The Sino-foreign rice war caused the British and Japanese capitalists to lose face and suffer heavy losses.What is especially important is that this campaign raised the morale of the Chinese people, and the national cohesion and sense of honor were unprecedentedly strong, which profoundly weakened the power of imperialism in China.

But China is a traditional agricultural country after all. After the central government controls the power of domestic grain production and sales, it is not a good strategy to continue to use grain to counter the central government.The British and Japanese governments were not willing to admit defeat in such a disheartened way. They found the weakness of China's industry, especially Shanghai's industry, which was cotton as an industrial raw material.

Without cotton, the more than 200 million spindles in Shanghai would not be able to start work, and the world's textile giant would not be able to produce what it should, and the economy would be paralyzed.The raw materials were concentrated in the hands of British and Japanese capitalists.

Zhang Hanqing does not believe in this evil. In terms of the national economy, the People's Party implements the nationalization and public ownership of important materials.And because of China's vast territory, imperialism has never been able to completely colonize China.In this time and space, due to the sudden rise of the People's Party and the public ownership of land, the state has already controlled most of the food and cash crops.Just because of the limitations of geographical conditions and transportation facilities, a large part of resources cannot be effectively shared.Like cotton, in Xinjiang, it is not lacking, but too much to be transported to the coast.

The power of the country is amazing!Zhang Hanqing ordered the local governments of Shaanxi, Gansu and Xin to use all means to gather a large number of important materials and export them to the eastern coast through the Longhai Line and the Beijing-Shanghai Railway.

He actively assisted industry and commerce in resuming work and overcoming difficulties.Those who lack funds will be given loans, and those who are short of raw materials will be loaned raw materials.Guo Di, the general manager of Yongan Spinning Factory, had more than 300 million catties of cotton and 1 spindles of Swiss textile machinery that could not be transported to foreign production sites. Zhang Hanqing specifically asked the banks, railways, and trade departments to cooperate with each other, and even sent wagons to Hong Kong to haul the goods. , Do everything possible, finally shipped all the raw cotton and textile machinery to Shanghai.Another example is that the finished gauze cannot be shipped out and is unsalable, and the market price of 20 yarns is only 11 yuan (lower than the cost), and the state buys it for 12 yuan.Private industry and commerce really feel the support of the state.

As a result of the anti-blockade struggle, only 7% of the textile industry started work in mid-July, and it reached more than 4% by November. The output of private spinning mills increased by 11%, and the original start-up rate of the machine industry was 9%. , increased to 75%.Shanghai's industry finally struggled out of depression and embarked on a recovery.What is the significance of this victory?Zhang Hanqing said: "The imperialists once said contemptuously that the People's Party will only manage the countryside and fight wars, and that the people who manage the cities have no talents and no efficiency; they are destined to make a mess when they care about the economy....Facts have proved that we can definitely learn to swim. , swim to the other side, and swim faster than them!"

On July 7, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Shanghai held a grand parade to commemorate the "May 30th Massacre".Zhang Hanqing's military uniform went on stage for review.Now he has been hailed as "China's national hero" and "the backbone of the Chinese nation". He is sought after by countless people in the country, and he is also the object of many young girls' Huaichun.Facing countless hoarse and cheering crowds on both sides of the road, on the one hand, I feel majestic and majestic, and on the other hand, I feel the heavy pressure on my shoulders, so I deeply understand the profound meaning of "the people who live in the temple are worried about the people".I just did a little bit of what I should do as a government leader, but I was so strongly loved by the people.As a ruler, what reason is there to violate, deviate from, and deceive such expectations?Now, it is only a small step towards the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Looking at the expectant eyes of the people, he deeply understood the meaning of what a good prime minister of later generations said at a press conference: "No matter whether there is an abyss or a minefield in front of me, I will go forward without hesitation."

When the parade was halfway through, there was a sudden commotion ahead.It turned out that a Japanese drove into the parade without authorization, blocked the procession, and resisted the intervention of the traffic police with arrogance, which aroused public outrage.

