Holy furnace

Chapter 13 Preparing for Alchemy

"Not good! He Wuliang really has the intention to kill me, I'm afraid he really wants to pretend to be a sect and attack me! Last time he only hated me so much, why did he suddenly become like this today? No, we must refine the Foundation Establishment Pill as soon as possible, otherwise I will be really in danger if I continue like this!"

"Trash, are you back? Have you ever found a fairy fate in the inner courtyard?" He Wuliang has been here for the past two days, just to wait for Li Haoxuan to appear!Once it is determined that Li Haoxuan has no fate of immortality, he plans to attack Li Haoxuan!

Seeing Li Haoxuan walking in a hurry, He Wuliang stopped him with a sneer and asked.

After all, Li Haoxuan only used ten spirit stones this time, and there are at least five more, which is worth his risk!

"The big manager has something to call me, Junior Brother He, you'd better get out of the way!" Li Haoxuan's burning feeling became more and more intense, he knew that He Wuliang must not let He Wuliang find a chance, otherwise he might not be able to stand up!

And at this time, he had no choice but to use the title of Chief Steward.

"Li Haoxuan, let me warn you again! I'm not the only one who knows about the fact that you are carrying a lot of spirit stones! Everyone is curious, what do you plan to do with so many spirit stones as a waste who can't practice Chongxu scriptures? If you are sensible, I will send the spirit stone here tonight, otherwise, not only you, but even your Senior Brother Tian will be in bad luck! Hmph!"

Li Haoxuan moved out of the existence of the chief steward, and He Wuliang didn't dare to continue stabbing, so he could only leave such a sentence and turn away.

"Oops! It seems that I'm Mu Xiu Yulin this time. It's really dangerous! No, I must find an opportunity to go out and practice the Foundation Establishment Pill!" Li Haoxuan felt a huge crisis. Watch out, those few spirit stones of his will never be kept!

Jingxian Hall.

"Xiao Li, I've heard from the people above that you performed well this time, so you didn't embarrass me. It's very good." When Li Haoxuan returned the jade slips to the chief steward, the chief steward, who had always been unsmiling, was surprised. There was a smile on his face, and he said to Li Haoxuan, "Cultivate hard, work hard, I hope you will go up one day in the future. This spirit stone was given to me by you, now I return it to Zhao, you can take it back."

"Boss, how can this work, how can the things sent out..." Li Haoxuan was shocked, and said hastily.

"Okay, don't play tricks with me. I told you to keep it and you just keep it for me. Where did all this nonsense come from?" The chief manager's face collapsed again, and he said impatiently, "Take it Let Lingshi go out."

"Yes." Li Haoxuan's expression was unclear, so he could only accept the spirit stone and retreated.

"Well, interesting guy, it seems that I expected it. His primordial spirit should be very powerful. Could it be that he was born with a divine body? If it weren't for the divine body, how could he not faint under the impact of the real exterior of Qingxu Temple? No, it wasn't , if you are born with a spiritual body, how can the meridians be blocked? Tsk, it's a pity...it's a pity..."

After Li Haoxuan left, the Chief Steward nodded, shook his head, and whispered to himself, but no one could know what he, the top leader of Jingxianting, was thinking.

"He Wuliang has murderous intentions towards me, Ying Xiangtian also noticed me, I have to prepare early, I can't sit still! Go back to the courtyard first, and immediately leave Jingxian Court to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill outside after taking the spirit stone!" Li Haoxuan made up his mind and must act as soon as possible!

He didn't know how grand it would be when he was refining the Foundation Establishment Pill away from the Vulcan Furnace, so he definitely couldn't make the alchemy near Jingxianting, the farther the better!

"En? Senior Brother Tian, ​​why are you here?" After Li Haoxuan returned to his courtyard, he saw a figure wandering around in the house, but it was Senior Brother Tian, ​​so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Junior Brother Li, you're back?" Tian Shengcheng was overjoyed after seeing Li Haoxuan's return, and quickly said, "Clean up and salute, and go to Yaotian to live with me during this time."

"Why?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback and asked in confusion.

"It's not safe for you to live here, I'm afraid He Wuliang will attack you, I'm afraid that something bad will happen to you!" Tian Shengcheng said quickly.

"What's the matter? When I came back, I passed the practice cliff, and I found that He Wuliang seemed to hate me to the bone, wishing to kill me and hurry up. But it's just that he didn't give him the spirit stone. As for that?" Li Haoxuan was also at a loss, asked puzzled.

