Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 70: Zhou Tianxing and the Universe Become a Lich and Desire to Fight to the Death

The cells in Kong Xuan's body first formed 365 acupoints, and the 365 acupoints were opened up into a small world of 365 squares.The small world began to absorb a large amount of chaotic source gas, and the small world became bigger and bigger under the transformation of the chaotic source gas. Countless billions of regular silk threads connected the 365-square world together.After absorbing a large amount of chaotic origin energy, these regular threads are evolved into the origin of the rules of the 365-square world, and the origin of the rules is the core of the origin of one world.

With a bang, Kong Xuan's physical cells were all transformed into countless billions of billions of cells and stars, and the cells and stars entered the 365-square rule world under the guidance of countless regular silk threads.The avatar of Kong Xuan's indestructible primordial spirit enters the elemental universe to perform billions of billions of billions of times of rule formation deduction, and at the same time, the countless cells and stars in the 365-square world are constantly evolving different Zhoutian star formations.

The formations evolved in the 365-square world became more and more mysterious, and gradually the 365-square world evolved into a big world in the evolution of rules.The countless billions of billions of cells and stars in the regular big world have absorbed a large amount of chaotic origin gas while deducing the countless billions of billions of stars in the sky, and have evolved into primitive stars with the size of hundreds of millions of miles.

The 64 billion years of the prehistoric universe and the 8 trillion years of the elemental universe have been deduced. Kong Xuan has deduced countless billions of billions of heavenly star formations. Under the guidance of a large number of avenue rules and silk threads, countless billions of billions of stars in the universe have successfully evolved.Moreover, after absorbing the infinite chaotic origin gas, the regular world has evolved into a universe of stars and stars that is billions of light years wide over countless billions of years.

Zhou Tianchen turned into a huge black hole in the universe and absorbed a large amount of chaotic source gas. The immeasurable original stars evolved into countless billions of billions of Zhou Tianxing large arrays, and the infinite chaotic source gas continued to evolve into billions of universes. Among countless billions of billions of stars, mountains, forests, plains, vast oceans, and leylines began to form, and the rules and laws in the universe were gradually perfected in the continuous evolution.

While Zhou Tianxing ruled the universe, the world of martial arts was also constantly evolving.

Wind, thunder, earth, fire, water, metal, wood, earth, yin, yang, matter, time, and space, these thirteen laws originate into countless billions of billions of regular threads.Under the guidance of these ruled threads, the billions of stars in the boundless void of the Martial Dao World continue to evolve into various Zhoutian star arrays, and the billions of stars gradually become hundreds of stars in the countless evolutions of the array. Hundreds of millions of stars, with the massive absorption and evolution of chaotic source energy, all the material components of the Martial Dao World are evolving.

In the progress of time, billions of stars evolved into billions of primitive stars in countless billions of billions of times of evolution, and the area of ​​the original continents and oceans continued to expand, gradually under the influence of rules. The martial arts world has evolved into a real rule universe.

The Zhoutian Xingchen universe evolved from Kong Xuan's physical body, while the Martial Dao universe evolved from Kong Xuan's mind fusion field. The two universes complement each other, and can change from real to virtual, and from virtual to real.

Leaving aside the matter of Kong Xuan's retreat and practice, let's look back at the two clans of liches.

After a calamity passed, the two clans of the Lich once again started a war. In this war, both the Lich and the Lich were ready to fight to determine the outcome.The Lich has all the back roads ready.The high-level officials of the two races who dominate the prehistoric and the wild are afraid to mention it again. The power of the saint makes them unable to resist at all.After years of war, the two sides have had deep grievances, and only by completely destroying each other can they be relieved.The Witch Clan even transferred tens of billions of young Witch Clans back to the birthplace of the Witch Clan, the Nine Nether Land, and the Monster Clan also hid a large number of better-qualified Monster Clans away from the Central Continent.

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