This is a very bad incident, just as "Prince Zhang" is on a parade, it is a demonstration against himself!Zhang Hanqing resolutely ordered: "Detain and talk about it! Regardless of Japanese or British, if they violate Chinese laws in China, they can be sanctioned!" Under the watchful eyes of the public, not to mention the diplomatic spat between China and Japan caused by this, it is immediately To start a war for this is irrelevant. To be a human being is to have a backbone!

All of Zhang Hanqing's guards used one to block ten. Originally, the inner, outer, and outer layers were all eyeliner. When the Japanese made a fuss, some people wanted to stop it with force, but they didn't get a hint.As soon as Zhang Hanqing made up his mind, the Japanese kicked him quickly from nowhere, and he was made to lie down like a dead pig with just one kick.Before he could struggle, several people in the crowd were like a pack of wolves pouncing on a sheep, and they cleaned him up in two or three strokes.The Japanese was still yelling "Bag Yalu", and was immediately punched so that a few teeth fell out, and blood mixed with it fell on the ground.This kick and punch were so heavy, the Japanese no longer had the previous arrogance under this kind of forceful retaliation.Witnessing the patriotic "feat" of Chinese soldiers, the onlookers cheered in unison, and the drums beat thunderously, which made a good start for this epidemic.

After understanding, the Japanese is the former Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai.In the past, the Chinese government must have come forward to apologize for the incident of fighting between Chinese and Japanese personnel.Once such a major incident involving diplomats is reported in the newspapers, the Central Nationalist Government will come forward to properly resolve it.But when meeting Prince Zhang, who is good at power and strategy, all the rules have changed.

The former vice-consul was detained, and the Japanese government strangely did not make all kinds of remarks that have always moved and feared both Chinese officials and the people. The perpetrator also honestly handed in an "apology letter" to the Chinese staff.When the news was published in the newspapers, it immediately caused a sensation.The oriental sleeping lion of China has woken up and can no longer be bullied.Shanghai residents clapped their hands and cheered: "In the past, the Japanese had to cry to the sky when they drove over someone to death, but now the Japanese consul will be punished if he breaks the law. The people's government has the ambition!"

Taking the "May 100th Massacre" as an opportunity, Zhang Hanqing lost no time in putting forward the famous saying "If you fall behind, you will be beaten", calling on Shanghai citizens to actively subscribe for national debt for the country's development and growth, so as to help the country raise funds and concentrate on major tasks and industries.In addition, in order to restore the basic currency status of the silver dollar as soon as possible and stabilize the financial market, the People's Party mobilized the masses to preach the significance of gold control and its strong relationship with the country.Under the unprecedented patriotic enthusiasm of the people, the Shanghai Provincial Finance and Economics Committee took away more than 3000 million taels of gold, [-] million US dollars, and countless silver in just one month. An astonishing feat that neither government has achieved.Many families exchanged the town treasures handed down from their ancestors for silver dollars or national bonds. Some ordinary female workers were not spared even gold earrings, and they asked for exchange one after another, which fully reflected the Chinese people's hope for a strong country and their trust in the current government.

Of course, safeguarding sovereignty and national dignity is not blind xenophobia.Long before entering Shanghai, Zhang Hanqing emphasized this point to the takeover cadres: We must protect law-abiding foreigners, treat foreign companies differently according to the central policy, and take over gradually. Escrow, transfer of consideration, etc.For electricity, water, public transportation, and industries and commerce that are beneficial to the national economy and the people's livelihood, it is necessary to mobilize Chinese employees to unite with foreign employees to continue production and operation.This makes the takeover safe and orderly, and the struggle is reasonable, beneficial and restrained.

