Nuwa put a grain of Nine Heaven Breathing Soil and three drops of Sanguang Shenshui into the Qiankun Cauldron, immeasurable magic power began to pour into the Qiankun Cauldron, and the power of creation of the Qiankun Cauldron began to fuse the Breathing Soil and Shenshui together, and the Breathing Soil gradually changed. It grows bigger and bigger, and gradually turns into a substance full of life force that is tens of thousands of miles in size.Nuwa dripped four drops of blood essence into the living matter, and Sanqing and Kong Xuan each dripped one drop of blood essence into the living matter.

As soon as Kong Xuan's blood essence entered the Qiankun Ding, it turned into a thousand-mile size, which contained amazing energy. Eight drops of blood essence entered the living matter. good fortune.

Thousands of years later, tens of thousands of miles of living matter were transformed into more than [-] human-shaped life forms. Once these human-shaped life forms were formed, they automatically flew out of the universe tripod, floating in the void, motionless, and there was no aura in their eyes.Nuwa, Sanqing Daoren, and Kong Xuan prayed to the sky in unison: the Dao is above, and now we are a creature of good fortune, born with a hundred orifices, intelligent, and named after Pangu in the shape of a human being.Hope it works out!

As soon as the voices of the five gods fell, purple clouds descended from the immeasurable void, stretching for [-] million miles, and the heavenly sounds of fragrant flowers descended into the world.The [-]-mile purple cloud descended with a purple beam of light covering more than [-] people.After dozens of breaths, the purple clouds dispersed, and more than a hundred thousand people's spiritual wisdom was opened, and they all bowed down in front of Nuwa's five supreme gods, shouting: Holy Mother, Goddess!All Creation Divine Grace!

The immeasurable innate great merits and virtues descended from the immeasurable void, [-]% fell on Nuwa, and the other [-]% were evenly distributed among Sanqing Daoist and Kong Xuan.On the Qingyun above the Taoist Nuwa's head, two worlds, good and evil, are manifested.

The two big worlds continued to rotate, blend and transform. After the immeasurable merits entered, the two big worlds began to expand continuously, and after dozens of breaths, there was a big earthquake!The big world turned into a chaotic universe of nothingness.

There is a huge purple beam of light in the center of the chaotic universe. This beam of light is the origin of the chaotic universe transformed by the primordial purple energy. Taoist Nvwa's entire body melts into nothingness and merges into the origin of the chaotic universe.

The chaotic origin gas in the chaotic universe is constantly shrinking and compressing towards the center.I don't know what happened, there was a loud bang!In the chaotic universe, Wuji gave birth to Taiji, Taiji gave birth to Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang transformed the five elements, and the five elements transformed all things, and countless stars began to evolve.The clear ones go up and the turbid ones fall, and mountains, green lands, plains, and rivers begin to form.Countless years in the chaotic universe, and for a while in the wild, the Nuwa universe was formed.

Nuwa walked out of the boundless void of the universe, and bursts of powerful coercion centered on Nuwa to press on all directions of the prehistoric universe. The law of the great way simultaneously sent down infinite energy, light rain, fragrant flowers, and divine sounds to congratulate Nuwa for her achievement of the highest law and countless living beings. Under the coercion, she knelt and worshiped in the direction of Nuwa. Nuwa achieved the holy way because of her ability to create life.

Taoist Sanqing and Kong Xuan stepped forward and said: Congratulations to the saint Nuwa for her achievement of the holy way.Nuwa sage smiled and said: I just take a step first!

Tai Shangdao said humanely: So, the human beings have been created, and our opportunity has come, two junior brothers, let's start!

Taishang, Yuanyuan, and Tongtian said in unison: I, Pangu Taishang Taoist, Yuanshi Taoist, and Tongtian Taoist established a great teaching to educate all living beings in accordance with the will of the Taoist ancestors. Today, the three of us jointly established a teaching called "Tao". The beginning of billions of things in the world, all living beings in the universe can seek the Tao, all those who have the heart to the Tao, all those who are virtuous, can enter and be enlightened by my teaching. We use the Chaos Taiji Diagram, Chaos Pangu Banner, The Chaos Destroyer Sword suppresses Taoism's luck, and Taoism is established.The voice of Taoist Sanqing pervaded the entire prehistoric universe.

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