The arrival of Zhang Weixi made Zhang Hanqing very happy. He excitedly said to Zhang Weixi: "You are here, there is an extra general in the People's Army." Zhang Zizhong became a famous anti-Japanese general, a national hero, and the supreme general of the Allied Powers who died in World War II.

Zhang Zizhong is resolute and reticent, but has a high talent for leading troops.Three months after he took office as company commander, his second company won the first place in the military assessment of all companies in the brigade and became the "model company" of the 126th mixed brigade.The model company is a model for Feng Yuxiang to govern the army. Zhang Zizhong worked even harder after receiving this honor.Almost all of the [-] soldiers in the company trained by him became talents. There were only ten army and division commanders, and even more brigade and regimental commanders.Since then, Zhang Zizhong's style of emphasizing military discipline and governing the army has become very prominent.In case of violation of military discipline, he first persuaded and educated, then severely reprimanded, and served with three military sticks.As the soldiers sang in the ballad: "Teach you to learn well or not, you will be hit with duckbill army sticks." Later, because Zhang Zizhong often said a mantra to officers and soldiers who violated military discipline: "Look, I can't peel your skin!" As a result, he was dubbed "Zhang Papi" by the officers and soldiers, and everyone in the army knew it.A jingle said: "Shi Yousan's whip, Han Fuju's rope, Liang Guanying's shoulder pole races like a dragon, Zhang Zizhong's skinning is so ruthless!"

The nickname of "Zhang Papi" makes people mistakenly think that this man is a ruthless, brutal and arrogant martial artist, but he is not.Zhang Zizhong loves soldiers like sons, and he is strict with kindness. He knows the meaning of "ruling soldiers first, governing the mind" and the wonderful use of "combining grace and power".Taking the army stick as an example, Zhang Zizhong didn't beat him immediately when he encountered them, and used sticks indiscriminately, but practiced "eight do not beat", that is: don't beat when you are sick, don't beat when you are angry, don't beat when you are hot, don't beat before meals, Don't fight without grace, don't fight if you have been punished, don't fight with ramming soldiers, don't fight if you don't know.It can be seen that Zhang Zizhong is very particular about how to use military sticks.

How can such a talent be recruited?It will undoubtedly not work to lure this upright young officer with money and fame.Zhang Zizhong began to accept the influence of the old learning from the time he was sensible. The influence of his father and the education of the school all belong to the way of Confucius and Mencius. Therefore, the old morality emphasizing loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness has been deeply rooted in Zhang Zizhong's heart since he was a child. Take root.In addition to studying, Zhang Zizhong often borrows some novels to read for entertainment.His favorites are "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Shuo Tang" and "Shuo Yue Jingzhong Biography".These classic classics made vivid annotations on traditional morality. Guan Yunchang, Yue Wumu and Qin Shubao's loyalty and chivalry and awe-inspiring spirit fascinated him and admired him from the bottom of his heart.When he was promoted from the battalion commander to the regiment commander, he was barely able to be a battalion commander with his talent and experience, and he wrote a letter of pleading, and he might snort at the temptation of his status.

That being the case, it may be a wise move to directly understand the righteousness of the nation, stop the civil war, and resist foreign aggression to persuade them to submit to the Fengjun.At this time, Zhang Zizhong was the battalion commander of the third battalion of Feng Yuxiang's guard regiment, and was ordered to station in Changfeng County.The reason why he sent guards to guard the border was because his stall was too big to be taken care of by manpower.

Zhang Zizhong was also very dissatisfied with Zhijun's obstruction of reunification with his own self-interest, and he also criticized Feng Yuxiang for only thinking about himself.He also has deep respect for the young marshal of Fengjun in the south (he has always believed that the People's Army is part of Fengjun).The young marshal changed the legendary style of the dude in the Republic of China, and through the fruitful "Fengtian Economic Reform", he established the People's Party, which has recently gained momentum. Wu Peifu and Feng Yuxiang's outstanding military and political capabilities and strategic views have not yet reached that level.From the song "Qing Ping Le & #8226; Liupan Mountain" written by Zhang Hanqing "inadvertently", it can also be seen that Zhang Hanqing's pictures are not small, and the so-called words are the voice of the heart.

He was both contradictory and grateful for the young marshal's letter to surrender: he was just a battalion commander, and Zhang Hanqing had countless strong generals under his command, but he was able to look at himself who was unknown, and even praised himself as a "good general of the country". Kind of kindness.However, I have worked under Feng Yuxiang's tent for many years, and I have a lot of feelings. Since ancient times, loyal ministers have never served two masters. How can I abandon Master Feng at this moment?

Zhang Hanqing seemed to understand his heart, and said sincerely at the end of the letter: "I know that Brother Chen (Zhang Zizhong's word) is extremely loyal, but being loyal to the country is called loyalty, and being loyal to individuals is called righteousness. The nation is the responsibility of the nation, and it is urgently needed to be supplemented by talents like brothers. I hope that brothers will put the righteousness of the nation as the most important thing, and sacrifice small righteousness in exchange for national rejuvenation. China and the people will be lucky!"

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Zizhong decided to join the People's Army. In his letter to Feng Yuxiang, he said: "Respectfully, General Feng: You Chen has followed the division commander for more than 4 years. Every time he thinks of serving the country, he has nowhere to hate. Since the founding of the Republic of China, warlords have fought , The people live in dire straits. Zhang Shaoshuai, a man of the Han Dynasty, took the unification of the country and the revitalization of the nation as his mission, and he has always been admired by Chen Chen. Now he will abandon the king and go to the other place, because he hastily acted, and there is no time to say it. I hope the general can put the state affairs first, forgive me Chen Chen is painstaking. I heard that gentlemen leave without making any bad noises. The parting words are from the heart of Chen Chen."

Zhang Weixi and Zhang Zizhong joined the two generals, which made Zhang Hanqing very happy.He also made his promise, and arranged for Zhang Weixi to be the acting commander of the first brigade of Yu Xuezhong's 8th Division, and Zhang Zizhong to be the senior staff officer of the headquarters and the deputy head of the officer teaching regiment (the rank was promoted to colonel).

Affected by it, Tong Linge also came to the tent of the young marshal, and was also reused.Following his example, Feng's non-commissioned officers ran away more than a dozen backbones one after another, and some even defected overnight along with the troops under their jurisdiction.

Feng Yuxiang was terrified of Zhang Hanqing.Several of his generals left one by one, which had a huge impact on the stability and morale of his troops.He locked himself in the room and roared for a day like a violent lion.However, in order to prevent greater losses, he voluntarily gave up the territory south of the Huaihe River, and all the troops in northern Anhui were concentrated in several large cities to effectively avoid personnel loss.

The vanguard of the People's Army reinforcements entered Hefei 4 days later.The people of Anhui warmly welcome the arrival of the People's Army.I have long heard that the People's Army was the army with the best military discipline in the early years of the Republic of China. It is really better to be famous than to meet, and to be famous is worse than to meet.When Zhao Yanzong, a big businessman in Hefei, opened the window in the early morning, he accidentally found that the soldiers of the People's Army were neatly lying on the ground on both sides of Guangming Avenue downstairs. No one was disturbed for a whole night. He couldn't help shouting from the bottom of his heart: "Whoever wins the hearts of the people will win the world, and the People's Army will win the world is not far away!"

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