However, the gambling business run by foreign bosses such as race halls and dog running halls is different. They are prohibited from operating, and they are not confiscated, and only high land value taxes are levied.In less than a year, the British boss couldn't take it anymore and requested that the property rights of the racetrack be handed over to the people's government free of charge.Zhang Hanqing personally participated in the design and planning, and built it into a grassy People's Park in the north and a People's Square in the south.Similarly, later the dog run was turned into a cultural square, the French nightclub was built into a cultural club, and Hartong Garden was built into the Shanghai Exhibition Hall.The blood-sucking dens and pornographic playgrounds set up by foreign capitalists have returned to the people one after another, turning decay into new life.This is a later story, so I won't show it for the time being.

From summer to winter, after experiencing the anti-blockade struggle and the test of three major price fluctuations, Shanghai's economy is gradually on the road to recovery and development.

After the "May 8th Massacre", Shanghai's industrial and commercial circles subscribed for public bonds enthusiastically. When the British warship's cannon fired, the newly resumed production suffered a blow. On the evening of August 9, Zhang Hanqing specially called a meeting of celebrities in the industrial and commercial circles, and said bluntly: "There is no reason for you to be frightened by the cannons of the British and Japanese imperialists, or you will fall into their trap. You should hurry up and talk to The workers in the factory discussed the resumption of production. We are responsible for the restoration of the power plant. Of course, there are many difficulties, which must be solved through solidarity and cooperation.” He finally said with confidence: “Our industrialists and the country’s industrial scale have grown rapidly since the Republic of China. Considerable progress has been made, we must not belittle ourselves, and we must fight together with the people of the whole province and the whole country!"

The great political mobilization reached its climax at the meeting in which people from all walks of life in Shanghai commemorated the compatriots who died in the "May 300th Massacre".Zhang Hanqing called on the 72 million people in Shanghai to "stand up to the test in the siege of Britain and Japan, and stand up more bravely!" After that, the subscription of public bonds set off a new upsurge. The cotton spinning industry alone oversubscribed 50 shares in the industrial and commercial circles. , Shenxin system subscribed 25 copies.When the Nanyang Rubber Factory produced men's shoes, the water tank was cut off, and the workers had to carry buckets of water from the well to ensure production.Due to the lack of electricity, the factory only operates three night shifts a week, and the workers consciously rushed to do the work, and the output increased by [-]% compared with the previous full-time shift.

However, the disaster caused by the "May [-]th Massacre" is not over yet.The Lunar New Year is approaching, supplies are scarce, people's hearts are fluctuating, and rumors are spreading wildly. From big speculators to ordinary citizens, out of various motives, there is another wave of panic buying.People believe that on the day when the "red market" opens on the fifth day after the Spring Festival, prices will inevitably skyrocket.After experiencing the previous three price fluctuations, Zhang Hanqing and the financial and economic cadres have practiced a few "tricks".Before the festival, Zhang Hanqing was busy formulating plans with the Finance Committee, requesting the central government to quickly allocate a large amount of materials and organize water and land transportation... until the end of the Spring Festival.

When the market opened on May [-]st of the Lunar New Year, speculators opened their mouths aggressively, and state-owned companies swallowed as much as they supplied, waiting for the supply of goods to run out, and prices soared.Unexpectedly, the supply from the state-owned company continued to flow, and the price did not move at all. In just a few days, the speculators had bottomed out their wallets and their warehouses were full, but the state-owned company still had sufficient supplies.On the ninth day of the ninth day, Zhang Hanqing received a report from the Finance Committee: "The big bosses can't eat anymore, and want to vomit, and the price starts to fall."

"Good!" Zhang Hanqing said: "Let those speculators who have been taught repeatedly lose some money and suffer a little bit! This is also beneficial to the big bosses in the industrial and commercial circles, so that they can give up their speculative psychology and do a good job of production with peace of mind."

The fourth wave of rising prices in Shanghai quickly died down at the cost of half of the private banking industry and one-tenth of the closure of speculative firms.If it is said that administrative coercion was used to crack down on silver dollar speculation, then this time it is entirely economic struggle.Zhang Hanqing, who has been sleepless since the "May [-]th Massacre", has had a good night's sleep so far.

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