young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 100 The general trend

As time went by, Cao Kun, Zhang Zuolin and Xu Shichang were all dissatisfied with Jin Yunpeng's cabinet.The immediate family believes that Jin Yunpeng is inclined to the Feng family. In terms of the distribution of finances and rights, because Jin Yunpeng and Zhang Zuolin are sons and daughters, Jin intends to lean towards the Feng family.This is also true.Therefore, Cao Kun gradually grew tired of this cabinet and wanted to reorganize it.Originally, Jin Yunpeng was close to Shuzhi, and the Feng family should treat Jin better.However, when Jin dealt with some issues, it was inevitable that he did not consider some requirements of the direct lineage, or in other words, he also had to take into account the balance of power between the direct lineage and the Fengline party, which also made Zhang Zuolin dissatisfied.What made Zhang Zuolin most dissatisfied was that Jin Yunpeng planned to appoint Wu Peifu as the tour envoy of the two lakes in order to balance the power of Zhifeng.If Zhang Hanqing's actions in Hubei had not substantially disrupted the flow of history, Zhang Zuolin's most despised little teacher would suddenly mention the position of being on an equal footing with Zhang. The title of Xinjiang Economic and Strategic Envoy, but the main title is still the tour envoy of the three eastern provinces).

The contradiction between President Xu Shichang and Prime Minister Jin Yunpeng is also very sharp, and it is almost impossible to work together.Xu Shichang has a close relationship with members of the old traffic department and has a deep relationship.The old transportation department desperately wanted to oust Jin Yunpeng from office. They wanted to take advantage of their special position in controlling China's finances to cause a storm of cabinet overthrow.

In winter, the Beijing government reached the point where it was at the end of its rope.The wave of poverty has already spread to central government employees and is spreading further. On November 11, members of the Ministry of Education held an "alliance strike", and members of other ministries also "slowed down" due to wage arrears, making it almost impossible to carry out daily government affairs.What's more, the staff automatically requested to be disbanded.The heads of many ministries have also called for their resignations.Chief of the Army Cai Chengxun, Chief of the Navy Li Dingxin, Chief of Justice Dong Kang, etc., had no choice but to ask for resignation in the face of demands for salaries from their troops.On the one hand, the warlords of the provinces withheld taxes and recruited troops; on the other hand, they used telegrams of tens of thousands and millions of urgency to urge the Beijing government to pay, implying murderous intentions.What's more serious is that the Japanese spread rumors during the Washington meeting that the five countries jointly managed China's finances, so as to damage the credit of China's domestic banks.Therefore, since November 14, the central bank and the Bank of Communications in Beijing, Tianjin, Hankou and other places have run.

Zhang Hanqing, who is far away in Wuhan, is unwilling to make such a change. History is because Zhang Zuolin defeated Jin Fuliang and finally gave Wu Peifu an excuse. The Zhifeng War that led to the first defeat of the Fengjun took place, and the Fengtian was operated in the pass for many years. career was ruined.Although Jin Yunpeng vacillated from side to side, after all, when he was in power, the North was settled, and he had a lot of tacit consent in terms of his own strength expansion.The direct lineage has quite a strong foundation in the north, and it is imperative to make a balance.Moreover, the Jin cabinet was widely recognized by the British and American countries, and was endorsed by the warlords of most provinces. It had the advantage of legal orthodoxy.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Feng Faction took the opportunity of Fuliang to have more say in Beijing's personnel administration, which may be more beneficial than turning Jin down.

Thinking again and again, Zhang Hanqing first sent a secret telegram to Zhang Zuolin, and the telegram said: "Father, everyone signs: I have heard that I have abandoned Jin and embraced Liang, and Xueliang absolutely does not agree. The current situation of the country is in the hands of my father. China is weak and powerless. Even though Britain, the United States, and Japan are all in the same boat, the Japanese are the most serious troubles in the Northeast. If Liang Shiyi's generation is in power, Cao and Wu will be taboo. Zhifeng will have a battle. I win, The United Kingdom and the United States are unwilling to accept Japan's monopoly on China, and there will be a rebound, while the Japanese are sitting on the profit, and the situation in the north is unstable. If I lose, I will lose the great situation of world domination. From then on, the victory and defeat will change hands, and the future is unpredictable. Shi Xueliang has achieved mutual understanding with the beauty to gradually replace the position of the direct line. The chaos in the south is gradually rising, and his father can use Sun Yat-sen's reputation to carry out the grand plan of unifying China, so as not to rely on others. All of the above depend on the stability of the political situation.