"Hey, Junior Brother Li, you don't know something. It is said that He Wuliang got eight spirit stones at the bidding meeting that day? In fact, all eight spirit stones were borrowed, and only one spirit stone was his own, and he bought it for himself. He was not qualified to bid, so he didn't win the bidding opportunity, and even put his own spirit stone in."

"This is ridiculous! The bidding conference is meant for the highest bidder. If he doesn't have the ability, don't pretend to be rich! Can this matter be blamed on me?" Li Haoxuan snorted.

"The matter doesn't stop there." Senior Brother Tian shook his head, and continued, "Yesterday, after you climbed the Kuaxiantai, He Wuliang went to compete with someone, and the bet was a spirit stone! He is about to break through now, if there is no spirit stone , I’m afraid he won’t be able to break through for more than half a year. Then he found Junior Brother Lu Chenyu.”

"But I didn't expect Junior Brother Lu to have made a breakthrough a few days ago. He Wuliang was defeated and even took in the borrowed spirit stone. Not only did he lose all his money, but he also lost a spirit stone. Junior Brother is your good friend, he must think that you lent the Lingshi to Junior Brother Lu and that’s why Junior Brother Lu made a breakthrough, how could he not resent you? He Wuliang is a person who must repay his flaws, this time because of you Having lost two spirit stones and countless favors, of course he will deal with you!"

"No wonder... no wonder he hates me so much!" After listening to Tian Shengcheng's words, Li Haoxuan finally understood that two spirit stones are a huge sum of money. According to previous years, two spirit stones can only be distributed in two years. Moreover, what's more important is that he is about to break through and urgently needs Lingshi, otherwise he wouldn't be betting against Lu Chenyu!

"Aside from other things, after this bidding meeting, everyone knows that Junior Brother Li is pregnant with a lot of spirit stones! He Wuliang is now forced to jump over the wall, do you think he will come to you?" Tian Shengcheng He said worryingly, "He Wuliang's Chongxu Sutra has been cultivated to the fifth level, which is almost the same as mine! If you live with me, at least he won't dare to mess around, otherwise he won't be able to afford to damage the medicine field." Moreover, Ying Xiangtian is about to leave the customs, as soon as he leaves the customs, He Wuliang will have nothing to do with you."

The temptation of Lingshi is too great!It is more addictive than drugs!On the way of cultivating the Tao, if the speed of absorbing vitality from the heaven and earth is compared to walking slowly, then the speed of absorbing vitality from the spirit stone is galloping on a horse, the two are not the same!After experiencing the practice of using spirit stones, few people can calm down to absorb vitality from the world.

"It's still the same old saying, if you are innocent, you are guilty!" Li Haoxuan deeply believed in it, but at this moment, he was about to make alchemy with the foundation building pill, so it was impossible to delay the alchemy plan because of this.

"Senior brother Li, I thought about it. Going to your place may not be the best choice. I met He Wuliang before, and he told me that he is not the only one who is interested in Lingshi now! If I lived Going to the medicine garden, He Wuliang may not dare to do anything by himself, but if he gathers ordinary people, it will be difficult to say, the law does not blame the crowd, and then the big manager will be difficult to handle!! I just thought about it carefully, the safest The solution is for me to go down the mountain first, and I will come back after a while! Anyway, I have no hope of cultivating the Tao for the time being, there is no difference between being in Jingxianting and the outside world, just treat it as a practice and experience the world!" Li Haoxuan said firmly.

"This..." Tian Shengcheng was taken aback, he never thought that Li Haoxuan would put forward such an opinion.

"Let's do it like this." Without further ado, Li Haoxuan picked up the storage bag placed in the stone lock. The storage bag contained the elixir he collected earlier and the remaining spirit stones.

"Okay! You go down the mountain, and I will help you apply for the chief steward. You should be careful when you go out this time. This is a magic talisman. I only have two here. You can use it at a critical moment. There should be no such thing in the world." People can have such a speed, at least it can keep your life safe, so be careful."

"En, I'll come back safely!" Li Haoxuan didn't have time to say more, he took the amulet and ran straight out of the mountain gate.After leaving Jingxianting, Li Haoxuan directly pasted the magic amulet, and walked aimlessly towards some forked paths!

"Who!" Suddenly, when he reached a section of uninhabited path, Li Haoxuan once again felt a sharp killing intent rising behind him.

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