Holy furnace

Chapter 156 Complete suppression

The so-called destruction of the ten directions means that once entering this formation, there is no east, west, north, south, no upper world, no past and present life, no reincarnation of life and death, all of which are illusory!Although Li Haoxuan's current "Destroyer of Ten Directions" does not really have such supreme power, it has already taken shape. It can really disturb the perception of the sealed person, and even isolate the visual powers such as Tianyan, so that people can't really see it. To the sight of it!

Luo Tiancheng roared loudly, and the rolling sound waves roared out, but it was of no avail!Because Li Haoxuan's mana existed around him, he blocked all these sound waves, avoiding the risk of the spirit stone being blown to pieces!

Then, Li Haoxuan approached his body, using the intent of the Destroyer Fist to mobilize his physical strength, hide the magic power in his body, and hit the opponent's chest directly!

Boom!Luo Tiancheng's combat experience was too rich, although his five senses were deprived, but his fighting instinct was there, and he came back to his senses in an instant and blocked Li Haoxuan's world collapse with the mountain-opening style!


Just like Huang Zhong Dalu, the violent roar came from the Annihilation of Ten Directions, and the surface of Li Haoxuan's body burst into immeasurable golden light, and the golden blood energy shot up into the sky, sending out bursts of terrifying fluctuations!The surface of his body is not surrounded by red flames, which means that he really did not use the mana in his dantian, but was fighting with his pure physical body, which is his most powerful place!

Li Haoxuan's attacks continued continuously, like rivers and waterfalls that would never end!This is the rich experience he has honed in the miasma swamp. Except for the magical power of the Destruction Fist, all his fighting will comes from actual combat. Before breaking through the enlightened state, he used the black water snake as his own As a tool for evolving martial arts, he believes that supernatural powers are not the only ones, and how to integrate supernatural powers is the most critical link!

Every time Li Haoxuan makes a move, it is the first form of the God of Destruction Fist, but the power in it is surging like a tide, as if what he hits is not the splitting of mountains and rivers, but the collapse of heaven and earth!

Li Haoxuan's fists were like ocean waves, constantly stacking up, one after another, making Luo Tiancheng's face extremely ugly!

"Damn, what kind of monster is this! It can't be touched at all!" Luo Tiancheng thought through gritted teeth. He felt that he was not fighting a person, but a spiritual weapon. The opponent's body was extremely hard. Any collision would cause his bones to rise, as if he was about to be beaten apart!

The most helpless thing was that whenever he was about to distance himself from the opponent to win with supernatural powers, Li Haoxuan's body would inexplicably appear behind him, and his retreat was equivalent to sending himself directly in front of Li Haoxuan's fist!

He knew that this was an illusion formation, if there was no interference from Li Haoxuan, he would be sure to escape from this formation within a few minutes, but in this situation, he cannot be distracted at all!He finally understood that Li Haoxuan's physical body was really incomparable, if he was hit, he would be severely injured and capsized in the gutter!

"You want to compete with me in the flesh? I'm going all out!" Luo Tiancheng finally went berserk, roared up to the sky, and performed his own Twelve Forms of Opening the Sky!

The Twelve Forms of Opening the Heavens is a close-combat supernatural power, and it can even open up mountains and seas after being practiced!

However, Luo Tiancheng was unable to defy the sky until now!Because Li Haoxuan's fisting intent has already been developed, once the Potianshen fist is released, the invincible fisting intent manifests immediately, and a powerful aura emanates from his body, enough to repel all other fisting intents!

Moreover, Li Haoxuan's golden body is invincible, a slight vibration can cause the void to explode, overwhelming Luo Tiancheng, completely suppressing his Twelve Heaven Opening Forms, making it impossible for the opponent to unleash the power of the Twelve Mountain Opening Forms.

The power of the Twelve Forms of Opening Heaven lies in the superimposition of his power, and the power of each blow will be superimposed on the power of the previous blow. According to rumors, if someone can perform the No.12 Form of Opening Twelve Forms Come, the whole universe will be shattered!However, this supernatural power has been lost. Although it is still called the Twelve Forms of Opening Heaven, there are only five real moves left!

If Luo Tiancheng performed the Twelve Forms of Opening Heaven at the first time, there might not be a chance of turning defeat into victory, but now, Li Haoxuan's momentum has been established, every punch seems to have the power of heaven and earth, and all the majestic powers between heaven and earth are invincible. Blessed on his body, he rumbled to Luo Tiancheng who was opposite him!

creak creak!

With Li Haoxuan's continuous punching, Luo Tiancheng's bones all made creaking sounds, as if they were about to be shattered at any moment!Under the interference of the annihilation of all directions, he couldn't effectively distance himself from Li Haoxuan, and using the divine channel technique at such a distance would really be courting death!It's also fortunate that Luo Tiancheng's Twelve Forms of Opening the Sky are also close-combat exercises. After practicing, his body can be tempered. If he were replaced by a pure supernatural being at this time, he would have been beaten into a flesh by Li Haoxuan!

After reaching the Lingxu Realm, the future path of cultivation will gradually become clear.Among them, the two most important roads are supernatural powers cultivator and body cultivator, which are called supernatural powers and warriors respectively. Extreme warriors do not cultivate supernatural powers and use martial arts to break through all laws, while extreme supernatural powers do not cultivate the body and borrow The mana in the body moves the heaven and earth to fight against the enemy.

The two paths have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the ancient times, basically all monks took the path of extreme cultivation, but now the endless years have passed, and the third cultivation system has been born, that is, fellow practitioners of martial arts!

After the attempts of countless predecessors and sages, this new cultivation system has been perfected. Any sect of cultivating immortals can let its disciples practice martial arts together. As for which one is the main one and which one is the auxiliary one, it varies from person to person.

In this day and age, extreme supernatural powers and warriors are no longer visible, because no matter which extreme one goes to, the speed of cultivation in the early stage will be very slow, and it is even impossible to compete with martial arts fellow practitioners of the same realm before there is no gap However, once these two extreme cultivators enter the Immortal Record Realm, they will be able to firmly suppress fellow martial arts practitioners!

According to legend, 8000 years ago, there was a monster of the Demonic Dao who came out of the customs, and he was an extreme martial artist. After the giant was born, he overwhelmed the world, and almost destroyed the entire Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao with his own power!Many monks of the same realm joined hands to fight against the enemy, but they couldn't stop the opponent's punch and palm. Fortunately, at that time, there was a master of divine body, and finally the master's divine body killed the demon giant with the source of life, and in the next eight years, he He also transformed into an old forest.

"Li Haoxuan, twenty breaths have passed, don't you want [-] profound crystals?" Just as Li Haoxuan was punching out one punch after another, constantly disintegrating the opponent's twelve forms of opening the sky, a light voice came through the ten directions. Ju Mie accurately reached Li Haoxuan's ears.

"It can't be delayed any longer!" Li Haoxuan frowned slightly. He believed that with the help of Shi Fang Ju Mie, he would be able to consume the opponent to death, but thirty breaths at this rate was impossible. In the end, Li Haoxuan's punch suddenly Instead, a more powerful force burst out from him!

"The world is collapsing!" Li Haoxuan said coldly, and punched out again!

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