After Zhang Hanqing officially became the deputy brigade commander of the guard brigade, he could decide the organization and training methods of this army by himself, which was tacitly approved by Zhang Zuolin.Zhang Zuolin also wanted to see what tricks this little six with so many tricks could come up with, anyway, even if things went wrong, he wouldn't be able to cause any big waves.

As soon as the young marshal took office, he put forward the concept of political cadres, and established a school for political cadres based on Fengtian Primary School.

In Zhang Hanqing's view, the soul of an army lies in having a soul, that is, to let the non-commissioned officers understand who to fight for and why. Once this problem is solved, the morale of the army will go up.Any lack of weapons and equipment, logistical supplies, etc. can be regarded as secondary matters.Zhang Hanqing intends to build a new type of army that is loyal, not afraid of death, and energetic in accordance with the army-building ideas of later generations of the People's Liberation Army, as a model for Fengjun.Such an army, if the strategy and tactics are appropriate, coupled with weapons that do not lag behind, can basically be invincible in the world.

A case in point is the Japanese Army in World War II.No matter how reactionary its existence is, how backward the command and vision of its upper-level officers are, the combat courage of the lower-level soldiers is admirable.Although some people may say that they, as the "imperial army", have elements of foolish loyalty, but it is undeniable that their combat effectiveness is the huge energy of the soul.

As a warlord of the Republic of China, Wu Peifu's troops are generally stronger than those of the other Zhili and Anhui cliques, and of course stronger than the Feng clique.However, such an army was completely defeated when it encountered Chiang Kai-shek's party army.The same weak army of the August [-]st Nanchang Uprising turned into the Red Army of Workers and Peasants under the leadership of the party.A phenomenon is often seen in official history: the same Kuomintang soldier may have feared the enemy like a tiger before, but once adapted by the gc party, he immediately became as if he had taken hormones and became fearless. This is the power of the soul.

The establishment of the Guards Brigade not only expanded a large number of soldiers, but also gradually introduced a group of young blood who had been trained in the martial arts hall-these student officers were different from the traditional soldiers. They did not join the army for clothing and food. Instead, it is truly our duty to serve the country.As a supplement, Zhang Hanqing also received a large number of down-and-out intellectuals in the society, and formed the fourth regiment under the Guards Brigade - the military and political cadre teaching regiment, with the young Wang Yizhe as the head of the regiment. He wanted to train these people to become the seeds of the future new army.

Originally, there was one regiment in the guard, but after six new battalions entered and formed two regiments, it became a system of one brigade and three regiments.Zhang Hanqing was not afraid of too many recruits, but worried that there would be few officers in the new army that fit his vision.In order to make up for the gap between middle- and lower-level officers, Zhang Hanqing resolutely promoted the student officers who were still studying to the positions of battalion and company-level officers. He also specially stipulated that in the future, all officers of the guard brigade must know basic Chinese characters for promotion. , to reform the original officers.

In addition, the military and political cadre teaching group formed more than a dozen night school literacy classes to teach soldiers to learn characters and culture in their spare time.

In order not to hinder the studies of the student officers as much as possible, Zhang Hanqing ordered all the guard brigades to conduct military training on a single day, and to conduct cultural, political, and internal affairs training on two days.Let the student officers and political cadres allocate their time reasonably.

As Zhang Hanqing met and got to know students, especially a group of trainee officers with a high level of education, they joined the guard brigade after school, and a new type of army that was different from the general army at that time gradually took shape, which also made Zhang Zuolin's guard brigade become the army of the Republic of China The only "cultural soldier" here.Especially after Zhang Hanqing concurrently served as the head of the regiment as a student in the martial arts hall and then the deputy brigade commander of the brigade (in charge of the work, because the brigade commander Yu Zhen never interfered with his actions), and Guo Songling concurrently served as the chief of staff of the guard brigade as an instructor and senior staff officer of the Governor's Office. , almost all "student officers".

Guo Songling was originally an instructor in the martial arts hall, and Zhang Hanqing's mastery of military knowledge, training skills and hard work really made Zhang Hanqing ashamed, so he also obeyed his words, which made Guo Songling feel grateful and worked harder.

