Six days later, Britain and Japan jointly imposed a maritime trade blockade on China.Using the strength of their navy, they controlled the East China Sea gateway through the Zhoushan Islands.As a result, the shipping lanes for merchant ships from various countries to Shanghai were completely cut off.

The main sources of imported diesel and gasoline were immediately cut off.Raw cotton from India and the United States, rubber from Nanyang, and many industrial raw materials that have already been bought are left in the ports of various countries and cannot be shipped in. The cotton stockpiles of private spinning mills are only enough for more than ten days of consumption, and the number of closed spinning mills has grown from 5 to more than 100 At home, large factories such as Chint Rubber Factory also requested to close down.The Yangshupu Power Plant burns diesel, and if the oil source is cut off, most of Shanghai will be cut off.On the other hand, export products are piled up on the wharf and cannot be shipped out.If this continues, as Yu Qiaqing, leader of the Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Union, said: "Factories will close, workers will lose their jobs, prices will rise, the market will be cold, taxes will be reduced, and life will be difficult. What should we do?"


People of insight both at home and abroad felt the urgency of the situation: once prices in Shanghai got out of control, Tianjin, Beijing, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces were all affected, and telegrams came to ask for urgent inquiries every day.There are also some people with ulterior motives jumping up and down, fueling the flames in the newspapers and exaggerating the situation.

Zhang Hanqing is exactly like this: since the two years of national construction, especially because of the huge investment in agriculture, and because of the extensive use of chemical fertilizers, the yield per mu has increased greatly compared to before.Taking Northeast China, known as "China's granary", as an example, by the end of 1924, the total grain output exceeded 4 million tons for four consecutive years, which laid a solid psychological foundation for Zhang Hanqing to stabilize the situation in Shanghai.He is worried that the commodity grain in the hands of the state will not be sold, no, the opportunity will come by itself.Zhang Hanqing and Jiang Baili, the commander of the Nanjing Military Region, deliberated over and over again, and decided to "first the etiquette and then the soldiers."

On June 6, the Shanghai Finance and Economics Commission and the Department of Grain announced that they would sell 12 tons of rice to the Shanghai market in order to bring the price back down.At the same time, newspapers and radio stations carried out propaganda, and Zhang Hanqing also sternly warned speculators to "quickly wash up and quit, otherwise don't say it was unpredictable."However, the speculators did not give up. They had strong financial resources, and 5 tons of rice were sucked up. On June 5, rice continued to rise to 6 cents and 14 cents per catty.

As a member of the Central Committee who sits in Shanghai with full authority to deal with the "May 10th Massacre", Zhang Hanqing asked the leaders of Shanghai's financial circles headed by Yu Qiaqing to focus on the overall situation by means of administrative orders, "Don't disturb market prices at this time, all industry guilds should Stabilizing the overall situation in Shanghai is the most important thing, and we fully support the central government's attitude towards this incident and the voice of the people." He also published an entire article in "Shenbao", criticizing the imperialist policies led by the United Kingdom, and emphatically emphasizing: "All rice shops Industries related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, such as shops, shops, etc., need to maintain the price level at the beginning of May. Those who raise prices without authorization will be fined more than [-] times, but not lower than the goods sold. If the circumstances are serious, they will be subject to severe criminal sanctions .” The Shanghai provincial government issued strict regulations and set up the Shanghai Market Stability Committee to rectify the chaos in the financial markets.

The capitalists are accustomed to the repeated orders of the warlord governments, and they believe that "problems that can be solved with money are not problems."They count on bribing law enforcement officials to avoid hoarding items, and then sell them for a good price when the price is high.However, the staff of the People's Party are surprisingly indifferent, and all kinds of relationships and methods have no effect under the strict control of the Shanghai Provincial Department of the People's Party and the provincial government.The Market Stability Committee has severely investigated and dealt with several commercial ports that have been banned repeatedly and are in the limelight: they may be fined to suffer losses, become depressed, or all their properties shall be confiscated. On the 15th, four vendors who were driving up prices were executed.The Shanghai Public Security Department summoned Huang Jinrong and other gang leaders together, and strictly ordered them to restrain their disciples and not to make trouble at this time, otherwise the state power will completely clear them out of Shanghai.

