The "Anmeng Army" has stabilized the situation.At noon of the same day, Guo Songling published the Anmin Announcement and imposed martial law in the whole city of Kulun.

Zhang Hanqing expelled Chen Yi, the plenipotentiary representative of the Beijing government in Duolun, held the "cabinet manager" Badma & #8226; On August 8, under the pressure of Zhang Hanqing, the Parliament of Outer Mongolia formally submitted a letter to the President of the Republic of China Xu Shichang, petitioning to abolish all treaties between Russia and Mongolia and return the entire territory of Mongolia to China. On August 28, the Beijing government of the Republic of China ordered the cancellation of Outer Mongolia's autonomy in the "Chinese President's Proclamation", and at the same time canceled the "Sino-Russian Statement" and the "Chakhta Agreement".At the same time, at the suggestion of Zhang Hanqing, the commander-in-chief of the "Anmeng Army", the Beijing government established the "Mongolian Province of the Republic of China" with the four Mongolian departments, and transferred Wang Shuhan, the vice governor of Jilin Province, as the governor.

Zhang Zuolin gave Zhang Hanqing a very high courtesy to Zhang Hanqing who led troops for the first time: the soldiers of the "Anmeng Army" who participated in this battle each recorded their merits once, and Zhang Hanqing was promoted to general because of his meritorious service, becoming the youngest general since the Republic of China.Guo Songling and Ji Yiqiao were promoted to lieutenant generals, and Zhang Chengde was promoted from colonel to major general (the rank of cavalry brigade commander is the same as that of artillery regiment commander, and he is colonel).Ji Yiqiao was stationed in Outer Mongolia, and Ji served as the commander of the Mongolian Security Command.Since then, there has been no gap between the Northeast and the Northwest of China, and Zhang Zuolin has 6 provinces under his command.

When Zhang Hanqing called the central government, he also called the military government of Sun Yat-sen in the south. Sun Yat-sen also called to congratulate despite the opposition from the Kuomintang.He praised Zhang Hanqing in a high-profile way: "Hanqing's achievements in taking back Mongolia are more successful than Fu Jiezi and Chen Tang, and public opinion is indispensable!"

Thousands of Mongolian-speaking cadres followed by the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government and the People's Party followed, and began the long-planned Mongolian reform.One of the key points of this reform was the emancipation of serfs.

On the vast grasslands, only a small group of princes and nobles really own the means of production, and the vast majority of herdsmen live a life of naked and starving.That being the case, why let these upper classes continue to sit on a vegetarian diet and fatten up to become sinners who split the country and the nation?Zhang Hanqing has rich experience in "Sunrise Land Reform". Although the operation modes of the prairie and black land are different, the principles are similar.He has witnessed and empathized with the boundless enthusiasm of the farmers in the Northeast for a few acres of land. Who can guarantee that the Mongolian herdsmen will not be grateful to the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government for this?Back then, the Mongolian people sang and danced to welcome Mao Weiren. The famous song "The Sun Rises and Never Sets on the Grassland" that he had heard since he was a child really sang the hearts of the Mongolians. Isn't the reason for turning over and being liberated?Taking advantage of the fact that many Mongolian upper classes participated in the autonomy of Outer Mongolia, Zhang Hanqing decided to take the opportunity to mobilize the herdsmen to defeat these unreliable powerful factions.

Zhang Hanqing also established the Mongolian Provincial Department of the People's Party in Mongolia. With the assistance of the party and government elites who came to support him, he quickly and vigorously launched a "three-anti movement" against separatism, hunger, and oppression.The People's Party mobilized the public to report separatists and crime-ridden aristocratic tyrants, and poor herdsmen who had no means of subsistence were given cattle and sheep. The "Anmeng Army" built execution grounds and prison cells on Langjuxu Mountain. A large number of upper-class people who participated in Mongolian autonomy were deprived of their family properties and thrown into prisons. The most important people were even sentenced to death.

