young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 16 Fengtian Reform

Although Zhang Zuolin is in power, he suffers from the chaotic law and order in the provincial capital and cannot govern. If Fengtian is still under his rule, how can he establish his prestige, instead of being a leader of "changing the king's banner at the top of the city" ?He already felt that relying solely on the Green Forest Brothers to go on a rampage will not be able to become a hegemony.It is necessary to recruit talents, Internet literati, to offer advice and suggestions for him.

Although Zhang Hanqing has no experience in government, he also understands the style and habits of warlords from history. Starting from the common problems of Zhang Zuolin's officers, he came up with two emergency countermeasures:

[-]. Separation of government and military;

[-]. Separation of the military and the police.

He explained: "Since the Republic of China, military intervention, political chaos, and even military rule have emerged in endlessly. Like the former president (Yuan Shikai), the current prime minister (Duan Qirui), and the governors of various places, they all entered the government with soldiers, that is, The same is true for my father. Why? If you have soldiers, you have strength, and you need territory. The superior is a measure of stability. If you need to win over, you must meet their requirements. But he has always been helpless to him. Even if his father drives Feng Delin away, it is inevitable that there will not be another Feng Delin-like figure under his command.

After the separation of the military and the government, the local governments have no soldiers and no power, so of course they dare not compete with the central government, so the central government orders the administration.Soldiers have no territory and cannot supply supplies by themselves, so the supplies and military pay are controlled at the center, and the trouble of supporting troops can be eliminated.If the generals don't have to worry about the future, they can concentrate on fighting. If they have something to fight and nothing to do, the combat effectiveness of the army can gradually increase.

As for the separation of the military and the police, it is even more imperative: the style of the military pays attention to what orders must be followed, but it is rude to govern the people.What's more, extortion is used as a way to make money. If things go on like this, the soldiers will have a bandit spirit, which will easily harm one side, and the army will be weak.If the people say something angry, they should be dissatisfied, which is not beneficial to stability.For the current plan, we should use thunderbolt methods to clean up military and political discipline.The improvement of father's prestige and popularity can be just around the corner. "

Zhang Zuolin was overjoyed, and said with emotion: "No one knows his father like a son, but the little six knows my heart."

In terms of army reorganization, Yang Yuting, who Zhang Hanqing met when he was studying in the martial arts hall (then the chief of staff of the 27th division, the chief counselor of the Fengtian Department, and Zhang Hanqing's direct supervisor in the counselor's office), assisted him in four major events:

One is to establish the Fengtian Navy, which makes the army self-contained and enhances the strength of the army.At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there were small guard boats such as "Anhai" and "Suiyuan" in Fengtian Province, which were responsible for the task of arresting thieves and protecting fisheries.The establishment of the Fengtian Navy was based on this small fleet, the establishment of the Fengtian River Defense Fleet, and the establishment of a naval school "Fengtian Aviation Police School" in Huludao. Because the international community does not recognize local navies.

The second is to formulate the land tax system, dig out a large amount of uncultivated wasteland from the hands of warlords and landlords for farmers to cultivate and develop production, and strengthen Fengtian's economic strength.

The third is to build roads for war preparation. At that time, the power of the South Manchuria Railway in the northeast belonged to Japan. After the construction of the road for war preparation, the transportation of Fengjun was not threatened by Japan. Once war broke out, the road could be used to deal with the Japanese army.

The fourth is to supervise the management of the Fengtian (Shenyang) Arsenal, self-made weapons and ammunition to equip the army, and enhance the defense capability.

In the official history, Yang Yuting is a very capable person under Zhang Zuolin's command. He runs the army rigorously and has strict military discipline. He is an orthodox soldier who does not smoke, drink, and has no hobbies.When he was young, in order to practice riding skills, he was bitten by a war horse while secretly riding a horse in the middle of the night.After leading the army, the soldiers who violated the rules were severely punished regardless of their closeness.When he was a major instructor, he held emergency assembly training late at night, and he could always pick out soldiers who didn't wear socks from the queue and punish them on the spot.Once when he came back from outside, the sentry heard his voice and let him in without asking the password. As a result, he punished the sentry.He has a secretary, but he often reviews documents in person until late at night.

