Holy furnace

Chapter 17

"Bang!!" The bundle of medicinal materials that Li Haoxuan threw into the Li Vulcan furnace exploded with a bang, and a wisp of black smoke rose from the Li Vulcan furnace. Those were impurities that had been refined.Li Vulcan Stove is connected with Li Haoxuan's heart and soul, and he can clearly see the changes in Li Vulcan Stove!At this time, a white flame had risen from the center of the Vulcan furnace, and a small powdery substance seemed to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands, turning over and over on the flame continuously, tempered and tempered.

As Li Haoxuan poured bundles of the main medicine in, the movement from the Vulcan furnace became louder and louder, and in the end it rose up, suspended in the air and slowly rotated, and the Li Vulcan furnace spun Although the speed is not fast, it seems to contain infinite mystery, the fiery red light overflows, not dazzling, bright and soft!

Time passed, Li Haoxuan had sat cross-legged on the ground for four hours before he knew it!The changing speed of his hand formula is also getting faster and faster, from the first three breaths to 81 times, now half a breath is enough to change the hand formula 81 times!

As Li Haoxuan's changing speed of hand formulas became faster and faster, Li Vulcan Stove's rotation speed also became faster and faster, thick and ancient characters unexpectedly emerged from Li Vulcan Stove, faintly visible in the air!These ancient and mysterious characters seem to be the beginning of the whole world. As soon as they emerged, an incomparably ancient and primitive artistic conception filled the void.

Li Haoxuan also saw these words, but he didn't know the function of these words, and he couldn't understand them, but he could vaguely understand that these words must have a very big relationship with alchemy, otherwise, he wouldn't be at this time emerge.

But Li Haoxuan didn't know that it was not that simple to cultivate the elixir through Lihuoshen Furnace!The pinched seal must match the ancient characters inside, otherwise it will be impossible to construct the corresponding alchemy formation, and it will be impossible to refine the ideal elixir!This is also the reason why the faster Li Haoxuan's Jue transforms, the faster he rotates away from the Vulcan Furnace.

Li Haoxuan's eyes were closed tightly, his legs were turned to the sky, and his two moves were flying with increasing speed. In the end, the mysterious symbols shot out from his hands were all combined together and turned into a bright red It is similar to the ancient characters around Li Vulcan furnace.This kind of ancient script was born from Li Haoxuan's hands, and immediately seemed to have life. It jumped around Li Haoxuan's side, and even emitted a slight humming sound. The rhythm was extremely pleasant, and finally jumped suddenly, as if directly passing through Void, merged into Li Vulcan Furnace.

"Ding dong..." Nearly an hour passed, and the sky was completely dark, only the red light from the Vulcan stove seemed to exist between heaven and earth forever.Suddenly, there was a sound of dingdong and melodious music from the Li Vulcan stove. This sound was like the sound of a crane. It quietly rises from the furnace, quietly surrounding the entire Li Vulcan furnace, and the whole space instantly becomes illusory, unreal, as if all of this is just a mirage.

"Zha!" Li Haoxuan yelled Zha softly, and pulled away his hands that were constantly changing spells. The last few magic seals transformed into dozens of mysterious characters and shot out at Lihuoshen furnace.The fiery red mysterious text flashed with mysterious brilliance, and it was printed into the Lihuoshen furnace with a wonderful sound like a fairy sound, boom!The next moment, Li Vulcan's divine power finally recovered, and he began to make alchemy independently. This step in alchemy meant that Li Haoxuan had nothing to do. The only thing he had to do was to wait for Li Vulcan's alchemy furnace to succeed in independent alchemy!

This is the power of Li Vulcan Stove. You only need to use the magic formula and the built-in formation to revive the inner mansion of Li Vulcan Stove, then Li Vulcan Stove will make alchemy independently. The size, baking time, etc. have nothing to do with you, and only in this way can we guarantee a [-]% alchemy success rate!

"I didn't expect this alchemy technique to consume the power of the primordial spirit so much!" Li Haoxuan's face was slightly pale, and he recovered after adjusting his breath for a while, and he couldn't help but secretly startled, "Just guiding Li Vulcan furnace to recover in this way has been consumed. Nearly one-tenth of my primordial power, if it were other disciples in the sect, I'm afraid it would be sucked up in an instant? I don't know if those masters who have cultivated the Chongxu Sutra to the ninth level and the tenth level can I can hold on." At this time, the fog of primordial spirit in Li Haoxuan's purple mansion had been consumed, and even the bead was completely smaller.

In fact, Li Haoxuan didn't know that the reason why his primordial power was consumed so quickly was because the speed of his magic arts was too fast!

The faster the alchemy technique changes, the faster the power of the primordial spirit will be consumed. If he always maintains the four breaths and one cycle speed at the beginning, then the consumption of the power of his primordial spirit will be very slow, basically the same as his The speed derived from the mist of primordial spirit maintained a balance, that way he wouldn't feel any effort at all, but the alchemy time would be extended ten times!He will recover from the Vulcan furnace in five hours now. If the speed remains at the initial frequency, he may be able to recover from the Vulcan furnace after fifty hours!

"As long as there are no accidents, the Foundation Establishment Pill will be considered successful!" Li Haoxuan was excited. He could memorize everything in the alchemy, knowing that Li Vulcan Furnace in this state would never have any problems. It's a sure thing.

"En? It smells so good! What kind of smell is this? Could it be that the Foundation Establishment Pill is going to be ready?" Li Haoxuan hurriedly stood up from the ground, and looked around the Li Vulcan Stove, lest the Li Vulcan Stove's firepower be too strong to destroy the foundation. Dan was badly trained.

Lihuo's divine power is always spinning, independent of Li Haoxuan's will. From the moment it recovers, the large divine formations in the furnace begin to operate automatically. The time domain, space domain, world domain, form The fields and so on were instantly activated for alchemy, and the elixir in the sacred furnace also began the most miraculous changes.

The essence of countless immortal medicines was completely shattered, and then through the successive effects of various fields in Li Vulcan Furnace, the crushed immortal medicines were recombined to form another substance.This also means that the elixir medicines that were originally put into the Vulcan Furnace no longer exist, and are replaced by substances with another structure.

This is like putting charcoal into the Li Vulcan furnace and finally refining it into a diamond, but now, what is refined is the Foundation Establishment Pill. This is the real abnormality and magic of the Li Vulcan furnace.In the Foundation Establishment Pill he refined, there is no trace of the original fairy medicine. Even if an expert in the Immortal Record Realm breaks down the entire Foundation Establishment Pill, effective raw materials cannot be obtained, just like this Foundation Establishment Pill. Pills are naturally produced rather than artificially refined.

Li Vulcan furnace kept running, Li Haoxuan kept standing up and sitting down, the time lasted for two full days and two nights!

"Why is it taking so long? Even if it's artificial alchemy, it should be done, isn't Li Vulcan Furnace fooling me?" Li Haoxuan began to mutter in his heart.However, he doesn't know the working principle of Li Vulcan Furnace, which decomposes the source material and recomposes another material. If such a heaven-defying ability is known to those big shots in the world of immortality, it may trigger a terrifying immortal war. I am afraid that the old immortals who are expected to become immortals will jump out and fight with others to the death.

"Om!!" At this time, Li Vulcan Stove trembled suddenly and landed slowly. A strong fragrance came to the nostrils. Li Haoxuan inhaled a little and immediately the pores of his body opened, as if he was about to become a flying fairy !

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