In the nearly one month until the end of September, the Mongolian provincial government executed nearly 9 people on charges of separatism and counter-revolution, and nearly a thousand people were punished by ransacking their homes, imprisoning them, and exiling them.This is already horrifying in Mongolia, a province with a very small population.

The Mongolian provincial government headed by Zhang Shuhan made many constructions and strengthened Chinese cultural education: introducing vegetables, building roads, opening banks, and starting daily newspapers.In order to overcome the weakness of a single herdsman, the government also set up an animal husbandry department according to the situation in Mongolia. In addition to leading the herdsmen to organize mutual rescue meetings and develop animal husbandry, it also purchased sheep skin, goat skin, cowhide, horse skin, and camel skin on behalf of them. , and a large amount of wool, cashmere, etc. are sold to inland China to support financial and family life.

It is necessary to mention the Mutual Rescue Society, which was the predecessor of the ranch.In order to overcome the many natural disasters such as ice and snow on the Mongolian plateau and the irresistibility or lack of capacity of single-household herdsmen, the People's Party has extensively mobilized herdsmen to set up collective pastures in various places, which are the lowest administrative units.In this way, the living conditions of the herdsmen who join the association can be guaranteed, and the specialization and reproduction of the herdsmen can be effectively organized, and the government can also carry out effective management.Half a year later, nearly 2/3 of the herdsmen in Mongolia have joined the Mutual Rescue Society.The Mongolian people enthusiastically praised the leadership of the People's Party. Finally, Sukh-Bator and Qiaobashan, who were former Mongolian founding leaders and herdsmen, went to the Soviet Union to seek help in building the party and the country.

In terms of industry, the provincial government led the organization to establish the Tula River Gold Mine Industry Company to concentrate on gold mining.According to the geographical location and conditions of gold mining, the Tula River Basin is considered to be one of the largest alluvial gold production areas in the world, and some wetlands have sufficient water sources for gold mining.

The coal association organized by the government successively opened coal mines in Baganur, 125 kilometers east of Kulun, and Shalinger, 240 kilometers north of Kulun. In addition, it discovered a new coal mine in the Gobi, which later became the third largest coal mine in Outer Mongolia. Oz Coal Mine.

The Iron Ore Association has mined three mines in the Temurtaolegai, Temurtai and Bayangol regions in the Darkhan region, 240 kilometers north of Kulun.In the Baoriwenduer area, 300 kilometers southwest of Kulun, four mining areas including Eren, Hongger, Duerwuren and Barigenlet were successively discovered.Mongolians who have herded horses for generations have longed for a better life, and many of them resolutely bid farewell to their horses and went down to the mines.

Zhang Hanqing urged the People's Party to work hard to train Mongolian cadres with the political philosophy of Mongolian governance, which deeply won the hearts of most middle-level people in Mongolia. The "Three Antis Movement" gave the Mongolian lower-class herdsmen who had no status in their ancestors a sense of pride in being the masters of the family. The livestock and food they got from the lost princes and nobles made their poor life suddenly a little bit more angry. The turned herdsmen sincerely Love the People's Party and the Mongolian government led by it, and some herdsmen transferred from animal husbandry joined the "Anmeng Army" and became part of the Mongolian security forces.They are good riders who grew up on horseback, and with a little training and ideological education, they are very good soldiers.Ji Yiqiao, with the officers of the "Anmeng Army" as the main force, recruited 4 cavalry brigades, and built the 26th Division of the Mongolian Security Cavalry according to the establishment of the Fengjun Army.

While Kulun was carrying out rectification and construction, Ji Yiqiao followed Zhang Hanqing's instructions and sent a military cavalry regiment along the Tula River to take over the northern important city of Darkhan in case Soviet Russia interfered.Darkhan is the confluence of the Tula River and the Orkhon River. It is the gateway to the northern defense of Kulun against Russia. Its geographical location is very important.Another infantry regiment was deployed at the confluence of Orhun River and Segeleng River, and Segeleng City was built on the basis of the original villages and towns.

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