Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 58: Taoist Tongtian 1 Sword Breaks Zhoutian

Daoist Yuanshi and Taoist Tongtian scanned hundreds of millions of miles of void with their spiritual senses, and found two fighting camps, all of them were monks with great supernatural powers from the two races of Liches, and one was Tiandi Jun, the demon master Kunpeng and three thousand warriors. 650 Great Luo Jinxians set up the next Zhou Tian Xingdou big formation to trap four ancestral witches, one is the demon queen Xihe, Nanhuang Fuxi, more than 1 Daluo Jinxians and more than ten Daluo Xuanxians. The ancestors and witches fought together.

The Heavenly Emperor Dijun was better off just trapping and killing the Four Great Ancestral Witches, but the demon queen Xihe and the Southern Emperor Fuxi were all fighting hand to hand, fighting endlessly.After tens of millions of years of fighting, the combat power of the Da Luo Jinxian level on both sides has basically lost [-]%. All suffered heavy losses.

Taoist Yuanshi and Taoist Tongtian glanced at each other, and one person was in charge of directly breaking through the space to go to the two battlefields.Daoist Tongtian came to the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, and he couldn't help but admire it in his heart. It really deserves to be one of the top formations in the prehistoric era.

Taoist Tongtian directly broke through the periphery of the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation and entered the world. Taoist Tongtian swept it with his spiritual consciousness, and the world formed by the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation was boundless, and even Taoist Tongtian's spiritual consciousness could not reach the border , There are stars everywhere in the immeasurable void.I saw countless huge stars smashing into the four great ancestor witches who were incarnated tens of thousands of miles high, and the four great ancestor witches punched or kicked the countless stars one by one, even if they were hit by the stars, they were not injured.

Taoist Tongtian raised his voice and said: Taoist Taoist Tongtian of the poor Taoist Sanqing is here. Emperor Wangtian withdrew the Zhoutian star battle formation. The two clans of liches have been fighting for countless years, which has caused the destruction of countless creatures in the prehistoric world. Let's stop fighting for now!The sound penetrates to every corner of the world like a silk thread.For a long time, but did not get any response.

Daoist Tongtian sighed, it seems that he has not made a move for a long time, and the world has forgotten about my Tongtian!After speaking, a divine sword with an endless breath of destruction appeared in his hand.

Daoist Tongtian shook his whole body and turned into a giant of thousands of miles, and the sword of destruction in his hand turned into a length of millions of miles. Taoist Tongtian stroked the giant sword lightly, with a gentle expression in his eyes as if the most cherished thing, a sword intent that soared into the sky for billions of miles followed out to fill the whole world.Taoist Tongtian shouted loudly: Hey!The giant sword drew a mysterious trajectory, and the destructive sword energy broke through the immeasurable void for billions of miles, and the entire immeasurable world suddenly collapsed. The emperor of heaven, Kunpeng, the demon master, and thousands of Da Luo Jinxian fell to the prehistoric continent.

The four great ancestor witches were trying their best to smash the stars, and suddenly found that the world collapsed, and the four of them were in the prehistoric continent. After scanning the divine sense, they found that the demon clan emperor, the demon master Kunpeng and thousands of Da Luo Jinxian were hundreds of billions of kilometers away, and all of them were Seriously injured.The four ancestor witches found such a good thing, and quickly broke through the space to rush to the place where the gods of the monster clan are located. The four ancestor witches had just arrived at the location of the monster clan and were just about to make a move. Suddenly, a group of people appeared in front of them, easily blocking the attack of the four ancestor witches attack.

Zhu Rong said angrily, "Who are you? Why do you stop us from beheading the monster clan?"

A Taoist is a Taoist who reaches heaven.Daoist Tongtian caressed his beard and said with a long smile: Who am I? I am Taoist Tongtian of Sanqing!If it weren't for me to break through the world of Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation, you would still need to be trapped in the formation for 8000 million years!

Zhu Jiuyin was more rational, and stopped the three ancestor witches who were about to go up and have a fight with the monster gods.

Daoist Tongtian continued: "The two clans of liches have fought for countless years. Let's see how many creatures are left in this prehistoric continent?"Nearly [-]% of the creatures in the prehistoric world were destroyed in the Lich War. You can see how much crime this is.

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