When the "Huichun Incident" was likely to be resolved peacefully, Zhang Hanqing arrived in Guisui from Zhangyuan, and then traveled along the Yellow River from Yulin in northern Shaanxi to southern Shaanxi.On the other side of the Hequ, he had a frank conversation with Yan Xishan, the governor of Shanxi who came after hearing the news, about the situation in Shaanxi.

Yan Xishan was very concerned about the movements of the Northwest Army. After he secured his position as the military governor in the early years of the Republic of China, through his superb "Tai Chi" skills, he insisted on continuing to fight since the Revolution of 38 in the Republic of China, when the situation was changing and political figures were changing like a lantern. He has been in power in Shanxi for 1924 years!He adheres to the "philosophy of the Central Committee" in his work and strictly implements the "Three Nos and Two Essentials", that is, "not to join the party, not to ask about foreign affairs, and not to use troops for personal rights; to obey the orders of the central government, and to safeguard local security."Later, he summed it up as "protecting the environment and the people", and asked "to communicate with neighboring provinces so that they will not be troubled by us, or they will be happy and cooperate with neighbors, so that they can be used by us and resist insults on our behalf."Until 8, he repeatedly refused to participate in the melee of warlords, which made Shanxi maintain peace and stability for several years.At this time, after a series of actions in the past eight years, Shanxi has been made as firm as an iron cylinder.Shanxi was already prosperous in the early years of the Republic of China, and this area has never suffered from military disasters. It is a paradise in the midst of warlords, and it can be called the "model province" of the Beiyang government.

Zhang Hanqing didn't want to offend this "earth emperor".Yan Xishan is a big warlord with 11 people. To the east of Shanxi is the Zhili with deep-rooted direct influence. If he doesn't handle it well, Zhi and Jin will join forces to uproot his "Northwest Army".In the official history, the Zhili line only relied on its own strength to defeat the forces of the Fengjun in the pass in the first Zhifeng war.Although the strength of the Feng family is no longer comparable to history, but the lessons learned from the past must be guarded against.

Zhang Hanqing's entry into Shaanxi this time is to solve the threat of the direct line to the Feng line.Originally, Cao Kun was the leader of the Zhili lineage, and he sat firmly in Zhili.Cao Kun has no ambitions, and only has one teacher under his younger brother Cao Rui, so he is nothing to be afraid of.On the contrary, although Wu Peifu's nominal title "Deputy Envoy of Zhiluyu Tour" is one level lower than that of Cao Kun, but with 6 divisions and 4 mixed brigades under his command, he has a vague tendency to come from behind.At this time, Wu was far away from the hustle and bustle of Beijing and concentrated on training troops in Henan, but he should not be underestimated.Zhang Hanqing intends to drive Feng Yuxiang out of southern Shaanxi. In this way, he can borrow the influence of Zhao Ti, the governor of Henan, or control the Beijing-Han line, so that Wu will face the hidden danger of double-sided attack. The strategic situation is not optimistic, thus postponing the possible Zhifeng War and allowing time for the development of the Feng Dynasty.

Zhang Hanqing promised to guarantee Yan Xishan's status in Shanxi, and made an oath with Yan that the Jin army would not help each other on the battlefield in the future, and the Northwest Army would not commit any crime against the Jin army. Zhang Hanqing vowed to affirm Yan Xishan's status and recommend him Shanxi-Sui Tourist Envoy (Suiyuan is already under the rule of Fengshi, although Yan Xishan was promoted to Tour Envoy, but he can only control Shanxi, which is actually only a false title).After everyone was happy, Zhang Hanqing passed through Yan'an and Tongchuan, and met Han Linchun at the front-line command post of the Northwest Army in Xianyang.In the name of Shaanxi-Gansu Tour Envoy and Shaanxi Warlord, he asked Feng Yuxiang's troops to withdraw from the provincial capital of Xi'an and retreat to Ankang to pay attention to the unstable situation in Sichuan, and let the provincial capital be under the unified management of Governor Liu Zhenhua's Henan Zhensong Army.

Zhang Hanqing issued the order in the name of the Shaanxi-Gansu Tour Envoy, of course there is nothing wrong with it.But the officialdom of the Republic of China was not played like this--most of the patrol envoys during the Republic of China were actually empty posts, but they were used to promote the ranks of those generals who had passed away, and some were used to appease, such as Zhang Xunren The patrolling envoy of the Yangtze River actually does not control a single province, and Wang Zhanyuan's patrolling envoy of the two lakes only cares about his own Hubei and does not control Hunan.There are only two truly famous inspectors: Zhang Zuolin, the inspector of the three eastern provinces, and Lu Rongting, the inspector of Guangdong and Guangxi. Coincidentally, they are both from the green forest, and they are all from the military governor. They both firmly hold the military power after being promoted. .

How could Feng Yuxiang retreat so easily after he finally got a treasured place to hide?But his immediate boss, the baby commander, kept hitting him with a moral baton, and gradually sparks erupted between the two.

