Holy furnace

Chapter 1 Genius?Scrap?

There is a mountain in the world, named Taixuan, which is a thousand miles long from north to south, and thirteen hundred miles long from east to west, and its height does not know how many tens of thousands of feet.

Among the endless mountains, there are towering peaks everywhere, straight as arrows, and flowers are everywhere on the peaks, lush and lush.If you look down from the sky, you can see that the peaks surround a giant mountain like stars and the moon. Although the sky is not bright, you can clearly see that the peak of the giant mountain has been submerged in the clouds.This giant mountain is Taixuan Mountain.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and the sun rose from the sea of ​​clouds. Suddenly, a beam of light broke through the clouds and shone on the mountainside of Taixuan Mountain. In the place where the beam of light shone, a young man was seen with his eyes slightly closed. Sit cross-legged.This person has good facial features and delicate features, but his face is slightly pale, and there is still some residual blood in his nose.

As if feeling the sunlight, the boy's eyelids trembled slightly, and then slowly opened, revealing a pair of deep eyes.

"Phew, I finally suppressed the power of the primordial spirit...Hey, it seems that I really can't continue to practice the "Chongxu Sutra", otherwise my body will be burst by the soaring power of the primordial spirit! Chongxu Sutra The Primordial Spirit chapter has reached the eighth level, but the flesh body chapter can't even go up to the first level. People like me are probably unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future, right?" Li Haoxuan opened his eyes and let out a long breath. Then he said to himself with a wry smile.

Behind him, a ten thousand zhang waterfall poured down from the mountain, like a jade dragon roaring.

"It's getting late, it's time to go down the mountain." Li Haoxuan looked around, stood up, picked up a back basket not far away, held the hatchet in his hand, and walked slowly down the mountain. It had already begun to rise, but it was blocked by thick clouds, and the entire Taixuan Mountain was still shrouded in darkness, and there was no other sound except for some insects and birds.

Taixuan Mountain is extremely high, tens of thousands of feet high, Li Haoxuan walked slowly on the rugged mountain road, although his speed was slow, he seemed extremely calm, and he could avoid obstacles without even looking at them. However, it was as if his eyes could see through the entire Taixuan Mountain.In the process of walking, Li Haoxuan stopped from time to time, chopping and chopping with the hatchet in his hand, quite leisurely, when he finally reached the foot of the mountain, the sky was already bright.

Taixuan Mountain is extremely huge, and the foot of the mountain is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It has wonderful scenery that is rare in the world. What's more extraordinary is that this is the outer gate of Qingxu Temple, one of the twelve great immortal sects in the world. All the outer disciples of Xuguan practice here.

The four realms of comprehension are divided into mortal learning, legal precepts, deficiencies, and immortal records.Under each major realm, it is divided into three sub-realms, namely Fanxue (Building Foundation, Consecration, Lingxu), Fajie (Bigu, Heartbeat, Yuanhua), Deficiency (Yuanying, Lihe, Kongming), Xianlu (Ji Mie, Da Cheng, Du Jie), each sub-realm is divided into nine heavens!

The so-called outer disciples of Chongxuguan refer to cultivators who are pregnant with immortal fate and have obtained the cultivation method of Qingxuguan, but have not yet entered the foundation-building stage of the first small realm of Fanxue!

All the outer disciples uniformly cultivate the unique secret book "Chongxu Jing" of Qingxu Temple. If they can cultivate the Chongxu Sutra to the tenth level, they can enter the foundation building period and obtain the qualification to become the inner disciple of Qingxu Temple.

It is said that the true view of emptiness does not exist in the world, but on the illusory sky, few people can really see it.Although it is only the outer gate of Qingxu Temple, it still occupies a very large area, almost encircling the entire foot of Taixuan Mountain and the surrounding mountains. There are hundreds of thousands of outer disciples in Xuguan, all practicing at the foot of Taixuan Mountain and the nearby mountains. According to different regions, there are naturally countless small factions, and their daily practice is irrelevant. I have never had the opportunity to go and see among the other factions in my life.

And the outer faction that Li Haoxuan belongs to is called Jingxianting.

"Huh? Brother Li, have you gone up the mountain to cut firewood so early?" Li Haoxuan had just come down the path down the mountain when a boy about twelve or thirteen years old in a light blue robe walked over and said to him with a smile. Li Haoxuan said.

