young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 159 Negotiations with Time Limits

After learning from others, the Belgian concession was also successfully recovered.

Since the opening of the Tianjin Concession, there has been no improvement. Instead of bringing much actual benefit to Belgium, it may become a burden.The Belgian government at that time had no financial resources and was unwilling to invest in the construction of the concession.Therefore, when the Belgian government and the Beijing government were negotiating a bilateral treaty, the Belgian ambassador to China, Lorne, announced that Belgium was willing to hand over the Tianjin-Belgian Concession to China as a gesture of friendship.

The Beijing government then organized the Tianjin Bi Concession Committee to take over.At first, for example, the Chinese government was asked to redeem the land in the boundary, but Zhang Hanqing flatly refused.As a last resort, the Belgian government stated that it was willing to "automatically" return the concession to China "without compensation".Subsequently, the national government specially dispatched five people, including Ling Bing, an advisor to the Treaty Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to conduct specific negotiations with the Belgian embassy counselor Ji Youmu.The two sides signed the "Agreement on Belgium's Return of the Tianjin-Belgian Concession" and four annexes.These documents stipulated that the Belgian government handed over the administrative management of the concession to the Chinese government, and also handed over all public property in the concession to the Chinese government.After the signing of the agreement, the Chinese government appointed Ling Bing and others as acceptance committee members to continue discussions with the Belgian Minister to China Graham on the delivery issues.After the concession was taken back, it was renamed Tianjin Special District 5.

The recovery of the Italian Concession was also relatively smooth. The two parties basically signed a hasty agreement according to the gourd painting, and the mission was completed.The next step is the exchange of ambassadors between the two sides, which normalized the relationship between the two countries.

More troublesome is France and Japan.Zhang Hanqing was also very annoyed at this point.

It is normal for Japan to be difficult, otherwise Japan would not be Japan.However, due to the influence of China's economy, the Japanese political circles had no choice but to gradually modify the new relationship with China.At the end of 1925 when the United Kingdom announced its agreement to return several British concessions, Japan had no choice but to decide a new policy towards China at the imperial meeting by the regent Crown Prince Hirohito, which included the return of the concessions and the withdrawal of extraterritorial rights, etc., in order to "wipe" the Chinese people In response to the anti-Japanese consciousness, he also issued a shameful "statement" in a blatant manner, saying that "Japan respects China's sovereignty very much. considerations." Later, on January 1926, 1, the "Sino-Japanese Basic Treaty" was signed with the central government, the seventh article of which stated: "Based on the development of the new relationship between China and Japan in this treaty, the Japanese government should abolish the treaty in China." The extraterritorial rights enjoyed by the Republic of China should be returned to its concession. The government of the Republic of China should open up its territory so that Japanese subjects can live and do business.”

Although it was just a move by the Japanese side to hand over business to all walks of life, Zhang Hanqing still followed suit and instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to start fruitful negotiations immediately. On this basis, the so-called "Agreement on the Return of the Concession and the Abolition of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction" between Japan and China was quickly concluded. .According to this agreement, the governments of the two countries signed Japan's "Agreement on the Implementation Rules for the Return of the Concession".The terms stipulated that the administrative power of the Japanese exclusive concessions in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Hankou, Shashi and other places was scheduled to be "handed over" on March 1926, 3.However, Japan will not give up this vested interest easily. The return of these concessions is conditional, that is, the Japanese enjoy super-national treatment in China.In other words, it is to completely turn the Chinese area where Japan's economic and trade reaches into its concession.In addition, the Tianjin Concession, which occupies an important position in the various concessions in Japan, has been absent from the council for a long time.

There is no condition to talk about taking back the inherent territory. It is a matter of national dignity.While Zhang Hanqing was angry at Japan's rogue behavior, he also deeply knew that when the national power was not yet able to say "no" loudly, overemphasis on self-esteem was a manifestation of extreme inferiority.

France, which is thousands of miles away, is also extremely arrogant.There are four in the Chinese-French Concession, namely Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Hankou.Since France’s trade with China was far behind that of Britain, even the United States, and later Germany and Japan, the four French Concessions in China were far behind the local British Concession in terms of finance and trade.In the middle of the 4th century, except for the initial prosperity of the French Concession in Shanghai, the French Concession in Tianjin and the French Concession in Guangzhou were barren for a long time and were unable to develop. Rights, it was not until 19 that the strength was formally developed.

Although they could not compete with the British Concession in terms of finance and trade, these four French Concessions in China were opened earlier and their geographical locations are quite superior. Except for the French Concession in Guangzhou, where Chinese are not allowed to live, all of them later formed commercial areas or high-end residences. district.Among them, the French Concession in Tianjin was closer to the old city than the British Concession, and later it also had an advantage in retail business. The Quanyechang area became the most important commercial area in Tianjin.The Hankou French Concession has the advantage of a railway station, and its business is also very prosperous.Due to the gathering of a large number of property-owning classes in the French Concession of Shanghai, after the 4s, Xiafei Road commercial street was formed, which was comparable to Nanjing Road in the public concession.

Among the four Chinese-French Concessions, except for the Guangzhou French Concession, they are all famous for the prosperity of the entertainment industry. About half of the local theaters, cinemas, restaurants, and even tobacco dens, casinos, and brothels are concentrated.Therefore, the Chinese French Concession has become an area where the underworld is active, and the crime rate is higher than other concessions.These four roads in the French Concession are usually named after French people or places, such as Avenue Joffre (now Middle Huaihai Road) and Avenue Petain (now Hengshan Road, etc.), the main roads in the French Concession in Shanghai.

