young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 1 Time Traveling as a Young Marshal

Zhang Hanqing was woken up.

Upon waking up, Zhang Hanqing felt something was wrong.

This bed was much softer, warmer and bigger than when he was sleeping.What used to be an energy-saving lamp on the ceiling has now become a glazed pendant lamp seen in movies and TV shows in Europe, America or the upper class life in Shanghai.He blurted out: "Hey, what's the matter?"

Surprised, a soft voice came from outside: "Sixth Young Master, are you awake?" Hey, isn't this the tone of Northeast Erren Biography?

As soon as the words were finished, a little girl with water Lingling pushed the door and entered the floor holding the washing water.

The remaining memory vaguely remembers that the girl's name is Chunni, an orphan he rescued from a Japanese wanderer in Fengtian City, and later took him in as a maid.Huh, Fengtian?He was shocked, and the memory of the person before possessing became his memory, and I am attached to Zhang Xueliang!

Damn, it's terrible.Then he will be the famous "General of Non-Resistance" in the future. Although he is said to be a "great man of the century", he has lived a little longer, but he has not had many good days. He has been imprisoned for most of his life, and his life has been mixed.

Wait, it is now the 4th year of the Republic of China. According to his many years of experience in Taiwan-funded factories, it is 1915 in AD.There are still 8226 years to go before September amp; #16; [-]th.To put it short is not short. With one's own ability, can the tragic history of modern China really not be changed?

This matter of the Republic of China, because of the melee between warlords, Lu Xun said well, "Despite the change of the king's banner on the top of the city", although it feels strange to wake up at first, but the big things are still known.If I had known that I would be born in this era, I would have read a few more books anyway.I dare not talk about anything else. It would be great to have some simple atomic bombs, missiles, etc., and wipe out Little Japan in one go. How could it bring so many disasters to China later.

Zhang Hanqing's greatest interest is the study of geography and history. He has been fond of Chinese classical literature since he was a child, and has a strong interest in politics and military affairs.Since college, I have been citing extensively with my roommates, discussing the general trend of the world, whether or not people.He also took the civil service exam, but he didn't have any family background. Although he took the second place in the written test, he failed in the interview.Even so, he believes that "every man is responsible" for major events in the world. Even if it is just an act of talking on paper, it is also enjoyable.

The biggest pain in his heart is the more than 300 million square kilometers of territory that is still in the hands of other countries: Outer Mongolia, the Far East, Tannu Wulianghai, Lake Balkhash, Ryukyu, Southern Tibet, and Taiwan that has not yet been submitted to The South China Sea, which is the same area as the historically lost land territory, has been ravaged by clown countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines.

What he can't forget is the looting of Beijing by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the Sino-Japanese War, the Three Days of Lushun, the Gengzi Treaty, the September 8226th and July [-]th Incidents, and the Nanjing Massacre that Chinese people will never forget .

What makes him angry is that Japan, which caused serious air crashes to China twice and blocked China's progress towards rejuvenation, still does not forget to hold back China in international affairs, and volunteered to help its master, the United States, to contain China. Not a pawn of the first island chain.In addition to the de facto occupation of the Ryukyu Islands, there was a Diaoyu Islands crisis not long ago.

There is also "China's most dangerous enemy in the north" Russia, which took advantage of it and acted like a good boy. The military and police shot and killed our fishermen at will, and repeatedly used energy to play China in order to maximize the benefits in the energy dispute between China and Japan.

There are also the ungrateful and self-righteous North Korea, the unrepentant Vietnam, the Indian assam, the Indonesia that owed the blood debt to the Chinese at the beginning of the new century, the Singapore that claims to be Chinese but has a reckless heart, and the Philippines that clings to the thighs of the United States and pretends to be a tiger like a shit stick .

If the late Qing government had a bit of backbone, why couldn't it lose to the dwarf Japanese in the Sino-Japanese War?Or even if you lose, you have to fight again. In fact, the strength at the time was enough to drag Japan, which has always been the only one in China?Instead of using the power of the whole country to compensate 2 million taels of silver, so that all Japanese people can receive education and fill the national treasury ten times!

If the warlords of Zhi, Feng, and Anhui in the Republic of China can be twisted into one rope, the North-South peace talks are successful, the KMT and the Communist Party do not split, and the Chinese themselves do not fight among themselves, even if they are as strong as Japan in the 30s and [-]s, I am afraid that they will not dare to pray for mantises to stop cars and ants to shake trees , circling around this fat piece of China like a fly, and finally took a bite.

Every time I think of this, I am filled with righteous indignation.