"Hehe, yes, Junior Brother Lu, the ivy trees on the mountain can be burned more vigorously, and Senior Brother Tian said that watering the medicine garden with dew will be more effective. I also picked some purple bamboo shoots by the way. I know you like to eat this. In the evening I'll save an extra copy for you, remember to come and get it from me when the time comes." Li Haoxuan said with a smile when he saw the person coming, and at the same time he lifted the sinking bamboo basket behind his back.

"Okay, Senior Brother Li treats me best." The young man called Junior Brother Lu chuckled and said with great joy, stretching his neck to look at the bamboo basket behind Li Haoxuan.

"Junior Brother Lu, it's almost time for morning exercises, why don't you go to Practice Cliff, what are you doing standing here?" At this moment, a majestic voice came from behind Li Haoxuan.

"Oh, Senior Brother Zhang, I'll come right away after I have a few words with Senior Brother Li." Seeing the person coming, Junior Brother Lu's expression changed a little, and he quickly saluted him.

"Well, I'll be with you, hurry up." Senior Brother Zhang nodded to Li Haoxuan expressionlessly, as a greeting.

"Senior Brother Li, are you going to Practice Cliff today?" Junior Brother Lu responded to Senior Brother Zhang and then turned to Li Haoxuan and asked.

"Hehe, I won't go, remember to practice hard." Li Haoxuan patted Junior Brother Lu on the head, and said with a smile.

"Oh..." Junior Brother Lu let out a little disappointment after hearing this, then nodded heavily, and said, "Senior Brother Li, don't be discouraged, I believe you will be able to practice Chongxu Sutra!" After finishing speaking, Junior Brother Lu waved Waving his small fist, he followed Senior Brother Zhang towards the practice cliff.

Li Haoxuan watched Lu Chenyu leave, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily. He grew up in Taixuan Mountain, and since he can remember, he has been one of the disciples of the outer sect of Taixuan Mountain. Shan has lived for nearly 15 years. Lu Chenyu was sent to the outer sect five years ago. He is a true genius. In just five years, he has cultivated both the Yuanshen Chapter and the Physical Body Chapter of the Chongxu Sutra to the fifth level. Given time, it might be possible to cultivate the Chongxu Sutra to the peak, become an inner disciple of Chongxu Guan, and reach the sky in one step.

"Isn't this our senior brother Li? Why did you get up so early today? Could it be that you also want to go to the practice cliff with us?" At this moment, a joking voice came from not far away, and Li Haoxuan turned his head. Look, there are three young men in the same blue robes walking quickly in his direction, and the one who is speaking is the one in the middle.

Li Haoxuan glanced at them indifferently, turned around and walked in another direction, but he didn't expect the three people to block his way with an arrow. Why did you turn around and leave when you saw me waiting for the three of us? Could it be that Senior Brother Li felt that talking to the three of us would be demeaning?"

"Junior Brother Chen is worrying too much." Li Haoxuan raised his eyelids slightly, and said in a flat tone, "I'm going back to the medicine garden now, so naturally I'm going to go this way."

"Oh, that's how it is. I saw Senior Brother Li and Junior Brother Lu talking just now, and I thought that Senior Brother Li wanted to go to practice kung fu on a whim today." The person called Junior Brother Chen said "suddenly realized".

"Brother Chen, it's obvious that this is impossible. In the entire outer sect, who doesn't know that Senior Brother Li was born with blocked meridians and couldn't practice Chongxu Jing? Senior brother Li seems to have been practicing for ten years, right? He failed to practice even if he went up to the practice cliff, maybe he would not be able to resist the strong wind of the practice cliff, right?"

The other person said in a serious manner, then slapped his forehead, and hurriedly said to Li Haoxuan, "Oh, Senior Brother Li, I'm sorry, I've always been outspoken, I offended someone, I hope Senior Brother Li will forgive me."

"It's okay." Li Haoxuan said calmly and slowly. In the past ten years, he has heard such sarcasm countless times, and he has already reached the point where his emotions and anger are invisible. He also deeply understands that in the situation he is in How cruel is the law of survival in this world.When he has no strong strength, patience is the only thing he can do!

