Before the Zhiwan War, the old Guangxi faction headed by Lu Rongting, the governor of Guangxi, contacted the Beiyang Zhili warlords. On August 1919, 8, the old Guangxi faction dispatched troops to attack the Chaoshan Guangdong Army, and the first Guangdong-Guangxi War broke out.This battle reshuffled the forces of various factions in the south: Mo Rongxin, the governor of Guangdong who supported Lu Rongting, and Xiong Kewu, the governor of Sichuan, stepped down, and replaced them with Chen Jiongming, a political rookie who supported Sun Yat-sen, who was also the governor of Guangdong and the governor of Guangdong.Liu Cunhou, the commander of the "Jingchuan Army" far away in Hanzhong, succeeded Xiong Kewu as the governor of Sichuan, but he was not politically able to send Liu Xiang, commander of the Second Sichuan Army, Dan Maoxin, commander of the First Army, and Dan Maoxin, commander of the Third Army. Chang Liu Chengxun and others accommodated him.

Originally, members of the old Congress planned to use Chongqing as the new location for the establishment of the Southern Congress. However, due to the Sichuan-Yunnan War, the Sichuan Army was expelled from the Yunnan Army, and they had to announce to find another location for the meeting.Cen Chunxuan, Lu Rongting, Lin Baoyi, and Wen Zongyao, the political presidents of the Guangzhou military government, announced their dismissal and hoped to convene a parliament to seek unification quickly.Cen Chunxuan, Wen Zongyao, and Li Genyuan left Guangzhou for Shanghai to conspire with Sun Yat-sen.

General Liu Xiang of the Sichuan Army and others held a meeting in Chongqing, where they decided to formulate the Provincial Autonomy Law, energize Sichuan for independence and self-government, and oppose Liu Cunhou, the governor of Sichuan.In fact, this is a precursor to Sichuan being divided into four giants of the Sichuan Army: East-Liu Xiang, North-Deng Xihou, West-Yang Sen, and South-Liu Wenhui.

At this time, Zhao Hengti, the governor of Hunan, was appointed by the Guangzhou military government as the commander-in-chief of the Hunan Army in November 1920, and later served as the governor of the province. He advocated inter-provincial autonomy and created a provincial constitution.

After the war between Zhiwan and Anhui, the forces of all parties were reshuffled, and Hubei, the hometown of Zhili, was still occupied by Wang Zhanyuan.At this time, he not only served as the governor of Hubei, but also took the title of patrol envoy of the two lakes.

Wang Zhanyuan is a greedy and despicable man, a domineering warrior. He calls himself a "white tiger reincarnated", with mediocre talents and good at searching. His methods include mis-lucking copper coins, monopolizing the production of military uniforms, opening banks to sell gold, setting up Xincheng Company to sell leather goods, and purchasing military supplies. After disarming and returning to the farmland, he bought a lot of real estate in Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Baoding and other places. In Tianjin alone, there are 3000 rented houses. In addition, he also invested in industries, involving finance, mining, textiles, grain, electricity, etc. How much wealth does he own? , It is hard to count, but it was estimated to reach 18 million yuan.He also served as the commander of the Second Division, and detained Wu Guangxin, the commander-in-chief of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River of the Anhui Department in the Zhiwan War, and incorporated Wu's army to form two brigades, which were later organized into the [-]th Division, with Sun Chuanfang as the division commander. Expanded his own strength, so he sat firmly on the position of Governor of Hubei Province.

After the war, President Xu Shichang, according to the decision of the Tianjin Conference to punish the culprit of Anfu, ordered He Peirong of Anhui Province to be removed from the post of Governor of Hubei Province. Wang Zhanyuan recommended his in-laws Sun Zhenjia to take over.People from all walks of life in Hubei believed that this was Wang Zhanyuan's extensive placement of party members and cronies, setting off a "Sun Sun Movement", and Sun failed to take office.Because of the upsurge of Hubei people ruling Hubei, in order to stabilize the situation in Hubei, Xu Shichang appointed Xia Shoukang as the governor of Hubei.