After reading a lot of time-travel novels, Zhang Hanqing often fantasizes: If he can go back to the past, it would be best to go to the Song and Ming Dynasties to be attached to an emperor, prince, general or something. With his own level, national heroes needless to say, when his career is successful, beauties surround him. .There is more happiness in the world than this!

It is often said that history cannot be assumed.But for Zhang Hanqing, history played a little trick on him.

He really crossed!

The slogans came one after another outside: "Oppose the traitorous treaty!", "Down with the Japanese lackeys!"

Zhang Hanqing didn't know why, so she asked Chunni, "What's going on outside?"

Chunni tidied up the house swiftly, and said, "It's not just a protest against Article 21. It's been going on for several days. I heard that the warlord is very angry, and the general has already sent troops to suppress it."

21!This was a traitorous treaty, which seemed to fail in history. Yuan Shikai didn't seem to dare to sign it, and he also stepped down later.Due to a chance meeting, Zhang Zuolin, his own cheap father, took advantage of the chaos.Later generations debated the so-called 21 articles, and some historical books have also analyzed them incisively. The general view is that these 21 articles are true. Whether Yuan Shikai really agrees or not is a matter of benevolence and wisdom. up.

Many history books and novelists said that when Japan submitted the 21 texts to Yuan Shikai, it said: "Please take the president one step higher."It means that you accept Article 21, and Japan supports you to proclaim yourself emperor. We have reached this political deal. This is the most important basis for Yuan Shikai to betray the country.In fact, as early as the early 30s, when Wang Yunsheng wrote the series "China and Japan in the Past 60 Years", he pointed out that this statement was groundless, unreasonable, and unacceptable.

Yuan Shikai directed the entire negotiation process of Article 21. What we can see now is Yuan Shikai’s original version of Article 21, the revised version of Article 21, and the text of Japan’s ultimatum. For these three originals, Yuan Shikai wrote on them with a red pen , I used a vermilion pen and an ink pen to make an approval document, and made key points in many places.In addition to these punctuation points, Yuan Shikai’s comments on the 21 articles included more than 70 long and short approvals, pointing out that absolutely nothing involving the country’s territorial sovereignty should be discussed.

Japan expands its rights and interests in China, develops its power to the hinterland of the Yangtze River, and to the southeast coast. Everyone knows this, and the fifth content is definitely not discussed.This is not only unrecognizable, it cannot be discussed at all, and if you insist on this, you cannot discuss it.He instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to recognize the disparity between strength and weakness at that time, negotiate patiently, and be able to negotiate the most favorable terms for him.At the same time, he said that he hoped to delay the negotiations with Japan as long as possible, because Japan's proposal was a secret negotiation, and he wanted to use the process of delaying to attract the attention of European and American powers and carry out international intervention.This has been dragged on for several months, until May, when Japan proposed an ultimatum, none of the European and American countries came out to support it, and even Russia planned to take advantage of it.Yuan Shikai also consulted the opinions of the civil and military personnel of the Yuan government. You said, should we accept it, or fight Japan?The civil and military officials all agreed that there is no way to fight but to accept it!

During the entire process of Japan's proposal of Article 21, Chinese people's feelings of hatred for Japan and feelings of fear of Japan existed at the same time.Hatred is the hatred that the Japanese took advantage of the fire to loot and put forward such harsh conditions to destroy China. This kind of hatred is indeed a popular feeling.But this people's heart has no strength to back it up, and this people's heart can only be a wimpy spirit.The emotion of fear of the sun, or the morbid psychology does exist.Looking back at history, from 1895 to the present 1916, a total of 20 years.During these 20 years, in the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895, China was defeated and the Qing Dynasty was defeated; in 1905, in the Russo-Japanese War, the Tsarist Russian Empire was defeated by Japan.Japan took advantage of the prestige of defeating the Qing Dynasty and Russia to look down on the world, even Europe and the United States are ignored, what are you China.Only under such conditions would he dare to bully so unscrupulously.

Then, under such historical conditions, the only thing that can be done is to use arduous negotiations and arduous struggles to recover some favorable conditions for oneself.Under such a situation, we can only say that other forces and people are in power, and that was the only way to go at that time.So the last 21 articles were forced to be accepted under conditional circumstances.Fifth amp; #8226; Ninth, the country has designated it as a national humiliation day, which is said to be a great shame, and it is indeed.

