young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 8 The death of the hero

During the process of Yuan Shikai becoming emperor, Yan Xiu and Zhang Yiling, two old friends who had followed him for many years, clearly expressed their opposition to the restoration of the monarchy. They repeatedly dissuaded Yuan Shikai not to take this path of desperation, but Yuan Shikai never came to his senses.After all, there is no medicine for regret in the world. On the night when the imperial system was abolished, Yuan Shikai called Zhang Yiling for a conversation, and said with great regret: "I didn't listen to you and Fan Sun (Yan Xiu's words) ) words, now that I think about it, I really feel regretful and ashamed! Fan Sun has followed me for many years, and never mentioned any promotion to me; you have been in my shogunate for more than ten years, and you have never made any personal requests. It can be seen How precious are those who are indifferent to fame and wealth, glory and wealth, and fame and fortune. These are the real national scholars! Those who once promoted me, are they really serving the country and the people? They promote me as emperor today, and tomorrow It is possible to oppose the monarchy, such people are everywhere! In short, I spend more time doing business and less time studying, and this is my own fault, no one else’s fault.”

In the end, Yuan Shikai said sadly: "It's just a small matter for me, but a big one for the country. Those who are in charge of the country must take it as a warning!"

In the end, Yuan Shikai's body couldn't stand it any longer, and proclaiming himself king and emperor not only did not help him break the family curse, but accelerated his death.According to Yuan Jingxue’s recollection, during the Lantern Festival in 1916, when the whole family gathered around to eat the Lantern Festival, the sixth, eighth, and ninth concubines quarreled loudly in front of Yuan Shikai over the status of “concubine” and “concubine”. stand up.Seeing this, Yuan Shikai sighed and said, "Don't make trouble anymore! You all have to go back to Zhangde and wait to take my coffin back with me!" After speaking, Yuan Shikai got up and went back to the office.At that time, the War to Protect the Country had already broken out, and Yuan Shikai was worried and depressed all day long. After being disturbed by his family, Yuan Shikai began to eat less from that day, and gradually became sick.

Amidst the voices of all parties demanding the president's abdication, Yuan Shikai was in chaos.Under the "recommendation" of Fengtian General Zhang Zuolin, Sun Liechen, commander of the 54th Brigade, succeeded the commander of the 27th Division.At this time, the army that can be relied on is none other than Zhang Zuolin, who naturally responds to requests.However, when Zhang Zuolin began to vigorously carry out military training, he did not see the action of agreeing to Yuan Shikai's sending troops.The last straw didn't work anymore. Seeing that the general situation was over, Yuan Shikai became ill with anxiety and anger in late May.

He was unwilling to abdicate, and then he was unable to do anything when he went to war. In the end, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and his body collapsed.In the last few days of May 1916, Yuan Shikai was unable to work; on June 5, Yuan Shikai went into a coma for a while; until 6 am on June 5, Yuan Shikai finally passed away.

Yuan Shikai suffered from soft foot disease in the late Qing Dynasty, which was also the reason why the then regent Zaifeng fired him.After the outbreak of the Revolution of [-], Yuan Shikai came back and needed the help of servants when he entered the palace.This time, Yuan Shikai’s disease was bladder stones that caused uremia to infect the whole body. Originally, this disease would not lead to life-threatening, but Yuan Shikai was quite stubborn, and he always refused to see Western medicine or undergo surgery (probably because of the special location of the disease) , ashamed to speak), coupled with all kinds of unsatisfactory after the God system, and the rush of anger, it aggravated his condition.

After Yuan Keding's insistence, Yuan Shikai asked the French doctor Béchier to come for diagnosis and treatment after his condition deteriorated sharply and he had trouble urinating, but it was too late.Bei Xiye suggested that Yuan Shikai go to the hospital for surgery, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, but Yuan Shikai refused.Under such circumstances, Beshiye had no choice but to catheterize Yuan Shikai's urine in his bedroom, but at this time all the urine was hematuria.Yuan Shikai knew that he couldn't afford it, so he hurriedly asked Xu Shichang and Duan Qirui to find him, and handed over the president's seal to Xu Shichang, saying: "The president should belong to Li Songqing (Li Yuanhong's word), so I will be fine. I'm also planning to go back to Zhangde."

It is said that after Yuan Shikai fainted in the early morning of the 6th and regained consciousness, he whispered to his old friend Xu Shichang, who was at his side, "Yang Du, Yang Du, you misunderstood me." !" Yuan Shikai didn't say who this "he" was, and most people thought he was referring to the eldest son Yuan Keding.Yuan Keding really has to bear half of the responsibility for this ugly drama of restoration. He wanted to be a prince himself and wanted to be crazy. In the end, he pushed the old man to the fire and made Yuan Shikai a generation of heroes. In the end, he was killed by this scorpion. What a pity. The ridiculous and deplorable infamy through the ages is really useless.Yuan Keding was a man who was neither literate nor martial, his character was not high, his morals were not obvious, not to mention half his life, he was a man's favorite in his later years, and because of this, he lost his family and property, and died in poverty.Yuan Shikai has such a prince, how can he be undefeated?

Since Yuan Shikai was still the incumbent president when he died, Li Yuanhong treated his funeral as the incumbent head of state after he succeeded the president.At that time, in addition to appropriating 50 yuan in public funds for funeral expenses, the central government also ordered civil and military agencies to lower their flags at half-mast, suspend banquets for 27 days, and stop folk entertainment for 7 days; all civil and military officials and troops stationed in Beijing should wear black gauze; ", Cao Rulin, Wang Yitang, and Zhou Ziqi will undertake the funeral ceremony, and Li Yuanhong, Xu Shichang, and Duan Qirui will be in charge.

After Yuan Shikai's death, those who opposed him overtly and secretly in the war to protect the country also "dissolved their suspicions", or rushed to Beijing in person or sent their entourage to mourn the old leader, so Yuan Shikai's funeral was also held in a splendid manner. mourning.The most deplorable thing is Yu Ganer and Fengtian General Duan Zhigui. After he learned of Yuan Shikai's death, he hurriedly came from outside the pass. His dear father (what a filial son!).

Because Yuan Shikai's funeral was too extravagant, at the final settlement, it was found that he could not make ends meet, and the special funds allocated by the government were not enough to build the cemetery after deducting the funeral expenses.For this reason, eight people, including Xu Shichang, Duan Qirui, and Wang Shizhen, jointly launched a public announcement, asking people from all walks of life to donate money and help, and finally collected 25 yuan to finally end Yuan Shikai's funeral.

As an advocate of the imperial system, Yang Du was scolded and denounced by the whole country as soon as the Hongxian imperial system was introduced. Yang Du was scolded as a traitor in his hometown.嬖人".As self-purification or self-restraint, Yang Du wrote to recall Yuan Lian to show his aspirations:

The Republic wronged the Republic of China, and the Republic of China wronged the Republic;

The constitution of the monarch bears the Duke of Ming, and the Duke of Ming bears the constitution of the monarch; under the nine springs, the words are repeated three times.

However, no matter what, a generation of heroes has come to such an end, isn't it sad and deplorable?However, according to Zhang Hanqing's meaning, it is "self-inflicted, and you can't live." When you are old and old, come to this hand, is it really a fool?It seems that later generations have repeatedly emphasized that it is really necessary to abolish the lifelong system of cadres.If such a day really happened, Zhang Hanqing also decided not to fall in love with the company, but to accept it as soon as it was good. At most, he would set up a senior minister or an advisory committee or something.Why can't these people look away!

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