Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 65: Kong Xuan Nether Realm Rectification Order Clone Incarnation Wheel Chapter

Kong Xuan broke through the space and entered the nether world. The nether world is the resting place of the cosmic creatures after death. All living beings can enter the nether world after death as long as their true spirits are still alive. Maybe one day they will have the chance to reincarnate reincarnation.Nether Realm is the boundary universe of Pangu's prehistoric universe, but there are no prehistoric stars in this boundary universe, only a moon with a size of hundreds of millions of miles hangs in the depths of the endless void, and there are lands as vast as boundless, endless The dark ocean, countless bone mountains, the fire of the underworld, and hundreds of millions of endless souls.

Kong Xuan's tyrannical divine sense swept across, and the location of reincarnation in the Netherworld was clear at a glance. At this time, the reincarnation location in the Netherworld was not divided into six realms. Souls that entered the reincarnation would have their memories and cultivation levels erased, and they would be randomly reincarnated as unknown creatures.

Kong Xuan began to transcend thousands of trillions of souls full of resentment. At this time, Kong Xuan's cultivation was only tens of thousands of years, and the resentment in the entire Netherworld was wiped out.Kong Xuan began to talk about the method of ghost practice. Ghost practice is divided into: ghost soldiers, ghost messengers, ghost spirits, ghost generals, ghost commanders, ghost immortals, ghost kings, Taiyi ghost kings, Daluo ghost kings, ghost mothers, and Taiyi ghosts. Ghost mother, Daluo ghost mother, ghost emperor, Taiyi ghost emperor, Daluo ghost emperor, and ghost gods, Taiyi ghost gods, Daluo ghost gods.Each level is divided into twelve levels.

The voice of Kong Xuan's preaching spread throughout the Netherworld. Hundreds of billions of souls or soul imprints began to practice unconsciously. Become a new living body of practice, a ghost practitioner.

Kong Xuan selected dozens of people with excellent qualifications and virtues, passed down the skills above immortality, refined 10 artifacts and built [-] ghost cities, each ghost city can hold trillions.Kong Xuan refined [-] Houtian Lingbao and turned them into [-] hells to imprison the evil souls who committed the most crimes.Kong Xuan set up five ghost emperors, ten kings of Hades, one hundred thousand judges, tens of millions of ecstasy and impermanence, and hundreds of millions of guides.In this way, after [-] years, the order of all the nether world will be cleared up immediately, and all cities in the nether world will have functional management, and there will be no more ghosts devouring each other.

Kong Xuan used his supernatural powers to transform the environment of the Netherworld, and moved a large number of forests from the prehistoric universe and planted them in the Netherworld after transformation. These plants can absorb many evil, evil, and turbid qi produced by the Netherworld after transformation and transform them into ghosts to survive and live. The yin qi needed for practice.

Hundreds of millions of years later, five ghost emperors, ten kings of Hades, one hundred thousand judges, tens of millions of ecstasies, and hundreds of millions of guides with bull-headed horse faces respectively certified as ghost kings, ghost immortals, ghost commanders, ghost generals, and ghosts. , The Nether Realm finally had initial strength.

Kong Xuan came to the place of reincarnation, and a person slowly walked out of his body, which was the avatar of the heaven and earth reincarnation lotus.

The six paths of poverty have seen the deity, and the six paths of heaven and earth reincarnation lotus salute Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan said with a smile: You don't need to be too polite to be one body, but you need to undertake the matter here.

Liu Dao said with a solemn face; I will do my part to do such a great meritorious deed.

The Six Paths bowed to the sky: Today, I look at the prehistoric creatures. After death, there is no soul to rely on. Now I build a hundred thousand giant cities in the nether world, set up five ghost emperors, ten halls of Hades, one hundred thousand judges, and thousands of ecstasy and impermanence. , Hundreds of millions of bull-headed horse faces and the order of the entire netherworld.But under the Dao, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil!My six paths are willing to use myself to transform the six paths of reincarnation. After all living beings do not become immortals, they all enter reincarnation. The six paths are: the way of heaven, the way of Asura, the way of humanity, the way of animals, the way of evil ghosts, and the way of hell. The way of heaven is free and easy, those who kill and abuse enter the way of Asura, those who have no achievements and no achievements enter the way of humans, those who have more meritorious deeds enter the way of animals, and those who exceed the limit of merit enter the way of evil ghosts and the way of hell.Six paths of reincarnation, now! "

The voice of the Six Paths spread throughout the Netherworld, and then the entire prehistoric universe, the world of gods and demons, and countless worlds, billions of creatures and countless great supernatural beings heard the sound. Suddenly, countless creatures worshiped in the direction of the Netherworld without knowing it!

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