Before he could catch his breath, the sound of "rumbling" sounded one after another, and the black robbery cloud rolled rapidly, and the momentum seemed to be substantively oppressed. A huge black lightning bolt emerged from the robbery cloud, and struck directly at him below.

Yan Nanfei once again raised his sword to meet him, his true energy poured out like ink, forming an air column armor on the surface of his body, with lightning flashes on the surface of the armor, immeasurably powerful, exuding a vast and peerless aura like the thunder god descending.

But he underestimated the power of the third thunderbolt too much. The black thunderbolt was like Thor's hammer, and it crashed on his body. It was in a straight line, and it fell on the ground from a high altitude with a "peng", and the rocky ground was violent. The body trembled, flying stones shot out, and dust covered the sky.Looking at it now, there is a huge pit of unknown depth on the ground. The sky and the earth are connected in a line, and the thunder and lightning like a nine-day black dragon meanders down.

This third thunderbolt was much more powerful than the second one, Yan Nanfei was directly beaten to the ground by the incomparably violent lightning energy, and was forced to endure the terrifying temper of thunder and lightning.

Four ways, five ways, six ways, seven ways, eight ways, under the continuous bombardment of the ninety-nine calamities, Yan Nanfei, even though his physical body has been refined by cosmic energy to become extremely powerful, it is still a strong physical body that has gone through several life and death tests. It was smashed into a puddle of flesh by the energy of the catastrophe several times and then forcibly repaired.After the eighth tribulation thunder, Yan Nanfei got 6 hours of recovery. At this time, eight days have passed, and after 6 hours of gestation, the last tribulation thunder was finally bombarded!

The black thunder and lightning meandered like a nine-day dragon, rushing down from the sky and rushing down from the sky, blasting towards Yan Nanfei with a destructive aura.

But if you look carefully, you will find that this last sky thunder is a little different. There is a purple-black thunder fire burning around the periphery, the middle layer is the largest black lightning power, and there is a faint arm-sized thunder in the center. The cyan lightning is not as violent and unstable as the black lightning. This cyan lightning is like a puddle of clear water, sparkling, and it looks extremely calm and gentle.

Under the bombardment of the first eight rounds of thunder calamity, the Nine-Turn Immortal Life and Death Mysterious Art finally entered the second threshold. Yan Nanfei fully utilized the second-level kung fu of the Nine-Turn Indestructible Life and Death Mysterious Art, and suddenly the chaotic true energy in his body Shrinking in an instant, a strange and fierce breath emanated out, and bursts of purple-gold light burst out, as if a layer of purple light had been coated on his body, like a purple-gold armored god, descending on the other world.

In the face of the most powerful lightning calamity, Yan Nanfei's actions undoubtedly seemed shocking. He only heard him shout: "One turn, annihilation." After speaking, he gave up his whole body to resist, and converged all the energy fused in his body , Thunder and lightning slammed on his body.

With a sound of "Boom", the energy-lost body, no matter how strong and hard it was forged, was torn into pieces by the lightning energy that could easily split the void, and was shot out like grains of fly ash in an instant.

In an instant, Yan Nanfei lost any aura, as if he had been annihilated by lightning, without even a soul fluctuation.

Little by little, countless purple-golden light spots flashed out, covering the entire sky.They are connected to each other, forming a huge purple gold net, covering the thunder calamity and devouring the energy of the thunder calamity at an extremely fast speed.In a short while, the power of thunder and lightning weakened a bit, and the purple gold spots all over the sky became more brilliant and more numerous.

"Turn two, Consolidate!"

Suddenly, only an ethereal sound echoed in the void, and the countless light spots retracted instantly, turning into a mass of purple-gold liquid that was constantly flowing, wriggling in the air, constantly changing and shaping its shape.

With the addition of thunder and lightning, the purple-golden liquid kept changing, and gradually condensed into a solid state, and a figure emerged.

"Three turns, body training!"

Bursts of brilliant purple-gold light erupted, and countless magical and strange symbols floated from the body of the purple-gold solid figure, entering and leaving from Zijin's body.The lightning struck it, but it had no effect on the Zijin body, so it was directly swallowed and absorbed.

"Turn four, collect the soul!"

Suddenly, there was a twist in the void, and nine sword-shaped rays of light appeared out of thin air, exuding a vast and majestic life force. Among them, the soul breath was extremely powerful, and a chaotic bead surrounded the ten sword-shaped rays of light.

Nine sword-shaped rays of light and chaotic beads quickly rushed into Zijin's body.

"Turn five, fusion!" The light of Yan Nanfei's newly cast purple gold body dissipated, and his skin returned to the color of flesh. The world, like a demon god that existed in ancient times, has the same power for a while.

"Six turns, immortal." Staring at the thunder and lightning that was still hitting him in the air, a trace of contempt flickered at the corner of his mouth, and he shot straight into the sky, piercing into the robbery cloud like lightning.

"Break it for me." In the midst of Jieyun, Yan Nanfei snarled, and punched the center of Jieyun with a straight punch. Immediately, a surge of pure power surged out, smashing Jieyun into pieces and disappearing instantly. without a trace.

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