Holy furnace

Chapter 142 Divine Body

"His name is Luo Tiancheng?" The aura exuded by the purple-clothed woman in front of him can give people a friendly feeling. Li Haoxuan didn't care about her words, but asked with a smile, "Why did Luo Tiancheng bet on me?" Don't you dare to accept it?"

"Hey, I know you're strong. That's why you're full of confidence, thinking that you'll be invincible wherever you go?" The purple-clothed girl smiled, and said with her hands behind her back, "But don't forget the saying that there are people beyond people and beyond. Although your talent is indeed good, but your training time is too short after all, although Kun Palace ranks last among the Nine Palaces, there are still quite a few masters among them."

"For example, this Luo Tiancheng?" Li Haoxuan asked with a smile, looking at the young girl in front of him who pretended to be old-fashioned, Li Haoxuan wanted to laugh a little.Although he wondered how the young girl knew about his realm, he didn't want to ask, anyway, it would be exposed sooner or later, so there was no need to make everything so clear.

"Who told you to interrupt me?" The purple-clothed girl was a little dissatisfied, and gave Li Haoxuan a hard look, revealing two pointed canine teeth.

"Okay, okay, just say what you want, I'll listen." Li Haoxuan quickly took a step back, waved his hands and said.

"That's right, it's rare that I'm in the mood to give you advice. You have to listen carefully." The girl in purple smiled when she saw this, and continued, "Although the Kun Palace ranks at the bottom, there are still some masters in it! After all, they belong to the Nine Palaces." One, if it really doesn't fall to that point, the headmaster will not agree, but you can't see the real masters, don't think that Kun Palace is full of miscellaneous fish in the enlightenment state, people in the Lingxu state There are also many, but most of them are practicing and want to enter the realm of law!"

"As for the disciples of the Dharma Ring Realm, there are also many disciples, because once they enter the Dharma Ring Realm, they will automatically become the hall master's registered disciples, and they can have a courtyard of their own in the main hall of Kun Palace, so they will not show up easily. Don't think that there are no masters in the Kun Palace! If those disciples of the Law Ring Realm make a move, one hand is enough to suppress you, do you believe it?"

"Believe it, believe it, of course I believe it." Li Haoxuan nodded and listened carefully. It was rare for someone to point him out. It would take a lot of time for him to understand this information by himself.As for how powerful a disciple of the Law Ring Realm is, Li Haoxuan can't imagine, because he has never seen a disciple of the Law Ring Realm, and at this time he is only at the Enlightenment Realm. Li Haoxuan, a disciple of the Lingxu Realm, thinks he has no fear, But Li Haoxuan, a disciple in the big realm of Fajie, is not sure, because it is a brand new realm, and after breaking through Lingxu, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Well, you still have some self-knowledge. I don't think your cultivation has even reached Ling Xu, so how dare you accept Luo Tiancheng's bet?" The purple-clothed girl frowned in surprise and said, "I don't think you are that kind of blind self-confident person either. , you have to know that Luo Tiancheng is a master of the third level of Lingxu, and he is very talented. If you really work hard enough to compete with the master of the fifth level of Lingxu, you, a monk at the enlightenment level, compete with him, isn't it looking for abuse? ? You have lost fifty profound crystals."

"Hehe, I don't think realm is the only criterion for determining strength." Li Haoxuan shook his head with a light smile. He felt that he should be able to easily cross the sub-realm to fight, but it is true that the other party can compete with the masters of Lingxu Fifth Layer. I am under a lot of pressure!

The so-called Lingxu means hovering above the void!After entering the realm of Lingxu, one's own spirit will undergo transformation again, and one will begin to truly comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth!Now that Li Haoxuan is in the enlightened state, although he can fly, it needs to consume a lot of mana, but once he enters the Lingxu state, his flying will no longer consume mana, but his spirit!He can feel a kind of avenue in the dark, this kind of avenue is enough to let him levitate himself, and travel with the world without being restricted by mana!

In such a realm, even if the magic power is exhausted during the battle, it will not fall from the sky!Moreover, after reaching this realm, the void in the void will be more flexible, as if the void has become land, he can run and jump in the void, and the void will naturally form the essence according to his thoughts to allow him to receive force, This is Lingxu Realm!

"Advanced realm is not the only criterion for determining strength. What you said is also reasonable, but this sentence is only effective for a few people." The purple-clothed girl said solemnly, "And these few people have the physique of an invincible king without exception, such as the Eastern Desolation God Physique , Chaos God Body, Sun Body, Innate Saint Body, Dao God Body, Immortal Golden Body, Heavenly Demon God Body, etc., if you have one of these physiques, then Luo Tiancheng is really nothing to fear for you."

"Donghuang God Body, Chaos God Body, Sun Body, Innate Saint Body... What kind of physiques are these? They are called gods, holy bodies, are they very powerful?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise, these legendary physiques are even He has never been involved in the infinitely small world, and this is the first time he has heard of it.

"Naturally strong, and extremely powerful, these physiques are legendary invincible bodies, and it is difficult for thousands of years to have a single existence. Any of these physiques, as long as they don't die young, will have heaven-defying achievements, even They can shine when they are still young, and once they grow up, they can explode against the sky. They are all existences that can become immortals! There is no pressure for them to fight across several sub-levels. According to legend, the first generation When the Eastern Desolation Divine Body was just born, he used the Foundation Establishment Nine Heavens to fight against Lingxu Nine Heavens' opponents, and finally wiped out the opponent with his own invincible divine body, which was a sensation at the time!"

"Hiss! Foundation Establishment Jiuchongtian killed Lingxu Jiuchongtian??" Li Haoxuan couldn't help gasping, it's hard to imagine what kind of supreme power this is!Really fighting across two sub-realms, even Li Haoxuan today can't reach that height, and he is not even sure of winning against Lingxu Nine Heavens, but the opponent is in the foundation building stage, and the door of wisdom has not even been opened Killing the existence of Lingxu Jiuchongtian under such circumstances is simply against the sky!

"That's why it is called the Invincible God Body. Do you think the title of God Body is so easy to come by? It was all created by the ancestors with the Supreme God Body!" The purple-clothed girl snorted.

"Then what happened in the end?" Li Haoxuan asked again, "What happened to the first generation of Donghuang Divine Body in the end? Has it become a fairy?"

"I don't know about this either." The purple-clothed girl suddenly sighed and said, "It is said that the Eastern Desolation Divine Body has finally become a big one, and he is invincible all over the world, but I don't know why the world doesn't recognize it, and he can't enter the fairyland. During the robbery, the most powerful chaotic thunder came down to kill him! Some people say that he died under the thunder of the chaos god, but some people say that he went against the immortals and finally forcibly opened the gate of the fairyland and entered the fairyland. Among them, that era is too long, tens of thousands of years away from now, what happened back then is impossible to consider now.”

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