Let the world fool me, laugh at me, insult me, scold me, bully me, insult me, slander me, slander me, I will stand still, and first bear with him, let him, endure him, avoid him, wait a few years , Come see him again!This is what Li Haoxuan has learned from being humiliated for more than ten years!

"Hey, Junior Brother Shi, what are you talking about? Didn't you see Senior Brother Li getting up early every day to climb Taixuan Mountain to exercise his body? After so many years of training, the meridians may have been unblocked long ago, maybe you can practice Chongxu Jing ?” said the man who was called Senior Brother Chen by the others, shaking his head.

"Oh??" Junior Brother Shi was overjoyed, he stepped forward and flicked Li Haoxuan's hand up with lightning speed, and then put his palm on it without saying a word, and at the same time continuously poured mana into Li Haoxuan Among the meridians!

"Eh!!!" Li Haoxuan suddenly snorted!His face was pale, and beads of sweat instantly seeped out from the pores of his whole body, and his whole body was shaking!

Li Haoxuan was born with a stone barrier, and his meridians were already fragile and unable to penetrate. Now that he was invaded by the opponent's mana, he immediately felt as if he was about to be blown apart by the foreign mana!

What a severe pain it is to directly burst the meridian with mana!

But Li Haoxuan gritted his teeth and endured it, his eyes fixed on Shi Shidi in front of him without saying a word.

"Hey, Senior Brother Shi, what are you doing? I said that Senior Brother Li's meridian may have penetrated. That is just a guess. How could you be so reckless? If Senior Brother Li was injured and the chief steward blamed you, can you Can you afford it?" Junior Brother Chen suddenly spoke out and scolded severely, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Senior Brother Chen is right, it's because I didn't think carefully." Junior Brother Shi said hastily, and then looked at Li Haoxuan with some dissatisfaction, and said, "Senior Brother Li, is it okay just now? I didn't use much force! Just say it earlier, why bother to be brave? It’s not a shameful thing. If you don’t speak, I thought you had really penetrated the meridian. Fortunately, I didn’t use too much mana just now, otherwise I’m afraid I’m really going to be dealt with by the chief steward .”

Li Haoxuan lowered his head, covering up the resentment in his eyes!At this moment, his whole body was in severe pain, and his clothes were almost wet with cold sweat. It was extremely difficult for him to even stand up, and he couldn't speak a word at all.

"Senior Brother Li doesn't talk, that means he doesn't care about you. It seems that Senior Brother Li is still as magnanimous as before." Senior Brother Chen said with a smile, "Senior Brother Li, you climb the mountain every day. Although your meridians are not cleared, it must be good for your body! Let's have a fight, how about I don't use my magic power to fight with you?"

Li Haoxuan shook his head, raised his hand with difficulty, and was about to refuse, but his arm was immediately grabbed by the opponent, and then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and he was slapped on his chest by the opponent!

After receiving this palm, Li Haoxuan almost vomited blood, and instantly fell two feet away, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Tsk, I was too strong if I was not careful." Junior Brother Chen smiled frivolously, and said, "It seems that Senior Brother Li has to continue climbing Taixuan Mountain. Such a body is not good in our Jingxianting."

"Hahaha." The rest of the people echoed and laughed loudly.

"Okay, let's not bother Senior Brother Li, let Senior Brother Li go to work, by the way, Senior Brother Li, the weather is getting colder recently, you must remember to put on more clothes, you can't practice Chongxu Jing, your body is thin Very, if we fall ill, who will boil water and cook for us? Hahahaha." The three of them laughed at the same time, and then walked towards the practice cliff on the back mountain without even looking at Li Haoxuan.

"Using the method of Chongxu Jingyuanshen Chapter, I have used the power of Yuanshen to take care of my body for ten years. Although it is much better than ten years ago, the blocked meridians still cannot be opened, and I don't know when I will be able to open it." To really penetrate, to cultivate the Chongxu Jing. But I am not in a hurry, if I am not afraid that the physical body will not be able to bear the power of the primordial spirit, my Chongxu Jing Yuanshen chapter has already been cultivated to the level of Dacheng! As long as one day I get through the blockage in my body The meridian and cultivation base will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and when the time comes, the ten-year humiliation will be repaid."