Xia Shoukang is a native of Wuhan, Hubei, a descendant of a family, father and son for two generations of Hanlin.On the second day of the Wuchang Shouyi of 7, he participated in the meeting of the Advisory Council.The Hubei Dudufu was established, and he served as the deputy minister of the Political Affairs Department, and later served as the advisor of the Dudufu.In July of the following year, he served as the director of civil affairs in Hubei, and was promoted to chief of civil affairs in October.Xia Shoukang never liked to make friends, was taciturn, upright and honest, and won the hearts of the Hubei people. In 10, he was transferred to Beijing, and immediately took over the post of political history in the capital, and overthrew Wang Zhixin, who was covering the sky with only his hands at that time.

Wang Zhixin is known as "the originator of China's police force". He has been in the police force for more than ten years, and he has an extraordinary relationship with the then Prime Minister Zhao Bingjun. He is a well-known role in the capital. At the end of 1913, Wang was promoted to the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture and became the highest chief of Gyeonggi.But Wang Ben was a reckless and greedy person, his official name had never been good, and he was restrained in the police circle.At that time, Jingzhao Mansion had 24 counties under its jurisdiction. Except for one county magistrate who was exempted because of his big background, Wang actually collected bribes from 23 county officials after he took office.In such a short period of time, under the feet of the emperor, such large-scale bribery was rarely heard of even in the two hundred years of the former Qing Dynasty.Wang dared to do this, firstly because of his strong police and judicial background, and he thought he had something to rely on; secondly, because he was an old man from Yuan’s Beiyang family and a close confidant of Prime Minister Zhao Bingjun, so he thought he had a strong political background; finally, it was said that Yuan Shikai’s The eldest son Yuan Keding and Wang Zhixin paid a lot of expenses with public funds, and Wang was very skilled at raising money himself. In 1914, Xia Shoukang heard about Wang Zhixin's corrupt behavior, conducted a secret investigation, verified the evidence, and reported it to the President.However, Yuan Shikai's recovery was extremely fast. Within three days, from the President's approval to the Dali Temple trial, sentencing, and execution, Wang Zhixin was dead.He later served as the Secretary-General of the Presidential Office of President Li Yuanhong, and was well-known in the political circles of the Republic of China.

Wang Zhanyuan was very dissatisfied with Xia Shoukang's entry into Hubei. On the 27th, he sent a power call to Beijing saying he was sick and asked for leave.Therefore, the prisoners of Hubei were outraged and strongly demanded to expel Wang Zhanyuan.

At the beginning of the year, Wang Zhanyuan was awarded the title of "General Zhuangwei" by Jin after he eliminated the oppression of the Yinchuan army and retired from Kuiwu to Lantianwei, Li Tiancai, Wu Xinghan and other ministries in western Hubei. On March 3, Wang Zhanyuan, the governor of Hubei, called a meeting of representatives of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, and concluded a "joint defense treaty", which was said to be an alliance of seven provinces. Movement" surged rapidly.

On April 4, he was invited to go north to participate in the "Big Four Conference" led by State Prime Minister Jin Yunpeng in Tianjin, led by Cao Kun and Zhang Zuolin. On April 23, he participated in a telegram to oppose Guangzhou's election of Sun Yat-sen as the very president. The meeting ended on May 4th, and the cabinet was reorganized, the land was allocated and finances were allocated, and the Yangtze River Basin and Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Hunan were determined to belong to Wang Zhanyuan.

At this time, the Beijing government encountered an unprecedented financial crisis.Originally, since the beginning of 1921, there has been a wave of "poor" across the country.The military expenditures have been owed for eight or nine months, and the warlords in various provinces have sent telegrams to urge the military to pay.Due to the failure to pay wages on time, mutiny occurred from time to time, and mutiny occurred, burning, killing and looting.The warlords in various provinces openly withheld local national taxes and even Beijing-Han Road funds, issued provincial treasury bills indiscriminately, and handled local government bonds without authorization.