Zhifeng competition in other places is also very fierce: On the same day Zhang Hanqing issued the telegram, the central government specially appointed Wang Shizhen as the patrol envoy of Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi. Wang succeeded, but failed.So Zhang Zuolin tried his best to protect Zhang Xun. You must know that although Zhang Xun has a bad reputation, he is Zhang Hanqing's brother-in-law's father-in-law.Of course, Cao Kun and Xu Shichang had to use people from their direct lineage. They appointed Qi Xieyuan as the governor of Jiangsu, and appointed He Fenglin as the envoy of the Songhu Guard.As a result, the three provinces of the Yangtze River were still firmly controlled by the Zhili, which caused dissatisfaction among everyone, especially Zhang Zuolin's backlash.

For the sake of balance, Jin Yunpeng made a step back. In the name of the central government, he asked Feng Yuxiang to follow orders.Wu Peifu, Feng's big backer, was concerned about the situation and chose to acquiesce.Feng Yuxiang was helpless: In terms of legal principles and strength, he could not compete with Zhang Hanqing, his immediate boss who claimed to have 5 divisions, and the giant Zhang Zuolin standing behind him. On December 12, Feng Yuxiang was "ordered" to withdraw from Xi'an and stationed in Ankang, the border area of ​​Shaanxi, Sichuan and Hubei.But this incident also planted the seeds of feud between Feng and Wu.

Zhang Hanqing is relentless when he is in power. He uses the pretext of governor Liu Zhenhua's attachment to Duan Qirui to order a crusade.Liu Zhenhua didn't dare to be tough on Zhang Hanqing when he saw the powerful Feng Yuxiang. How could he be his opponent with the small "Zhensong Army"?So he simply announced his resignation.

Most of the warlords in the Republic of China had a tacit understanding: as long as they were electrified and resigned, no matter how many mistakes they made before, they would all be cancelled. This is also like a "hidden rule" in politics. Everyone seems to think that killing prisoners is ominous, and they must show their own "democracy" image.Like Duan Qirui's three ups and downs in history, Chiang Kai-shek's three ups and downs are all examples.The warlords of all parties, you sing, I will appear on the stage, and I will show my kindness to the people in the field, and there will be little harm.There were three rare exceptions, but the perpetrators did not end well: Xu Shuzheng, who killed Lu Jianzhang in official history, was finally killed by Lu Jianzhang's son Lu Chengwu; Zhang Zongchang, who killed Zheng Jinsheng, was also shot to death by his son Zheng Jicheng; , Later, she was avenged by Shi Nu.

However, although Zhang Hanqing would not kill them all, he didn't want to give him a chance to stand up.As soon as Liu Zhenhua left, he was about to incorporate all the "Zhensong Army" and appointed Yu You, the former commander-in-chief of the "Yinguo Army" and a well-known veteran of the Kuomintang in later generations, as the governor of Shaanxi.

Although Yu Youren was born in the Kuomintang, he has considerable ability in caring about people's livelihood and stabilizing the situation, and enjoys high prestige in Shaanxi Province and the "Yasukuo Army".The people's army has spread too much, and it is really not sure that it can firmly control so many sites. Relying on these "surrendering soldiers and generals" (Zhang Zuolin's words) is a last resort----"Yinguo Army" in this loyal Under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen's Mr. Yu, it is not impossible to turn against the water, but it must be after the Kuomintang gains power.At present, there is no party group that has the appeal and influence of the People's Party.As for the "Yasuka Army" leaving the army and entering Anhui, that is impossible--Sun Yat-sen and Duan Qirui are "world feuds".According to official history, the Republican Party really gained power after the "Northern Expedition" in 1927. Before that, Zhang Hanqing was confident that he would recharge his strength to slow down the battle.

In order to be able to control the territory of Shaanxi, Gansu and Guangbao stably and achieve the goal of dividing and ruling, Zhang Hanqing, with the "consent" of the government of the Republic of China in Beijing, divided Greater Gansu into Qinghai Province, Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Province (Ningxia here) Because it includes the Alxa League of Inner Mongolia of later generations, it is far larger than the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the official history) three provinces, 8 years earlier than the official history.

In order to maximize the stability of the situation in the northwest, Zhang Hanqing advocated regional ethnic autonomy. Ma Fuxiang was the governor of Gansu, Ma Qi was the governor of Qinghai, and Ma Tingyu was the governor of Ningxia Autonomous Province, in exchange for the support of the three.Separation of politics and military affairs, all factions were incorporated into the Northwest People's Army, and Xu Lanzhou was appointed as the commander of the Northwest Armed Police Force and Chief of Staff of the Northwest Army, and worked hard to select and train local minority party and government cadres, so as to completely control the political and military affairs. 4 provinces in Northwest China.

When the provinces were divided, the Labrang Monastery in Xiahe was fed up with the harassment of the Majia army in Xining, and was reluctant to return to Qinghai.As a result, this important Tibetan town belonged to Gansu, so Xiahe is a protruding corner on the map.

The reason why the name "autonomous province" is used is because Zhang Hanqing is fed up with the administrative names of later generations----districts have autonomous regions (provincial level), regions (city level), and county levels (municipal districts). There are municipalities directly under the central government (provincial level), regional cities, and county-level cities. It is really difficult for people who are not familiar with geography and administrative planning to distinguish the size of their jurisdiction from the words alone.

The time has come to the 10th year of the Republic of China, that is, 1921 AD, and there is still one year before the official showdown in the official history.

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