For Zhang Hanqing, not only himself, but also the officers and soldiers of the old 27th Division have rarely received systematic military training. This is very unacceptable for an army that is determined to support the northeast and wait for opportunities to grow.In addition, officers who have not led soldiers are unqualified; commanding officers without qualified training is a crime against soldiers on the battlefield.In this sense, he wants to go to military school.And he knows very well that the old-style army cannot support the task of reforming the country. He wants to choose people and make good use of them to make his own world. The premise of this is to find some like-minded officers.

There is a military academy in the Northeast, and that is the Northeast Lecture Hall.

In August 1907, Xu Shichang, the governor of the three northeastern provinces, followed the Qing government’s Ministry of War to stipulate that “all provinces should set up martial arts halls in the provincial capitals as a place for military leaders to study martial arts.” ) eventually set up lecture halls in the three eastern provinces. In October 8, it was moved to Xiaodongbianmen, the capital of Fengtian Province. The name of the school was originally the General Department of the Jiangwu Hall of the Three Eastern Provinces, and then changed to the Army Lecture Hall for the selection of outstanding officers of the patrol battalion for one-year training.It was closed after the Revolution of 1908.

In 1912, because Zhang Zuolin's patrol battalion was changed to an army division, Zhang continued to open it in order to rectify the army. It was called the Army 27th Division's Camp Lecture Hall, which was divided into an officer corps and a sergeant corps. In 1915, due to Sino-Japanese negotiations Closed again.Until the end of 1918, Zhang Zuolin took office as the tour envoy of the three provinces in the Northeast. In order to further dominate the Northeast, he wanted to expand the army.In order to solve the problem of lack of officers, in March 1919, the lecture hall was re-opened at the original site of the Jiangwu Hall of the Three Eastern Provinces. The name of the school was named the Army Lecture Hall of the Three Eastern Provinces.As the military academy of the Fengtian warlords, the senior and mid-level officers of the Fengtian army basically went through its training.It played an important role in improving the combat effectiveness of the Feng army and promoting the formation and development of the Feng faction warlords. It is also very famous in the history of military academies in China. It was listed as one of the four major military officer schools in China at that time.

Fengtian Lecture Hall was originally the highest training place for professional military officers in the three northeastern provinces.The instructors of the Martial Arts Hall in the three eastern provinces are all skilled in the army, and each has its own characteristics.For example, Wu Junsheng was proficient in cavalry warfare, Zhang Zuoxiang was quite good at combining infantry and artillery, and Jiang Dengxuan's infantry drills were all well-known in the military circles at that time.

In the foreseeable future, the more troops under my father's command, how to quickly complete the improvement of the army's combat effectiveness and command ability?The answer is education and training.For this reason, he actively lobbied Zhang Zuolin to resume the opening of Fengtian Lecture Hall as soon as possible.And the ambitious Zhang Zuolin also believes that if he wants to dominate the world, he must have a strong military force.For this reason, he deeply felt the lack of military talents while reorganizing the army and expanding the army.It was true that the father and son had a feeling, and the two hit it off.

Following the achievements of the Whampoa Military Academy in later generations, Zhang Hanqing actively suggested that Zhang Zuolin personally serve as the director (principal) of the Fengtian Lecture Hall to highlight its importance and thus stimulate the interest of officers at all levels in enrolling.In China, this is the norm in official circles, just like Qianlong who also served as the chief editor of "Siku Quanshu", which enabled Ji Xiaolan to successfully complete this important cultural event.Of course, being able to cultivate and master close relatives is another hidden deep meaning.Like Lao Jiang, didn't he rely on a bunch of graduates from the Huangpu Military Academy to be able to rule the Chinese political arena for decades.

Zhang Zuolin appointed Zhang Zuoxiang as the head of education and Sun Liechen as the commander-in-chief. He set up education, general affairs, military supplies, military doctors, veterinarians, and secretaries. The trainees were organized into four squadrons.There is one supervisor under the head of the hall, who is concurrently held by Zhang Zuoxiang, Xiao Qixuan is the chief education officer, and one officer is added for each department of infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineering, and transportation. The fifth department of Y, mainly trains junior military officers in various units of the Fengjun Army, with 400 students in each period, and the semester lasts for one year.

The learning content is divided into two parts: academic and technical.There are two disciplines, one is the six major courses (tactics, weapons, terrain, fortification, transportation, and military system), and the other is model orders (each military discipline exercise code, shooting teaching model, array service order, communication teaching model, internal affairs rules, Army Punishment Order, etc.), as well as horse science, hygiene, etc.

Art subjects include playground coaches, field drills, technical gymnastics, chopping, equestrianism, etc., and the instructors are from military schools in China and officers who have returned from Japan.

All platoon and above officers of the 27th Division must participate in this one-year advanced training, which is an officer class.Due to the small number of people, according to Zhang Hanqing's suggestion, in addition to recruiting active military officers, half of the quota is set aside for young students who are interested in joining the army and some soldiers with elementary school knowledge to apply for the sergeant class. The study period is also one year, but After graduation, young students must be probationary for three months before they can be used as junior officers.

Don't underestimate these students: Compared with traditional soldiers, the biggest disadvantage of these young people is that they have not been in actual combat, but as long as they have enough time, these scholars who can read and write will definitely come from behind, because high-quality sergeants can Master high-tech weapons faster, and the degree of multi-arms synthesis is also high.A well-educated soldier is also a valuable asset. After being edified by theory, his battlefield experience can be quickly transformed into knowledge, and his military level can be quickly improved, which is twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, this kind of training was not all smooth sailing: the officers who were used to rough life were very reluctant to pick up their pens and return to the training ground, but Zhang Zuolin had a strict order that those who had not passed the advanced training in the martial arts hall could not be engaged in military training at all levels. The position of the first-line commander of the army.Of course, the literate soldiers who have the opportunity to be promoted and the young students from society who have devoted themselves to the military camp have joined this lecture hall with great reverence, which can not only improve military literacy, but also quickly see the actual effect (rank). Its learning effect is not the same.

Also based on the psychology of enriching himself, Zhang Hanqing volunteered to participate in the first training session, which surprised Zhang Zuolin.He is very clear about this eldest son. Needless to say, he is smart and witty, and he has shown very eye-catching performance recently.But as a young marshal, he is not used to being burdened by the rules. Can he endure this hardship at such a young age?However, the son takes the initiative to exercise, and the father is of course happy to see the success.Even if Zhang Hanqing didn't want to go, he still had to find ways to force him.In this troubled world, how can you control the military seal without two brushes?

Knowing his son's impulsive personality, he pretended to be very surprised and said, "What? You want to go to the martial arts hall? Don't embarrass me. You can't go for a few days and you can't do it. You come out again. That's not embarrassing me. ?"

Stirred by the old man, Zhang Hanqing couldn't help but said: "If they can, they can do it, why can't I do it?"

Zhang Zuolin said: "Okay, if you can graduate in the lecture hall, I will give you the head of the regiment when you come out."

Zhang Hanqing was happy, hey, you don't need to be excited, I just want to learn something, otherwise how can I mess around in this troubled world?After a good year of mixing, you can still get a team leader for nothing.In later generations, the commander of the regiment would have to be a colonel anyway.According to the statement at the county and regiment level, at the local level, it is also a department-level cadre.

In this way, Zhang Hanqing entered the Artillery Department of Fengtian Lecture Hall and became the first student of the Artillery Lecture Hall.

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