The money and food of the direct line is based on the central government. Although there are many soldiers, the north, west, and south are all my own. The development is weak and it has become a trapped beast.Anhui is flat and Lu is restless.The father should control the financial power of the central government, and then use the title of self-government of the provinces, which will be popular among the people, and the direct line forces will not be tolerated by the provinces.At that time, the military and government were unified, and the name of supervising and disarming troops was abolished, so the army's logistics had nothing to do.And I want to go east to Anhui and Shandong, open up the Jinpu line, and unite the northern and southern Fengjun into one body, then the strength of our army will be multiplied, and the development of the direct army will be difficult. Given time, the strengths of each other will be eliminated, and the north will be flattened without fighting. "

Another copy of the Ming telegram was sent to support Jin Yunpeng and issued the slogan of "unifying the whole country". Since the president repeatedly, the Republic of China has been torn apart, the rule of law does not exist, and the government is divided into north and south. The building of the country will collapse, and the desires of the people will not survive. At this time, the great powers are surrounded, and the desire to destroy myself is not dead. The lives of the people are difficult, and the economy is in jeopardy. Since then, the country has been monopolized by military and bureaucratic separatists, and the people of the provinces have been poisoned by the military and bureaucratic monopoly, and have risen to fight for freedom. It started with self-government, and now it has developed into a Northeast autonomous government alliance, with political stability and economic prosperity. Its merits and demerits have been publicly discussed. In January 1912, Sun Yat-sen, the interim president of the Republic of China, pointed out in the manifesto that the so-called independence means secession from the Qing court and unity of the provinces. The same is true for Mongolia and Tibet. Since the actions are unified, there is absolutely no divergent trend. The cardinal is formed in the center, and the latitude and longitude are all around. total revolution.

For the current plan, we should reconvene the North-South Peace Conference, abolish the supervision and disarmament, return government to the people, extensively repair water conservancy, support agriculture and industry, popularize compulsory education, reorganize finances, and unify the army in the country.Unite as one, fight against foreign humiliation, abolish extraterritoriality, take back concessions, maintain independent customs, practice the Three Principles of the People, and build a unified and powerful new China. "

Zhang Hanqing's eloquent and eloquent desire to form a unified China with inter-provincial self-government is an indiscriminate promotion of the federal system.This is to cater to the warlords of all walks of life: during the period of the Republic of China, in order to preserve their strength, the weak warlords claimed to "safeguard the environment and the people", while the powerful warlords, such as the Anhui faction, clamored for "unification by force".Now the Feng faction dominates, and all provinces are anxious.If the self-government of the provinces is used in the name, they can retain their strength and become the overlord of a province.Therefore, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Xinjiang, Fujian, and Shanxi all sent telegrams in favor.Shandong and Henan, which are under direct pressure, also strongly support it.After the first Guangdong-Guangxi War, Chen Jiongming, a rookie in the Guangdong Warlord, first sent a telegram to express his attitude, admiring the inter-provincial autonomy, which made Sun Yat-sen, who went south from Shanghai to Guangzhou and advocated the "Northern Expedition", helpless.

Wu Peifu is very upset: the provinces are self-governing, the finances belong to the provinces, and the provincial defense forces are managed by the provinces, and the central finance only supports the established troops.With the local finances in Henan and Hebei provinces weak and unwilling to supply the huge establishment of 6 divisions and 4 mixed brigades of the Zhili, the Zhili is caught in a dilemma.Handing over the army to the central government will directly lose the capital to compete in the political arena.If there is no skin, how will the hair be attached?Opposition to the autonomy of the provinces is not tolerated by the growing voice of public opinion, and it is also untenable in jurisprudence.