Only the provinces occupied by the Feng family, because of the smooth development of industry and agriculture, strong domestic and foreign trade, and economic prosperity, the income of soldiers is the best among all warlords: not only allowances, but also retirement fees after retiring from the army, and compensation for injuries and sacrifices Jin, the family members are also taken care of by the local government, and military families can also obtain land that is in line with the distribution of the local people free of charge.Moreover, it is said that Fengjun advocates unity between officers and soldiers, and actively teaches soldiers to read and write. Therefore, the social status of soldiers has greatly increased, and soldiers have a sense of belonging and honor to the army.In addition, batch after batch of well-educated Fengtian Military Academy graduates joined the army, bringing good training and systems to the army, making the combat effectiveness of the Fengtian Army incomparable with official history.

The reason why Fengjun is rich is closely related to the huge increase in the economic strength of the three eastern provinces.In the early days of the Republic of China, the central government’s finances mainly depended on the national tax, and Zhang Zuolin had occupied all the distribution of the national salary when the Northeast was self-governing.During the "Northeast New Deal", due to financial constraints, Zhang Hanqing distributed the tax revenue as follows: the industries of the three northeastern provinces are all counted as local government development investment, and they are classified as monopoly industrial entities----industrial associations, and the income is not paid. The central treasury is allocated under the jurisdiction of the "Financial Committee of the Northeast Federation of Autonomous Governments".As for the main agricultural tax, in order to rest and recuperate, all taxes account for only 30% of the total land output value. The self-government needs to pay back the expenditures for the "bought" land (actually it is almost a forced purchase, but at least the interest is returned). Half of all taxes are taken out, which is nicknamed "development tax".Because compulsory education is to be popularized, 10% of the education tax must be set aside, 15% of the agricultural tax withheld for agricultural development, and 5% of the household registration tax, and the remaining 15% should be allocated to the state and local governments6: 4 ratio split. At the end of 1920, the total agricultural tax revenue of the three northeastern provinces was 3 million yuan. The central government only got 96% of the tax revenue, and only got 9 million yuan as the national tax paid by the three northeastern provinces.

Even for these, the taxes paid by the three northeastern provinces accounted for nearly 40% of the national tax revenue that year.Therefore, the "National Unification Committee" under Zhang Zuolin is not only the military pillar of the Beijing regime, but also a strong economic backing.

In addition to industrial returns, Zhang Zuolin’s fiscal revenue reached an astonishing 5 million yuan at the end of the year. Calculated based on the ratio of silver dollars to Japanese yen at the same period of 3:9, it was about half of Japan’s and six times that of the central government of the Republic of China. Far beyond the same period in history.And with the sharp increase in industrial output value, this figure is still changing rapidly.No wonder in the official history of Manchukuo (a puppet state established by the Japanese after the fall of the Northeast), in 7, its industrial scale surpassed that of Japan, ranking first in Asia!This is not counting most of the property shipped to Japan and as military attrition.

The Northwest People's Army was originally poor, because after occupying Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, political and economic life was recovering, so it was difficult to have strong support.After the Guyuan earthquake, Zhang Hanqing transferred a batch of nearly 1000 million silver dollars from the northeast in time. Except for a part of it for disaster relief, the rest was used as military pay.Therefore, when all parties are in arrears of payment, the Northwest People's Army is welcoming the new storm with full enthusiasm.

On June 1921, 6, it was reported that after Wang Zhanyuan returned to Hubei from the Tianjin Conference, he carried a large sum of 4 million yuan and refused to distribute it. The No. 200 mixed brigade in Yichang, Hubei Province rebelled, looting, burning and killing people. More than a thousand died, and affected the residences of Japanese, British and American foreign firms. On June 20, the Seventh Regiment of the Wuchang Second Division of Wang Zhanyuan's direct-administered army failed to pay dues. Affected by the Yichang mutiny, Wang Zhanyuan mutinied. Wang Zhanyuan avoided entering the warship and killed more than 6 people. Xiaogan was killed with machine guns. On the 7th, a section of Wang Ruqin's Department of the Eighth Division in Shashi, Hubei mutinied. On June 8, the Hankou consular corps protested to Wang Zhanyuan against the mutinies in Yichang and Wuchang, asking whether there was any defense capability, otherwise countries would send warships to Hankou for self-defense. On the 10th, there was also a mutiny in Fuchi, Hubei. On June 6, the Hankou Consular Corps put forward three demands to Wang Zhanyuan based on the loss of foreigners in Yichang and Wuchang mutinies:

([-]) No troops may be stationed within [-] miles of the residence of the overseas Chinese.