Li Haoxuan looked at the backs of the three people coldly, then got up with difficulty and walked towards the medicine garden outside the Qingxu Guanwai Gate.

What Junior Brother Chen said before was true, because of the clogged tendons, Li Haoxuan couldn't cultivate the Chongxu Meridian at all, as long as there was a trace of mana in the meridian, it would cause unbearable pain, and even explode the whole meridian.

Therefore, in ten years, Li Haoxuan still hasn't cultivated a single bit of mana, except for the powerful power of Yuanshen, he is no different from a mortal.However, he can't show such ability easily. A tree is more beautiful than a forest, but the wind will destroy it. He understands this truth better than anyone else!

"Senior Brother Li..." Li Haoxuan had just walked two steps, when another slightly gloomy voice came from behind.

"Junior Brother He..." Li Haoxuan's staggering steps stopped suddenly, he sighed and said back.

"Brother Li, I still say the same old saying. You are born with blocked meridians and cannot cultivate mana. What's the use of keeping spirit stones? As long as you give me all the spirit stones distributed by the sect, I guarantee that no one in Jingxian Court will dare Treating you like that just now. As a dignified man of seven feet but being insulted every day, I think you don't want to live like this again, do you?" the man called Junior Brother He said directly.

"Junior Brother He, I didn't lie to you. Although I can't cultivate mana, the spiritual energy in the spirit stone can still be used to regulate my physical meridians. I have really used up all the spirit stones issued by the previous school." Li Haoxuan shook He shook his head and said.

"Spare me this set!! With your body, you may not be able to absorb the entire spirit stone in a year, but now you tell me that the spirit stone is all used up? Are you treating me as an idiot? I am too lazy to talk to you. You are talking nonsense, send the spirit stone to my residence within three days, otherwise..."

"Whether Junior Brother He believes it or not, my spirit stone is really gone." Li Haoxuan still shook his head and said firmly.

"Make it up! Feel free to make it up! Anyway, I'll give you three days, you can say whatever you like within three days, I don't care! Li Haoxuan, don't think that I don't have the means to deal with you! I don't know your little thoughts? Don’t you rely on Tian Shengcheng to protect you? Hey, you don’t really think that a trash who has cultivated for more than [-] years and is still in the fifth level can protect you for the rest of your life? You idiot! Aren’t you going to the medicine field? Go ahead, take a good look at your beloved Senior Brother Tian, ​​I hope this will change your mind! Oh, if your mind does not change, then after three days it will be more than that!"

A hawk-like look flashed across He Wuliang's eyes, he sneered, waved his sleeves, and left.

There is a rule in Jingxian Court, no one can fight with the same family, unless they are on the trial platform, so he can't really do anything to Li Haoxuan.

"Senior Brother Tian..." Li Haoxuan's face was extremely ugly, and he heard an ominous feeling from He Wuliang's words!Afterwards, he clutched his aching chest and quickly walked towards the north.

There is a huge lake in the north of Jingxianting, and near the lake is a vast medicine field, which grows a large number of immortal medicines. Each of these immortal medicines is extremely precious, far beyond the comparison of mortal herbs. .

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​Senior Brother Tian..." Li Haoxuan hurried to the medicine field, only to find that there was a mess outside the hut not far from the medicine field, and many seeds of immortal medicines were casually discarded by the side of the road.

"Senior Brother Tian has an accident!!" Li Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat, and his uneasy premonition came true!The hut not far away is Tian Shengcheng's residence, and the elixir seeds that are discarded outside are treated like treasures by him. In the income room, nothing can be shaken!

Li Haoxuan has been in the medicine field for several years, and he has never seen Tian Shengcheng throw the elixir seeds on the ground!

Thinking of this, Li Haoxuan hurried forward and pushed open the half-hidden door.

"Who?" As soon as the door was opened, a vigilant voice came from inside!Afterwards, Li Haoxuan saw a middle-aged man with his upper body naked, applying plaster with his forehand to his back with difficulty.There were purple bruises all over his back!

These bruises were all purple in color and criss-crossed, almost covering his entire back.

"Oh, it's Haoxuan, I thought who it was, why did you come so early today?" The man with his upper body naked was Li Haoxuan's brother Tian Shengcheng. He turned his body calmly, facing Looking at Li Haoxuan and said, then flicked the plaster that was stained on his hand to the side!

