young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 81 Cars and Tanks

The impact of the First World War on the economic development of the imperialist countries was very different.The economies of the United States and Japan grew rapidly under the stimulation of the war, especially Japan's growth was more significant. In 1919, Japan's industrial production increased by 1913% compared with 89, of which steel production increased by nearly one and a half times.The economies of Germany and other Central European countries were devastated by the war.Germany produced 50% less steel, 33% less coal, and 57% less industrial production than before the war.Due to Germany's defeat, the land cession and indemnity made the economic difficulties even worse.The French economy was also severely damaged by the war.However, due to the recovery of Alsace and Lorraine, the temporary occupation of the German industrial zone Saarland, and a large amount of reparations in kind from Germany, these are conducive to the recovery and development of the French economy.Britain faced difficulties in transitioning from a war economy to a peace economy, but they were quickly overcome.Thus, from 1919 to 1920, the imperialist countries generally experienced short-lived economic prosperity.Prices soared and credit expanded rapidly. In just one year, the prices of the United States, Britain, France, Japan and Italy rose by 30-90% respectively.Due to severe inflation in Germany, prices have risen by more than 4 times.The stock prices of various countries have risen by 50% to several times.The growth of production and the rapid rise of prices and stock prices have sharpened the contradictions in the reproduction process, which will soon bring about another economic crisis. At the end of 1920, an economic crisis hit most capitalist countries.

Hardest hit by the economic crisis of 1920 was Japan, which had the fastest growing economy during the war.During the crisis, Japan's total industrial output fell by 48%, steel production fell by 1/2, shipbuilding cut by 88%, and the chemical industry fell by 34%.The U.S. was hit hard too, with industrial production down 25%, steel production halved, auto production down 28%, shipbuilding down 83%, and capital construction down by a third.This crisis not only affected all other imperialist countries except the United States and Japan, but also affected many colonies and dependent countries.

Some people are happy and some are sad.Zhang Hanqing welcomed the coming of this crisis.In his view, the weakening of the major imperialists, especially Japan, was a shot in the arm and a stimulant for his Northeast government and China.Nothing makes a rival in a competition happier than undercutting it.For China, which is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the main problems are low productivity and insufficient production capacity, and there is no so-called overproduction problem at all.

After a big down there must be a big up.Can we take this opportunity to transfer excess foreign production capacity to China, imitating the reform and opening up policy of later generations, not only to enhance China's industrial strength, but also to firmly bind foreign capital with China to contain Japan in Northeast and North China? The pattern of economic monopoly is killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, the transfer of surplus production capacity abroad is not to allow China to be dumped by foreign countries.On the contrary, China urgently needs to earn foreign exchange through exports to support industrial development. Although the gold obtained by "Aunt Huang Operation" is a lot, it is not visible and it takes a lot of trouble to use it.But in any case, although there is more money, it cannot be used for consumption casually like an upstart.

The self-government under Fengjun's self-government is currently in dire straits economically, but without a bridle, there is no immediate effect in the short term due to the enhancement of industrial strength.In this way, when war comes, industry cannot be quickly transformed into military strength, and it cannot form a fist, so there is no deterrence.

What industry can achieve this effect?Zhang Hanqing naturally thought of cars.I remember which book in my previous life said that judging the industrial strength of a country is marked by cars.Think about how many joint venture automobile factories China built in the 20th and 21st centuries in order to catch up with the advanced industrial level of foreign countries?With the heart engine of the car as the bridle, major processes such as chemical industry, rubber, optics, machinery, electronics, metallurgy, etc. are all important parts of industrial development, and are also important symbols for assessing the comprehensive development level of all aspects of industry.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of manufacturing automobiles, China is very likely to achieve a breakthrough in industry.The construction and use of automobiles consume a large amount of oil and steel, which will further stimulate the development of these two pillar industries; the extensive use of automobiles will promote the manufacturing industry and the transportation industry, and it is self-evident that the important role in the development of the national economy It is metaphorical; in the military, the use of military trucks can make artillerymen say goodbye to other people’s horses, so that the field artillery transportation currently completed by the pulling force of 6 pack horses can be completed by one truck, which solves the huge logistical support problem and enables Artillery maneuvers became possible.On the other hand, the entire Feng army has nearly 50 people, and it is still unable to meet the task of guarding the vast land of 10 provinces. The lack of long-range projection capability of troops is a major reason.It is not financially feasible to increase the number of troops, but if we can quickly concentrate the main force in the short term, form a powerful assault force, and conduct a strategic decisive battle, we can win in one battle. Germany can rely on "blitzkrieg" to defeat Poland, the Czech Republic, and France, and occupy almost the whole of Europe.

Speaking of "blitzkrieg", another idea came to Zhang Hanqing's mind, that is, tanks can be built by possessing the technology of building cars.

Tanks were born in World War I, ruled the roost in World War II, and have been the dominant force on the land battlefield since World War II, known as the "King of Land Warfare".It is the most basic vehicle among all armored vehicles. It is a tracked armored combat vehicle with powerful direct firepower, high cross-country mobility and solid armor protection capabilities. It is the main assault weapon for ground combat and the basic equipment for armored soldiers.Tanks can undertake various combat tasks in complex terrain and under all-weather conditions. They are mainly used to fight against enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. They can also suppress and eliminate anti-tank weapons and other artillery weapons, destroy field fortifications, and annihilate viable forces.The development of the tank had a decisive influence on the development of other armored vehicles.The advent and use of tanks began a new era of army mechanization, which had a major impact on army combat operations and had extremely far-reaching historical significance in the military.Its value, Zhang Hanqing is clear.And with enough power, there is no need to worry that the tank cannot be built.

Early tanks were still very primitive. Swinton, known as the "father of tanks", was a British army colonel. He first proposed the use of crawler tractors with steel plates to resist machine gun fire. This was the earliest idea for tanks. On January 1916, 1, the British improved tank "Mother" conducted its first driving test and successfully passed the simulated "Battlefield Obstacle Runway".It crossed the ditch with a width of 16 meters and a height of 2 meters through the vertical wall. The test was successful.Since then, the world's first truly practical tank was born. After being equipped with the British Army, it was officially named the Type 24 tank.At the same time, France also manufactured several tanks, the most notable of which is the "Renault" ft-1 light tank.It is the first tank in the world to be equipped with a 37-degree rotatable turret, and the rear of the power cabin and the driver's seat in the front of the car body. Most of the modern tanks we see today follow this design.

Through the relationship of Colonel Max & #8226; Bauer, a German military adviser, Zhang Hanqing managed to obtain several ft-17s, mobilized experts from all walks of life, and secretly established a company in Qinhuangdao, code-named "Qinhuangdao 20th Machinery Research Institute" Do research on this tank.During the First World War, there were all kinds of tanks in various countries, and the equipment was also colorful.Taking the UK as an example, there are not only models equipped with 1 cannon and 2 to 5 machine guns, but also the difference between "male" and "female".Zhang Hanqing resisted all opinions and insisted that the tank should only be equipped with one artillery and one machine gun, and suggested that the crew should be three people.So I focused my thinking on how to improve mobility, enhance protection and maintenance, and use reliability.In the end, it gradually formed a standard model with a total combat weight of about 1 tons, a maximum driving speed of 3-25 km/h, a maximum armor thickness of 30-40 mm, and a gun caliber of 60 mm.Because it was developed in 70, Zhang Hanqing named it the t-75 tank.

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