Before the signing of May Nine, on the eighth day of May, Yuan Shikai informed the whole country, "As a last resort, we have to sign it. This is actually a great shame and shame."Before the people of the country said it was a great shame, he admitted that it was also a great shame.Such negotiations at that time, under such historical conditions, could not be helped.At that time abroad, Hu Shi, a Chinese elite studying abroad and already famous at the time, said, “This negotiation should be said to have never happened in the history of China before. I made the biggest concession to myself."When Wang Yunsheng edited "China and Japan in the Past 30 Years" in the early 60s, he also said that in reviewing the entire negotiation, Yuan Shikai's command and leadership should be said to be correct. Some historians at that time, such as Chen Gonglu's "Modern "History", Jiang Tingfu's "Modern History", etc., are also affirmed.At this time, the negotiation on Article 21 should be said to be pertinent.There is at least no historical basis for saying that he betrayed the country.

But later, after Article 21 was signed, he immediately proclaimed himself emperor, and this political transaction, it is difficult for anyone to guarantee that they have no behind-the-scenes political exchange.Political opponents have made him a target, and rightly so.Who made his butt dirty!

Zhang Hanqing is familiar with this period of history.This kind of thing is the same as the US empire bombing the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia. Everything is backed by strength.According to the situation at the time, don't say that Yuan Shikai was not good, it would be the same for anyone else, and it might be worse for others.Without him, a weak country has no diplomacy.

But things are different, Zhang Hanqing would not put himself in the shoes of that President Yuan.What he was thinking about was how to add fuel to the flames, so that his father could quickly ascend to the throne of the Northeast King——From the perspective of historical development, he himself is a well-deserved successor of the Feng line, supporting his cheap father who no one supports him It's a good deal, and besides, it seems that this cheap dad has never given himself political and military constraints.

In the impression left in my mind of the young marshal I possessed, my cheap father Zhang Zuolin is currently the commander of the 27th Division of the Republic of China, and he is based in Fengtian Provincial City.According to the environment at that time, it was a powerful faction in Fengtian Province.Didn’t the great man say that “Government grows out of the barrel of a gun”, in times of chaos, with a gun is king!Once he crossed over, he raised his head with the title of "Young Marshal". Compared with the conditions of book friends who turned into slaves, settled down, and even had a son-in-law, God already took good care of him.There will still be more time to use troops in the future. The sooner the strength is mastered, the sooner China will emerge from the quagmire of weak countries, and the sooner the people will not be bullied.

When criticizing people in the world in the previous life, I often uttered bold words: "Give me a fulcrum, and I can lift the whole earth." Now that there is really a fulcrum, don't pry a ball in the end.If you can't do something, it's really a waste of time.

In my impression, my father, Zhang Zuolin, later became the big boss of the Feng Faction, and entered customs twice. The second time, he served as the head of Beijing for a few years and reached the peak of the Feng Faction. However, due to various reasons, he failed in the end.First retreated to the outside of the customs, and then died in the Huanggutun accident. In distress, I later made a Fengtian Yiqi and completely showed off with Japan. His status in the political arena took a turn for the worse, and his predecessor, Zhang Xueliang, was also labeled a "non-resistance general" until the 8226s.Don't you dream of China becoming stronger overnight?God really gave this opportunity, but you must seize it!It is hard to predict the future development, but after years of civil war, China still failed to be subjugated by Japan in the end.With my own vision, I can give my father a helping hand, and I can naturally take over the baton of power and reverse history from now on. It is not difficult to think about it.

Zhang Hanqing jumped up, "Hurry up, I'm going to have a look."

After hastily grooming, he walked out of the room. Jiang Huanan, the captain of his guard, had been waiting downstairs with a dozen bodyguards. A dozen green horses surrounded a fine horse with a silver mane.In the impression of his previous life, this was his beloved horse "Su Lian", which was chosen by his father's staunch ally, Wu Junsheng, known as the "Horse King", as a gift for his 15th birthday.The captain of the guard should be very loyal. In history, Mu Chun, the commander of the division under his command, reorganized 11 years later. Considering Zhang Xueliang's safety, Jiang Huanan voluntarily got out of the car on Zhang Xueliang's behalf to speak to the officers of the division.During Jiang Zheng's speech, due to improper deployment in advance, the news leaked, and Jiang Huanan shot and killed Yu Mou, the commander of the division.

Fortunately, the horse is a good horse, otherwise he, a middle-level corporate cadre in the 21st century, would really not be able to get on the saddle.Not to mention that I was really envious of the high-spirited appearance of the protagonists riding on horses in those screens, but our future young marshal means cautious "wings", qi means shortness of breath and guilty "qi", and wind means jittery "wind". ", Fa is the "fa" who vowed never to ride a horse again!

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