Only the Feng faction has benefited from it: the powerful industrial, agricultural and mining resources of the three provinces to the east of Zhang Zuolin have completed the first pot of financial gold. After the 10 provinces joined the inter-provincial self-government, they have firmly held the general, political and financial power in their hands, forming a separation from the central government. de facto independent kingdom.After three years of construction, the size of major cities such as Fengtian, Changchun, and Harbin in the Northeast is no less than that of Shanghai. In fact, it is because of this that the Feng family has the ability to dominate the Soviet Union and Shanghai after the Second Zhifeng War.Therefore, when the Beijing government's finances were stretched, economic activities under Feng's rule were in full swing.

By the end of 1921, the total fiscal revenue of the Feng clan had reached a record 5 million yuan, six times that of the central government (excluding the Feng clan) during the same period.Zhang Zuolin was pleasantly surprised by such a powerful economic strength.He knew that with such ability, it would not be too long before Beijing unified China.Also taking advantage of this opportunity, the Feng family gained absolute control by injecting a large amount of cash into the Central Bank, Bank of China, and China Bank of Communications (later the Farmer Bank of China), and calmly resolved the financial crisis this time, thereby also bringing the The old traffic department was pushed aside.

The three towns of Wuhan, consisting of Hanyang, Wuchang, and Hankou, are located above Jiujiang and downstream of Chongqing, about [-] miles from Shanghai.This port city is the most important industrial center along the Yangtze River, and it is also the dividing line between the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Britain, Japan and France all had concessions here, and there are also a large number of Western commercial and church institutions in the city.If the Feng dynasty shined brilliantly in China at the beginning of the Republic of China with its industrial strength, and Shanghai promoted trade prosperity with its "concession of all nations" and its innate port advantages, Wuhan, with its thoroughfare to nine provinces, is the heartland of the Beijing-Han, Guangdong-Han railways and the golden waterway of the Yangtze River. The advantages of transportation are leading the way.

After the self-government of Hubei Province, the new Hubei provincial government headed by Xia Shoukang originally wanted to make a difference, rest its troops to support the people, and gradually restore the province's economy.However, the runs on Hankou Central Bank and Bank of Communications disrupted this plan.Hubei was originally an important and large province in the central region. Once it is unstable, the hinterland of the Central Plains will be restless.Zhang Hanqing issued a series of declarations to restore confidence in the bank.Once the Feng Clan injected capital into the central government and stabilized the financial situation, the run on Hankou calmed down in an instant.This incident also made the financial officials of Hubei province understand the strength of the Feng family, and they were in awe of this young marshal. Zhang Hanqing also invisibly increased his influence in Hubei.

In fact, Zhang Hanqing disapproves of federal autonomy from the bottom of his heart.China has a history of more than 2000 years of centralized dynasties. The first page of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" says that the general trend of the world is "the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term unity must be divided."Outstanding politicians throughout the history have all used force to open up the situation in a divided country and implement great unification, thus their names will go down in history.It's not that the Chinese cannot implement the federal system, it's just that the inertia of the millennium has made it so, and the advantages of the federal system are also extremely obvious.But in China, it is very difficult. First, there is a lack of public support, and the lack of a strong central government is a precursor to division.The other is the infiltration of imperialist forces, which can easily support local forces and become the new generation of warlords and agents of foreign forces in China.The reason why this slogan is clearly chanted is only to reduce the resistance from other places when the Zhili is overthrown at this stage.

Jin Yunpeng, who experienced the turmoil of the cabinet, also completely fell to Zhang Zuolin.Under the pressure of President Xu Shichang, he called Liu Shangqing, Pan Fu, and Sun Liechen into the cabinet, and served as chief of agriculture and industry, finance and economics, and the very important army chief, so that the main cabinet members were all from the Feng family.Not to mention that, the political forces headed by the People's Party also took this opportunity to control nearly 1/3 of the seats in the parliament.Because they often hold meetings in Xiangshan, they are known as the "Xiangshan Conference School". As the leader of the People's Party, Zhang Hanqing also became a big rookie in Chinese politics in the early years of the Republic of China.

After the efforts of the People's Party to promote and publicize, "national unity" has become a very resounding slogan in the northern part of the Republic of China.Strong organizational, propaganda and mobilization capabilities make the People's Party occupy an increasingly important position in the consciousness of the people of the country, and outstanding military, political, and economic capabilities are the guarantee for the fresh hope that the "National Unification Committee" brings to the people .More and more people believe that it is only a matter of time before Bong System-China is a certainty.

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