I really don't know where there are places in France to liven up?More than ten years later, the "Maginot Line" that France later became a laughing stock was taken down by Germany within two weeks. France, which claims to be "the world's number one army", was completely wiped out within a month, which is not as good as England's Mishima's performance is more persistent and more respected by the world.

Although France was victorious in World War I, the victory was too expensive in terms of casualties—an entire generation of Frenchmen died on the battlefield—and so little was gained, France Man himself has to admit that victory in the First World War was tantamount to defeat for France.At the Paris peace conference, France failed to achieve the goal of completely dismembering Germany, and after the conference, Britain and the United States failed to secure the French-German border in the form of a treaty. Therefore, seeking security in the European continent became the focus of foreign policy in the 20s .

From 1920 to 1927, France successively signed treaties with Belgian, Polish, Romanian, Czech Republic, South Africa and other countries.Established a security system mainly for Germany in continental Europe.Geographically speaking, these countries are located around Germany, and France has formed an alliance with these countries, forming a tendency to encircle Germany; in terms of the strength and size of these countries, they are small and medium-sized countries, so France is not at ease and hopes to draw Britain into it However, it was rejected by the United Kingdom. In the 20s, the French foreign policy was characterized by "surrounding Germany and blocking the Soviet Union", with the purpose of maintaining France's hegemony in the European continent.

Now France's main energy is focused on how to suppress the re-emergence of Germany, and how to obtain the maximum economic benefits in Europe and restore the industrial level. Its power in the world, especially in Asia, is basically in a strategic state of shrinking and sticking.In view of this, Zhang Zuolin’s government expressed its strong dissatisfaction with France’s delay in substantially restoring normal relations with China (mainly because it failed to express its willingness to abandon the concession in time), and felt that the Chinese government’s actions in the “May [-]th Massacre” Under the pressure of toughness and public awareness, the French government also lowered its stance in a timely manner, saying that the negotiations between China and France on the status of the concession can be carried out step by step.It mainly uses the word "slow" to wait and see the situation in China: if major powers such as Britain, Japan and the United States give up their concessions in China, France can certainly follow in its footsteps; , France will certainly do my part.Just as a gesture, the French government sent a negotiating delegation headed by the Count of Monte Cristo to handle the affairs of the Chinese concession with full authority.

The proud Count of Monte Cristo has received a good education since he was a child. He has a famous Parisian aristocratic lineage. He has a heartfelt contempt for the Chinese and is used to calling them "yellow monkeys". He advocates tough relations with China and does not approve of them. Cancel the concession.When he came to Beijing, it seemed like he was on vacation. All kinds of communication meetings with the Chinese side were entrusted to his deputy. He even avoided the visit of Chinese Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Mo Dehui.He believed that it was the Chinese who wanted something from France, not the other way around. In terms of diplomacy, the Chinese's humility could reflect the pride of France. "If the Chinese also have diplomacy," he thought.What he proposed was a clause that was unacceptable to the Chinese side: "The French side will selectively and gradually hand over the Chinese Concession. A specific timetable can be negotiated. interference, the original French security forces in the concession can continue to perform their functions during this period.”

It's a "selective and gradual end". It turns out that Monte Cristo planned to talk about one concession after another.After handing over the concession, it is necessary to ensure that all the original things cannot be changed, and even retain the right to garrison troops to exercise sovereignty on behalf of the country. The proud Gao Xiongji thought that the opponent was China during the Second Opium War?

Zhang Hanqing instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send out China's dissatisfaction with the work of French negotiators, and directly threw it to the French government: "The Republic of China is a sovereign and independent country, and the concessions were left for historical reasons, but the Chinese people will not let it remain There, because this is a disgrace to the entire Chinese nation. As one of the countries that recognize the Republic of China, France is obliged to gradually downplay and downplay the concession affairs, and finally complete the return of the concession. This return should be unconditional and complete without any negotiation room. What China and France can do now is to try their best to protect the existing interests of both sides to the maximum extent in a candid atmosphere. It is not a good negotiating partner. Whether it needs to be replaced should be decided by the French government. However, there should be a time limit for negotiations. General Zhang Hanqing, chairman of the Central Committee of the People's Party, proposed that the time limit for negotiations between China and France on the concession is one year, that is, if within one year, If there is still no progress in the negotiations, then China will resolve the concession issue in its own way."

China's cry can be heard across the ocean, China's own way?The Count of Monte Cristo was stupid, the French government was stupid, and the Japanese gloating were also stupid.When did the Chinese have the courage to challenge Westerners?Is this what the Chinese government said?That's right, it should be unmistakable that it can be transmitted to every corner of the world through radio waves.

Ignoring the clamor of the French side, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only gave an official explanation to the journalists from various countries who flocked here.The more this is the case, the more people feel that China's time limit is powerful and genuine.

The situation is stronger than people, and no matter how awesome France is, it can't do it like the British have fleets all over the world that can put enough pressure on China.After the final showdown for China, it must be France who is ashamed.As a traditional land power, distance does have a great impact on foreign policy.Since we have nothing to do with China, we should not get in the way of things related to China, otherwise we will just make our neighbors laugh. This is the final conclusion of the French government.

Then it was only natural to see the count of Monte Cristo's attitude towards negotiations become condescending.

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