Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 73: Receiving the Great Vow of Zhundi to Prove the Sainthood

Let’s say that when the Lich clans were fully preparing for a big battle, Sanskrit voices resounded throughout the entire prehistoric universe from the western continent: “Buddha is the heart, the heart is the Buddha, and the heart and Buddha always need things. The appearance of no form is the reality, neither color nor emptiness, nor non-empty, neither coming, nor going, nor returning. There is no difference, no sameness, no presence or absence, it is difficult to let go, difficult to take, difficult to hear and look. The spiritual light inside and outside is the same everywhere, a Buddha kingdom is in a sand A grain of sand contains a thousand worlds, and one body and mind have the same dharma. To know it, you must know the formula of no heart, and it is a pure karma to be free from contamination and stagnation. Those who come here will achieve great good results."

If I have attained unsurpassed Bodhi and attained enlightenment, the Buddhaland I live in will be endowed with immeasurable, inconceivable merits and adornments.There are no hells, hungry ghosts, beasts, squirrels, and the like.All sentient beings, as well as the flame-mara world, in the three evil ways, will be born in my land, be transformed by my law, and become anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.No longer fall into evil.To get the wish is to become a Buddha.It cannot be a wish, and it is not possible to obtain the supreme enlightenment.When I become a Buddha, all living beings in the worlds of the ten directions will be born in my land.All have a purple-milled true gold body, 32 types, and a manly appearance.Upright and clean, all of the same kind.If there are differences in appearance, and there are those who are ugly, I will not attain enlightenment... When I became a Buddha, I went down from the ground to the sky, palaces, towers, ponds, flowers and trees, and all things in the land were made of immeasurable treasures. Fragrance synthesis.Its fragrance permeates the world in all directions.All sentient beings who hear about it practice Buddhist practice.If you don't, you don't get enlightenment.When I became a Buddha, I was in Buddhalands in the ten directions.All Bodhisattvas, who have heard my name, have all grasped the purity, liberation, and universal samadhi, and all the deep and total upholds, and live in samadhi, until they become Buddhas.In samadhi, always make offerings to all the immeasurable and boundless Buddhas, without losing your samadhi.If you don't, you don't get enlightenment.When I become a Buddha, all Bodhisattvas in other worlds who hear my name, practice Bodhisattva conduct, possess the foundation of virtue, and do not obtain one, two, three forbearance at that time, and those who cannot manifest non-regression in the Buddha's Dharma, do not attain correct enlightenment. . "

I would like to take this merit, solemn Buddhist Pure Land.

Reporting the fourfold grace, the three ways of suffering.

He who witnesses it all shows empathy.

Do this for your own sake, and live together in the Kingdom of Bliss.


Innumerable merits and virtues of establishing a teaching and great vows descended from heaven

The practice of guiding Taoists and quasi-suggesting Taoists is not enough, and the merits of teaching are not enough to become a saint. The two brothers and sisters made dozens of great wishes in a row, and only then did they attract the Dao Law to descend the great vow merits and prove the Tao to become a saint.

Sitting upright on the lotus platform of the top twelve innate treasures, the lotus platform below him emits twelve-color brilliance, and behind his head manifests a huge golden body holding the demon-subduing Buddha banner, illuminating the entire western continent.

Under the feet of the quasi-causeway man, he stepped on the ninth-grade lotus that was transformed from the dead golden lotus, and in his hand, the wonderful tree of the seven treasures, the innate treasure, turned into a giant tree with hundreds of billions of miles.The coercion of the saint permeates the entire Great Desolate Continent, countless creatures kneel down to the ground, and the law of the great way also sends down energy and light rain to baptize all beings to celebrate the birth of a new saint.

The lead Taoist, the quasi causeway man, established Buddhism, and from then on he was the leader of Buddhism, whose name was Amitabha, and the quasi causeway man, the second leader of Buddhism, whose name was Sakyamuni Tathagata.

After several eons of painstaking practice, Jieyin and Zhundi finally attained the Supreme Rule. Although they avoided the Holy Throne by force, they still achieved the Holy Throne after all.

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