Guo's training for military officers requires a cadre training at noon every day, especially for officers below the company commander, they must be strictly implemented.For the education of soldiers, the staff office of the Guards Brigade Headquarters formulates an annual education plan, and distributes it to each regiment and each battalion directly under it, and then each regiment and battalion formulates a weekly academic education plan implementation form, and prints and distributes each battalion and company. carry out.

Zhang Hanqing personally compiled the "Military Training of the Guards Brigade" and "Twelve Questions and Answers for Soldiers" and printed them out to each battalion, company, and platoon; The full text of the "Guard Brigade Military Training" is as follows:

"Our nation is oppressed by a strong neighbor, and it is in danger. All officers, soldiers, soldiers, husbands, etc. of our guards will follow the will of the brigade commander, sacrifice everything, work hard, and unite sincerely and obey orders in the spirit of mutual assistance. national calamity."

12 Questions and Answers for Soldiers:

Question: Who were our parents?Answer: It is the common people.

Question: Who are our brothers, sisters, and relatives?Answer: It is the common people.

Q: Where do the clothes we wear come from?Answer: It came from the common people.

Q: Where does the food we eat come from?Answer: It came from the common people.

Ask, who are we?A: They are also ordinary people.

Question: We have such a relationship with the common people, how should we treat the common people?Answer: We should take good care of them, help them, and protect them, and we should not take a single needle from the masses.

Question: What should we do if the enemy is strong and we are weak?Answer: When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

Q: What about the hail of bullets?Answer: It is safe to die for the country, and 20 years later he will be a hero again.


At that time, there was no talk of doctrine education, political and ideological education in military education.Even such a simple "question and answer for soldiers" is still unique.If it weren't for the new army's poor comprehension ability, Zhang Hanqing would like to make "three disciplines and eight points of attention" in advance.

In this way, it still caused a lot of people to slander.Many Fengjun veterans were deeply puzzled by the young marshal's new military training method. In their opinion, the bounden duty of a soldier is to fight with guns, so why spend energy and time learning how to write and draw?Could it be that if you write well and recognize a few more words, the enemy will be scared away by you?

The improvement of military capability and political quality is a slow process, and the reform of the guard brigade was ridiculed by the general warlords at that time.Even within Fengjun, there are mixed reviews.Of course, the diehards headed by Tang Yulin have scruples about the young marshal's reorganization of the army, but he still doesn't pay attention to Guo Songling, who is the chief of staff.Regarding Guo's ideological mobilization and training mode, Tang Yulin once said sarcastically: "Guo devils make fools of themselves."

They also disagree with the statement in "Military Training of the Guards Brigade": Doesn't the oppression of a strong neighbor refer to Japan?Now the relationship between the Feng Faction and the Fengtian Japanese Army is acceptable, so don't cause any demon moths if you have nothing to do!

The Fengtian Japanese army was not silent.With the degree of infiltration of the little devils in the Northeast, it is not unheard of what Zhang Hanqing did in the guard brigade.Kenji Doihara, head of the Japanese Secret Service in Fengtian, also half-truthfully expressed his inquiry into the so-called "oppression of strong neighbors" by the young marshal, while Zhang Hanqing talked about the friendship between Fengtian and Japan, while saying that this "strong neighbor "Not referring to Japan.

But Doi did not give up, he asked directly: "In China, there should be no neighbors closer than Japan."

Zhang Hanqing replied: "If you are neighbors at the end of the world, if you have the heart to cooperate, you will be near even if you are far; Said." Tu Fei was helpless.

Some political cadres gradually came to the fore, gradually turned from deputy officers to full-time officers, and formally entered the command system of the Guard Brigade; the other part, attracted by the policy program centered on young marshals, changed from cadres to political teachers and began to train new personnel. Thus laying the foundation for the future political team of young marshals.

The difference in ideological realm determines the quality.With the help of Guo Songling, the young marshal will have the opportunity to train his own people from the old Fengjun, which is full of gangs. On this point, Zhang Zuolin basically has no opinion and is happy to see the success----the direct descendant of the successor, In fact, it is also his direct descendant.

But no one expected that the energy of this group of "student officers" would be so great in the future.

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