"Who did it!!" Li Haoxuan's eyes were red, his fists were clenched, and his whole body was shaking in anger!The resentment he had held back for more than ten years almost completely exploded at this moment!

"Who did it?" Tian Shengcheng was taken aback, then picked up the clothes hanging on the side and asked while wearing them, "Oh, you mean those fairy medicine seeds outside? I was practicing in the room just now, and my mana leaked out accidentally. , That's why I accidentally broke them up, I'm about to clean them up now, just so you're here, help me."

"Do you still want to hide it from me!!" Li Haoxuan stepped forward, came behind Tian Shengcheng, tore off Tian Shengcheng's long shirt with a snort, and roared in a low voice while staring at the bruises on Tian Shengcheng's back!

"This..." Tian Shengcheng was stunned for a moment.

"Is it that bastard He Wuliang!!" Li Haoxuan raised his head suddenly, his whole body was filled with strong evil spirit!

Although Li Haoxuan's behavior can't be said to be gentle and elegant, he is definitely a good old man. He usually takes a step back when getting along with others, and rarely really loses his temper when he is humiliated by others. But now, Li Haoxuan has completely lost his temper, even bastards Such words are cursed out!

"Haoxuan, today's matter..." Tian Shengcheng's face also changed slightly, he did not expect Li Haoxuan's reaction to be so violent, but his heart was filled with warmth, he treats people sincerely and naturally hopes that Li Haoxuan can treat him like this, now it seems Well, Li Haoxuan is indeed the same as him, treating each other as his own family, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry!

"I'll kill him!!" Li Haoxuan roared, full of murderous aura, turned around and rushed towards the door!

"Come back to me!!" Tian Shengcheng's face changed drastically, and he waved a beam of orange mana to restrain Li Haoxuan!

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​let me go! That bastard He Wuliang is too bullying, even if I die, I will hold him back!!" At this time, Li Haoxuan had only one thought in his mind, and that was to rush to He Wuliang's side, and after that he would practice Yuan Yuan. God chapter, let the body explode directly, and die together with He Wuliang!

The orange mana energy was extremely flexible, even though Li Haoxuan was struggling hard, he was still restrained and unable to move!

"Bastard!! This is what you are going to do now? Let alone whether you have the ability to die with He Wuliang, even if you have, you plan to exchange your life for that bastard's life like this? You just Be ambitious? How did you tell me before? He can humiliate you for ten years, but not a hundred years! He can humiliate your body, but not your soul! Now? Look at yourself, just a little thing Going to work hard with him, do you want to go to the trial platform with him, and then let him kill you openly? Li Haoxuan, is this still your soul that has never been humiliated? Is this still the wise and ineffective Li Haoxuan from before? I have no objection if you want revenge, I am very supportive, but you have to decide whether you want to seek revenge from him now and continue to be humiliated by him, or wait until later when you become a dragon and then torture him?"

After restraining Li Haoxuan, Tian Shengcheng said coldly!

He knew Li Haoxuan too well, on the surface he was extremely flexible, as if the sky could not crush him to death, but once he touched the bottom line, he would burst out with uncontrollable strength!But with Li Haoxuan's physical condition, so what if he was angry?In this cruel world of cultivating immortals, those who cannot cultivate mana can only be bullied by others!And although he himself has the strength of the fifth stage of Chongxu Jing, but because of a certain serious injury, this realm is probably the peak of his life. It may be possible to protect himself, but he doesn't have the strength to compete with He Wuliang and others !

This is still the case with his skill, let alone someone like Li Haoxuan who doesn't even have a trace of mana.

"I get it, Senior Brother Tian, ​​let me go, I won't be so impulsive anymore. I want to continue to live, to live well!" Tian Shengcheng's words hit Li Haoxuan's chest hard like an evening drum and morning bell, and he took a deep breath After taking a breath, he said in a low voice.

While speaking, a firm light flashed in his eyes that had never been seen before.

"Well, that's what you want to think! You are still alive, and living well is the biggest blow to those who wish you to die!" Tian Shengcheng breathed a sigh of relief, and waved back the orange mana he had shot out, "Life is The biggest miracle! If you remember my words, you will have infinite possibilities when you are alive, but if you die, you will really have nothing!"

