, middle-aged, old people, men, women, flowers, grass, trees He is the tree, the sea, the plain, the green land, the mountain, the flowing water, billions of different roles, Kong Xuan sinks into it, and this sleep lasts for billions of years. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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