Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 54: Earth Soul Taoist Returns Kong Xuan Opens up a Cosmos of Consciousness in Dream

The earth soul Taoist directly carried out a large space transfer to Kunlun Mountain Tianwaitian through the moment of fusion with the world of the body.

The moment Taoist Earth Soul entered Kunlun Mountain, Taoist Sanqing sensed an incomparably powerful regular force that broke through the space and entered the sky beyond the sky of Kunlun Mountain. Taoist Sanqing swept over with his tyrannical spiritual sense and found that it was Kong Xuan's Earth Soul The avatar is back.

Taoist Sanqing still knew about Kong Xuan's earth soul avatar.The first time Zixiao Palace came back from listening to the Tao, it was back to the prehistoric with the earth soul clone.After returning to the prehistoric, the soul avatar did not return to Kunlun Mountain, but made a great vow to preach the world when traveling in the prehistoric, so that although the power of Kunlun Mountain rarely appeared in the prehistoric, it became the most respected by the entire prehistoric monks Xuanmen Holy Land.

As a result, although Kunlun Mountain did not compete for prehistoric luck, Kunlun Mountain accounted for more than [-]% of prehistoric luck.Even if,

Both Lich clans have tens of billions of fighting power, and there are more than a dozen quasi-sage masters in the clan. However, they dare not show any disrespect to the two major races of Kunlun Mountain.At the beginning, Kong Xuan's earth soul avatar displayed strength in Buzhou Mountain, and the leaders of the Lich still felt so powerless even though they had now certified as the late quasi-sage.Therefore, although Kunlun Mountain was not born, it was respected by the prehistoric creatures as one of the greatest forces in the prehistoric, and gained more than [-]% of luck.

Thus, Taoist Sanqing successfully attained the sub-sage, and most of the three generations of disciples attained the Daluo Jinxian Daoguo.

Therefore, Kong Xuan's earth soul Taoist avatar has a very high status in the mind of Sanqing Taoist.Although he is Kong Xuan's avatar, the avatar is the body, and the body is also the avatar. This is what Kong Xuan told Taoist Sanqing.

As long as there is a clone, even if the body is completely destroyed, the destroyed body can be summoned back through the rules through the clone.This is the greatest mystery of Kong Xuan's immortality.Of course, no one knows this.

The Heavenly Soul Taoist and the Earth Soul Taoist directly entered the world of martial arts, and at the same time called Kong Xuan's other avatars, and the avatars entered Kong Xuan's cave, only to see Kong Xuan sleeping soundly.Two souls and seven souls entered Kong Xuan's conscious world, and the avatars were amazed. They didn't expect the main body to unknowingly open up the conscious world into a complete universe.

The size of this world is comparable to the Pangu universe, and everything is transformed by the consciousness energy of Kong Xuan's body, perfect and real, whether it is mountains, green land, vast oceans, lakes, plains, sky full of stars, all creatures, everything It is all transformed by Kong Xuan's consciousness energy, and the protagonist here is just one, Kong Xuan's main consciousness.

Now, Kong Xuan's main consciousness has been immersed in it for billions of years, and at the time flow rate of the consciousness world, it may have passed tens of trillions of years.One of the main gods has become the supreme god of creation in this world, the supreme god of creation in this world, and there are nine main gods of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, life, and good fortune under him. , the Supreme God of Creation has ruled the entire universe for tens of billions of years.

In this universe, everything is evolving, countless stars in the universe are constantly evolving, and billions of creatures in the universe are also constantly becoming stronger through practice.The rules controlled by the nine main gods are getting more and more perfect, and the power of the supreme creation god is getting stronger and stronger.The continuous improvement of the rules makes the entire universe continue to expand.

And the moment the avatar came in, the Supreme God of Creation knew it.In a blink of an eye, the Supreme Creation God had already arrived in front of the two spirits and the seven spirits.Supreme Creation Shinto: Who are you waiting for? Why did you enter my universe? Why did you wait? It gives me a very familiar feeling.

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