"I understand! Brother Tian, ​​I'll help you apply the medicine." Li Haoxuan nodded, walked silently to the side of the table, picked up the bottle of pitch black plaster and said to Tian Shengcheng.

"En, good." Tian Shengcheng smiled despondently, turned his back, and said grinningly, "But it's okay, this plaster is made of fairy medicine, and the swelling will subside in a few hours. It's just a skin trauma. Yes. It's nothing to us cultivators, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​how about...let's hand over those spirit stones...I don't need them anyway..." Li Haoxuan said suddenly.

"Shut up!!" After hearing Li Haoxuan's words, Tian Shengcheng's body collapsed suddenly, and he turned around and shouted loudly, "Li Haoxuan, do you understand the meaning of the existence of those spirit stones!! One day your meridian is connected and you can practice. What do you use to come from behind? Just rely on yourself to practice slowly? If that is the case, when will you really stand up?!! ​​For so many years, we have been guarding those spirit stones For what? Just so that one day you will be able to cultivate, and those spirit stones will allow you to quickly catch up with others! Now you ask me to send him out? Haoxuan, listen, I don’t care what you think But, I want you to take this sentence back, if you still recognize me as Senior Brother Tian, ​​then you will not be allowed to mention this matter again for the rest of your life!!"

"But... but He Wuliang and the others..." Li Haoxuan's eyes were reddish, he could imagine that in the days to come, if he didn't reply within three days, He Wuliang would definitely deal with Tian Shengcheng even harder!

"You don't have to worry about this," Tian Shengcheng said in a deep voice, "I have already planned it. After all, Jingxianting has the rules of Jingxianting, he dare not really do anything to me! Besides, he won't be jumping around for long. Dong Yuan's Ying Xiangtian will leave the seclusion in a few days, I had some friendship with him back then, I can ask him to take care of us at that time, presumably He Wuliang will not be so unscrupulous!"

"Ying Xiangtian? Who is that person, why have I never heard of it?" Li Haoxuan was stunned and asked.

"Jingxianting is one of the [-] outer courtyards of Qingxu Temple, and the inside is divided into five gardens in the east, west, south, north, and middle! We are now in the Beiyuan! The five gardens have a vast area, and they rarely meet each other. Tian is not a high-profile person, it's normal if you don't know! He is a genius disciple of Dongyuan, and now he is already a master of the eighth level of Chongxu Jing at a young age. In time, he can even reach the ninth level and enter Taixuan Cultivation in the depths of the mountains! I had an old relationship with me back then, so I have a great chance of inviting him." Tian Shengcheng said with a smile.

"Great! If there is an eighth level master standing by our side, He Wuliang will not dare to stab!" Li Haoxuan said excitedly, "I don't know how powerful the eighth level master will be!"

"Anyway, just don't be afraid of the immeasurable cranes." Tian Shengcheng said with a smile, but there was a strong hint of vicissitudes in his eyes. He had the opportunity to go this far before, but it's a pity. . . .

"Ying Xiangtian is powerful, but after all, he can only protect us for a while, not forever! I must find a way to open up my own meridian! If Chongxu meridian can't work, then I can only use medicine, immortal medicine... Foundation Establishment Pill! ! As long as the legendary Inner Sect Immortal Medicine Zhuji Pill can improve my system, Zhuji Pill..." Looking at the purple bruise on Tian Shengcheng's back, Li Haoxuan's eyes were full of passion and madness !The idea of ​​becoming stronger in his heart began to explode at an explosive speed!

"By the way, Haoxuan, I was going to go to the secular world today to purchase some mortal herbs as ingredients for the immortal medicine, and then hand them over to the inner sect together with the immortal medicine. However, with my appearance today, in a short time I can't stand the trouble, why don't you walk for me?" Tian Shengcheng suddenly turned around and said to Li Haoxuan.

"Are you going to the world?" Li Haoxuan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "No problem, just explain to me what you want to buy and where to buy it." "That's good." A few things were handed over to Li Haoxuan, including a secular map inscribed with the power of the primordial spirit, a few khaki amulets and a storage bag!

After hearing everything that Tian Shengcheng had told him, Li Haoxuan embarked on a journey to the secular world.He didn't know that when he left, he created a legend!

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