Zhang Zuolin appreciated his talent very much and transferred him to be the chief of staff of the 27th Division.Afterwards, he assisted Zhang Zuolin to gradually open up the political and military situation in the Northeast, and he became famous personally.When assisting Zhang Zuolin, he encouraged himself with the emperor and the prime minister, and regarded him as the master.But this person is narrow-minded and never tolerant of those who are against him.He is also very superstitious. There are sorcerers in his family all the year round, who help him ask for divination when things happen.In the official history, the young marshal has always had a quarrel with him. After Zhang Zuolin's "Huanggutun incident", he regarded himself as a veteran of the Fengjun army, arbitrarily pushing the boss, and repeatedly violated the taboo of the young marshal.Yang resolutely opposed the Northeast change of flag. He believed that Chiang Kai-shek should not be obeyed, so he had new conflicts with Zhang Xueliang.For Zhang Xueliang, he pretended to be a protector. He often used the allusion of Zhou Gongfu to become a king, advised Zhang Xueliang to quit drugs, and criticized him for not caring about political affairs.Although he had good intentions, the young and energetic Zhang Xueliang did not buy him.The Japanese took the opportunity to sow dissension, so Zhang Xueliang was shot dead in the Tiger Hall of the commander-in-chief on unwarranted charges such as "swallowing and withholding military pay, delaying military opportunities, and plotting wrongdoing".Afterwards, Zhang Xueliang regretted the act of self-destructing the Great Wall.

Zhang Hanqing held the idea of ​​making the best use of his talents, and didn't mind the possibility of a future "town lord". On the contrary, he thought that the young handsome man in history was too small, lacking the courage and ability of the emperor to control the power and ministers, leaving an existing talent for use.In fact, it was because of Yang Yuting's intolerant treatment of others that he was not very popular among Fengjun in history: the young commanders Zhang Xueliang and Guo Songling made things difficult for him everywhere, and even Jiang Dengxuan and Han Linchun, whom he personally recommended, sometimes opposed him.Fengtian Provincial Finance Director, Acting Governor Wang Yongjiang and other cultural parties did not like him either.Yang Yuting realized that it was difficult for him to get along in the Northeast, so he had to ask the governor to go abroad.

Such a person is very much like the middle-level supervisor who complained in the factory in his previous life: he has good ability, can stir up muddy water, but can't make big waves.There are many complaints, but things can still be done well.At a time of isolation, Zhang Hanqing is confident that he can use this to control him.

Yang Yuting was not yet fully fledged at this time, and he was also very concerned about Zhang Hanqing's support for his Northeast policy. The two hit it off: Zhang Hanqing appreciated Yang's overall perspective, and Yang Yuting was surprised by the "depth" of the young commander's strategic thinking.After the military and government stabilized, the economy also improved greatly.Because Fengtian was a less turbulent city after the Republic of China, and there were few wars outside the customs, from the perspective of the whole country, Fengtian Province was considered one of the places with stronger economic capabilities in China at that time.With such a strong foundation, if you don't achieve anything, it's useless to come to this world.

After Sun Liechen, the most trusted confidant recommended by Zhang Zuolin, took over as the commander of the 27th Division under his original subordinate, Sun Liechen gradually showed his amazing talent. The army is neat and orderly, and its combat effectiveness has been significantly improved by more than one level, becoming a model for other divisions.

In terms of policing, Wang Yongjiang, a former civil affairs envoy who was once awarded the "No. 1904 in police administration in the province", was appointed as the chief of the provincial police department and the provincial capital police department.During the Russo-Japanese War in the [-]th year of Guangxu ([-]), Wang Yongjiang served as the Liaoyang police officer, which was appreciated by Zhao Erxun. He wanted to be given the post of Civil Affairs Secretary, but Zhang Zuolin, the leader of the military at that time, opposed it.However, winning the world immediately cannot rule the world immediately.When Zhang Zuolin presided over the Fengtian military administration, he also regarded Wang Yongjiang as highly as Zhao, and gave Wang the power of police administration to rectify the province's police affairs.After Wang took office, he reformed the police administration, implemented the separation of the military and the police, and strictly prohibited the military from interfering in the police administration.Of course, this also dissatisfied the veterans who had always been used to running rampant, represented by the Fengtian military circle headed by Tang Yulin and others.

According to Zhang Hanqing's opinion, Zhang Zuolin authorized Zhang Hanqing to take full responsibility for the establishment of the "Information and Statistics Bureau of Fengtian Patrol Mission Office", referred to as "Fengqing Bureau", to integrate intelligence resources and monitor military and political conditions. This is also the predecessor of the "Ministry of National Security". Gao Jiyi served as the director, and Zhang Hanqing was in charge, reporting directly to Zhang Zuolin.This Gao Jiyi is Zhang Xueliang's police chief in official history, and his loyalty is a characteristic.

In addition, a special combat brigade was established based on some middle and lower-level officers from the Northeast Lecture Hall, with Ji Yiqiao as the captain, responsible for tasks that the general army was unable or inconvenient to do.This is the germination of Zhang Hanqing's forward-looking military thinking based on the role of modern special forces.

Some things that would have happened two years later or would not have happened in history, Zhang Hanqing carried out ahead of time.

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