([-]) Compensation for the losses of merchants and people, and compensation for injured priests.

([-]) The consulate added a squadron of guards.

The Hubei people in Beijing petitioned the State Council to dismiss Wang Zhanyuan, and they petitioned again on the 28th. On July 7, Wang Zhanyuan convened the joint defense meeting of the seven provinces of Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Shu, and Yunnan in Wuchang.

After Hunan broke out that "Hunan people ruled Hunan", Wang Zhanyuan, a native of Shandong who was in charge of Hubei, used many of his fellow villagers, which made the people of Hubei province pay more attention to him.Hubei people imitated Hunan's appearance, and also shouted the slogan that Hubei people govern Hubei.

In the official history, in order to expel Wang Zhanyuan, Hubei people persuaded Zhao Hengti to send troops north to help expel Wang Zhanyuan, and promised many benefits: After the Hunan army sent troops to help Hubei drive the king, two divisions could be stationed in southern Hubei, and their military salaries were all provided by Hubei. The Hunan Army can also control the Hanyang Arsenal to ensure a reliable supply of arms.This bait is really too big. Once it is done, it will not only bring Hubei into the scope of inter-provincial autonomy, so that there will be a buffer zone between Hunan and the Beiyang warlords, but also extend the power of the Hunan Army out of the province. In the world, even the salaries and weapons are covered by others!If you don't do such a good thing, isn't it a fool who is number one in Tianzi?It was really hard for Zhao Hengti to refuse.

As a result, Zhao Hengti attacked Hubei, and Wu Peifu assisted Hubei.Zhao Hengti was not reconciled to seeing the fruits in his hand being picked by others, and proposed that he could withdraw from Hubei, but he had to follow the original agreement, let the Hunan Army station two divisions in Hubei, and Hubei Province would pay.There is Wu Peifu behind Xiao Yaonan, how can he pee in his pot?Zhao Hengti then swung his troops to fight again, but he didn't expect that Xiao Yaonan and Xiao Yaonan hadn't come to an end yet. Wu Peifu had already personally led the army and army, entered Dongting Lake from the Yangtze River, and went straight to Yueyang, copying the Hunan army's retreat!As soon as Wu captured Yueyang, he immediately went north. The Hunan army was attacked by the enemy, and the morale of the army was immediately in turmoil, causing countless direct troops to disarm.Zhao Hengti knew that there was nothing to be done so far, so he kept begging for mercy, but he didn't get the last bit of benefits from Hubei. Instead, Sun Chuanfang, a division of the Beiyang Department, was stationed in Yueyang, allowing them to occupy the northern gate of Hunan.Originally, Zhao Hengti wanted to reap some benefits, but instead, the Wu Department occupied northern Hunan for the "Hunan-Hubei War".

But time has turned back, and the situation is very different from history.After Zhang Hanqing's Northwest People's Army stabilized the Northwest, it caused quite a stir in the hearts of Hubei people in neighboring provinces: the People's Army does not disturb the people, the People's Army believes in the "Three People's Principles", the People's Military Government extensively builds roads, organizes education, cracks down on government-business collusion, Committed to economic development, this makes the province of Shouyi seem to have seen the grand occasion of the revolutionary army back then.Moreover, the People's Army originally originated from the Feng Clan, and it fought fiercely with the Zhi Clan for the power in Beijing. If the People's Army were to intervene, I'm afraid Wu Peifu would have to weigh three points.

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