young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 116 Peace Talk

Xu Shichang felt bitter at this moment.Duan Qirui fell from power. As an important figure in the Anhui faction, he was in a very embarrassing situation: On the one hand, both the Zhi and Feng factions, the most powerful factions in the capital, forced him to leave his post and set up another puppet.Since Yuan Shikai, the first president of the Republic of China, passed away, there have been successive presidents such as Li Yuanhong (former Governor of Hubei Province) and Feng Guozhang (direct lineage) who have experienced ups and downs due to the ups and downs of their power.This time, various forces gathered in Beijing to participate in the so-called "state affairs". They made it clear that he would be removed from the presidency on the surface, and he would also be named in the name of the rule of law, but he was powerless.Zhili wanted to force himself to step down first, and Feng Yuxiang was the first among the activists in the pro-Cao faction, instructing army officers to surround the presidential palace and the State Council every day to demand military pay.He could no longer stand the army forcing the palace.The day before, he had submitted a request for resignation to Congress, but the Congress under direct control postponed the vote on the grounds of extraordinary events.In fact, it was because Sun Yat-sen went north suddenly, and the immediate people were not ready yet.

Sun Yat-sen, dressed in a Chinese tunic suit, walked out of the carriage slowly.He issued a brief statement impromptu at the station. He said: "Sun Wen went north this time with the desire to end division and civil war and establish a unified and democratic republic. The fathers all have a heart to protect the people and protect the country. The Chinese nation has suffered great suffering, and it is time to end. This presidential election is expected to have a fair, just, and open environment, to praise public opinion, and to realize the great harmony of the world."

In the evening, Zhang Zuolin and his son Guo Songling visited Sun Wenxing Yuan in Iron Lion Hutong in Beijing.

Li Shinan, Sun Yat-sen's secretary, welcomed the three of them in, and Soong Ching Ling served tea in person.She smiled and said: "The young commander and a general (Guo Songling) came to the door in person, and the husband couldn't help but be overjoyed. Do you still need to bring such a generous gift?"

Zhang Zuolin laughed and said: "According to Chinese customs, of course you have to give some gifts when you come to the door for the first time. Zuolin is also the chairman of the Northeast, as long as the wife is not too polite." Zhang Hanqing gave a copy of "The Chinese People's Party" Party Constitution" and "Three-Year Outline for the Development of Northeast China", and wild ginseng as thick as two fists.There are also two mink coats and one black fur coat, which are dedicated to Mr. Sun.A piece of purple was obviously tailor-made for Soong Ching Ling.Zhang Hanqing said: "The winter in Beijing is very cold. I specifically asked Mr. and Mrs. about the size and made these two coats, hoping they would fit well."

Sun Yat-sen was very happy, not because the gift was so precious.He founded the party for the revolution all his life, but he was repeatedly restrained by powerful warlords, and until now he has no real territory of his own.Zhang Zuolin and his son are the leaders of the old school and the new school in Northeast China respectively, but they respect themselves very much. Zhang Hanqing even uses the banner of the "Three People's Principles".Although the young marshal founded the People's Party on his own, the government under the People's Army is realizing the primary ideals he described.For Sun Yat-sen, who believes in "the world is for the public", this is more in line with his wishes than any other gift.He smiled and said: "There is a saying in Northeast China, 'Guandong Mountain, three treasures, ginseng, mink, and antler horns.' There are three treasures outside the Guan, and the young commander gave Sun Wen two."

The two sides focused on exchanging views on the election.Zhang Hanqing deeply expressed his respect and support for Sun Yat-sen. He said: "The 17 provinces of the Feng Dynasty firmly support the election of Mr. Xueliang. I hope that Mr. and Madam will go to Northeast China when they are free and have a look. The "Northeast New Deal" has been carried out for more than 4 years, and we still have many shortcomings. Please advise Mr. and Madam."

The arrival of Sun Yat-sen severely impacted the response plan of the immediate senior management.The Zhi family repeatedly urged the local powerful factions in Guangdong to expel Sun Yat-sen, and Sun and Zhi had always had conflicts.With Sun Yat-sen's great prestige and the integration of Northeast forces as support, if this election wins, it will be a major blow to the immediate forces!But with the current state of mind of the people, any obstruction or opposition would be a big loss of popular support and dig their own grave in politics.

Zhang Hanqing saw this and urged Sun Wen to go north.Needless to say Zhang Hanqing, Zhang Zuolin himself admired Sun Yat-sen very much.Since everyone is clamoring for democratic elections, it is better to let Sun Wen mess it up.Defeating the election would deal a big blow to the Kuomintang, and it would also make some of the officers and soldiers in the Fengjun army who are inclined towards the national revolution give up, and stabilize the rear from then on; winning the election would deal a big blow to the Zhili, and Sun Wen, who has no military and financial support, will inevitably rely on it. Feng Department, Feng Department can achieve the purpose of expansion without fighting.And regardless of whether it wins or loses the election, the image of the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government's dedication to the country and the people is very popular, and it can be said that it kills birds with one stone.

However, Zhang Hanqing still made fruitful efforts for Sun Wen's election.In his view, if Sun Yat-sen succeeds, it is very likely that he will complete the great cause of real reunification in the near future.China may have at least a 10-year period of developing a powerful country. In the face of a stable, unified and prosperous China, whether Japan has the courage to dare to risk the world's disgrace to start the two protracted wars that have repeatedly hindered China's strength is still to be determined. number.For the sake of the country, the family and the nation, he must work hard.

According to the previous request, Zhang Hanqing sent a telegram to Wang Yongjiang, the deputy chairman of the People's Party Central Committee who stayed behind in Fengtian and acted as the chairman of the Central Committee of the People's Party, to encourage all members of the Northeast and those controlled by the Fengtian faction to vote for Sun Yat-sen.

The Zhili Clan also held a meeting to recommend the leader, Cao Kun, as the presidential candidate.In Wu Peifu's view, if he could not win the presidential election by chance and the Feng faction came to power in the future, he would use the slogan of unifying military orders and government orders to strip the Zhili's military power, so that the Zhili would completely disappear in the political circle of the Republic of China.Once the election is successful, it can have an advantage in legal theory, and if Xutu develops, the outcome is uncertain.

For a time, people from all walks of life were talking about it, each supporting his master, each doing his best, and all the warlords and veterans must talk about democracy and human rights. It seems that China has completed the process accumulated by European and American countries for many years overnight.All provinces elected representatives of public opinion to go to Beijing to discuss state affairs. Internationally, staff from the embassies and consulates of the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan sent frequent telegrams, frequently discussing the situation of the ROC election with the domestic government.

The campaign for the presidential election is in full swing, and both the KMT and its direct lineage are at full strength to create public opinion for their candidates.During Sun Yat-sen's stay in Shanghai, he changed the Chinese Revolutionary Party he created into the Chinese Nationalist Party, fully promoted the Three People's Principles, and vowed to guide the country into democracy for the second time.The Zhili Tui Cao Kun, headed by Cao Kun, relied on the absolute power in the capital and the north to lobby various senators and political councilors.Although there was no gunpowder in the election campaign, there was "Lian Guangyu with a lot on his mind" in every aspect, and he was "listening to thunder in a silent place" everywhere.

Zhang Hanqing was not idle either.Although he hoped that Sun Yat-sen would be elected, he could not imagine that after he was actually elected, he would be able to build a society of great harmony in the world as he wished.Asking these warlords to obediently hand over the power in their hands and "return the government to the people" is a bit like fantasy to him, and there are Japanese who are watching covetously beside him. Is it the KMT that pursues a policy of non-resistance before fighting against the outside world?

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