The imminent movement of domestic forces was suppressed, but the chaos continued.The Shanghai stock price fell again and again, and the British-Japanese Chamber of Commerce and its agents in China, as well as the chaebols, kept selling their stocks in order to hit the immature Chinese market and prepare to buy a lot when the stock price is low.As the Shanghai provincial government dispatched multiple inspection teams to crack down on local stockpiling, companies from some countries have shipped their purchases overseas.The Japanese Chamber of Commerce even organized fleets to continuously transport goods to Japanese-occupied Taiwan or Japan.

On the one hand, Zhang Hanqing cheered up the national capitalists attending the Shanghai Market Stability Committee, asking them to seize the opportunity, believe that the government has the ability to control the situation, and not follow the trend of selling in this financial turmoil, and preemptively buy if they have spare capacity. The market has fallen to the bottom stock.On the one hand, in various urban areas of Shanghai, the rice shops under the government's control are sold at a par price in an administrative manner.At the conference on rectifying Shanghai’s financial work, Zhang Hanqing said calmly: “Some people are hoarding rice to make huge profits, but they have underestimated the ability of the people’s government! After 2 days, 2 tons of rice will enter Shanghai every day. The rice in Shanghai will reach 5 tons. Aren’t they able to eat rice? As long as they are not afraid of being stuffed to death, Shanghai has everything they want!” It must be known that the population of Shanghai at that time was only 10 million, and the daily rice consumption was at best 300 tons.

Rice traders and foreign chambers of commerce cannot bear the loss of falling rice prices. In this way, their efforts for many days will not only be wiped out, but also a huge amount of money will be lost for nothing-you must know that they themselves caused the loss. The price of rice rose, and contributed to the rising process, and bought a large amount of rice and futures at a relatively high price.After a short negotiation, they unanimously decided to absorb the rice put into the market by the government without restriction, artificially causing a shortage of rice in the market and increasing its price.What they wanted was to use the economic crisis to oppress the tough attitude of the Republic of China government towards the British government in dealing with the "May [-]th Massacre".

On the night of June 6th, with a secret order, Northeast, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu and other major rice-producing provinces took immediate action to transport the bags of rice that had already been ready to be shipped to Shanghai overnight by train and ship.Because in the early days when rice from other provinces was still under the control of Zhang Hanqing’s plan, the supply of rice by the Shanghai government was in short supply every day. Gradually, people’s hearts began to float. Rumors that "the government cannot control the situation" shrouded both sides of the Huangpu River. Life is untenable.Under such circumstances, Zhang Hanqing decisively imitated the operation mode of urban residents' quantitative household registration in the era of planned economy in later generations, ordered household registration to purchase rice, and at the same time gave a financial subsidy of 25 jiao 1 cents per catty.For the 2 unemployed workers caused by the economic contraction, the government distributed relief rice and organized them to build seawalls "relief with work".

As a result, a very exciting scene appeared on the beach in Shanghai: Often the government's cheap rice was immediately eaten by traders in large quantities, and then transported into ports controlled by foreign chambers of commerce and transshipped out.Of course, they cannot get cheap rice. As businessmen, they cannot enjoy government financial subsidies.The cheap rice they get is the "parity" price of 1 cents per catty, which is the basic price plus the financial subsidy given to residents by the state.

Then, when the price of rice had risen to 0 yuan per catty, the government suddenly opened up the sale of rice to Shanghai citizens at a price of 36 cents per catty. What a shock!

Shanghai residents can buy 1 catty of rice per day at a fair price based on their registered permanent residence. Migrants who work in factories are collected and distributed by the police station and civil affairs office in the area where the factory is located. This move immediately reassured Shanghai citizens.Don't panic if you have goods in your belly.Now that the government has provided a security backing, why does it matter if the price of rice fluctuates to the sky?So for a while, Shanghai citizens laughed and talked about the price of rice rising and falling, looking up to the fluctuation of stock prices.

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