Holy furnace

Chapter 31 Li Haoxuan's Choice

"It's like this. I went out to practice a year ago! Passing Cuiwei Mountain, I saw a person fall from the sky! After I rescued him, he said that his time was short, and he thought I was kind, so I hope I was able to inherit his mantle, and then he helped me open up the meridians of my whole body, and empowered me with his own mana. He only told me that he was called Chengfeng Taoist, and he didn't have time to say anything else... .” Li Haoxuan said.

He has repeatedly verified this reason dozens of times in his heart. Cuiwei Mountain, Chengfeng's old way, and the inheritance of the mantle are all seamless!

"Daoist Chengfeng?" The chief steward thought about it seriously, and then said, "I have never heard of this name, but no one knows how big the continent we live in is. It's just us in the Eastern Wilderness. Even if the average person spends a few I'm afraid you won't be able to finish the ten lives, and even a cultivator can't get a glimpse of the whole picture! There are so many cultivators, and I don't know it, but it's quite normal! Well, since he passed the mantle to you, he is your fairy Yuan, our Jingxianting will not even bother with Qingxu Guan."

"You don't need to be so terrified. Our sect of cultivating immortals is different from the sects in the secular world. We will not force you to cultivate only one supernatural power! After all, the way of immortality is so great that anyone can obtain their own immortal destiny. If you encounter it, you must grasp it well. One point is the most important thing! This Chengfeng Taoist may have passed his Taoism to you in the near future, so you have picked up a big bargain! However, this bargain ends here, he transformed you If you become like this, you will have to walk the rest of the way by yourself.”

"Yes, thank you Chief Steward for your guidance." Li Haoxuan said hastily.

"You don't have to thank me, this is my duty as the chief steward." The chief steward nodded slightly and said, "I also told you so much because I sensed that your primordial spirit fluctuations have not changed. If there is a problem, if you are taken away by others, I will directly guide the power of restraint to wipe you out, and there will be no more troubles! Hehe, I am very satisfied with your cultivation base, the peak in the early stage of foundation establishment, the entire Jingxian Court, Be honored by you."

"If I let you know that my primordial spirit is different from others, and that I am now at the peak in the middle stage of foundation establishment, I'm afraid you will be even more surprised?" Li Haoxuan thought in his heart.His original state was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and after a year of latent cultivation, coupled with the mellowness of the cold jade heart at this time, his soul realm has finally entered the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, only one step away from the late stage of foundation establishment It is possible to break through at any time!

"Haoxuan doesn't dare." Although he thought that way in his heart, Li Haoxuan didn't dare to put on airs, stood up and said.

"It's nothing to be afraid of! No one in our Jingxianting knows better than me." The chief manager waved his sleeves and said seriously, "Even if there are indeed a few people in the depths of Taixuan Mountain who are strong enough to contend with you, but there are still a few people who can fight against you." It is impossible to suppress you, at most it is evenly matched! Li Haoxuan, the last thing I want to remind you is that although your current cultivation base is very solid and powerful, there are not only you but also other people in Jingxianting who have a fairy fate You have also inherited other people's fairy fate, and even besides our Jingxianting, there are many monsters stronger than you in the other outer sects, so you must not be complacent! You are no longer what you used to be. He is an unknown pawn, but represents Jingxianting!"

"Haoxuan understands that the road to immortality is difficult, but I will definitely go on!" Li Haoxuan stood up, a faint sense of pride emerged, and said to the chief steward.

"Well, it's good that you understand," the chief steward said with satisfaction, "You can wake up from the illusion of the heart of cold jade in just a cup of tea. The power of your primordial spirit is far beyond my imagination. I can I assure you, as long as you practice seriously, your future is limitless. Sit down first, and I will tell you one last thing, which needs to be decided by yourself!"

"Yes." Li Haoxuan took his seat again and said respectfully.

"Perhaps you have heard before that our outer disciples can enter the inner courtyard and become inner disciples as long as they have cultivated the Chongxu Sutra to the tenth stage, right?"

"Indeed I've heard of it." Li Haoxuan said.

"Well, let me tell you something about the inner sect first!" The chief steward said, "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights! Not only is this true in the secular world, but the world of cultivating immortals is also the same! Just like the competition between our outer sects, People with strong strength can enter Taixuan Mountain to practice. There is a blessed place of caves. The speed of cultivation is many times faster than that of Jingxianting! The same is true for inner disciples. door thing."

"Inner disciples, like outer disciples, are also divided into ordinary inner disciples and elite inner disciples! The more elite you are, the more benefits and resources you can get, but it is extremely difficult to enter the inner sect and become an elite disciple. You can probably imagine this! The competition in the inner sect will be stronger than that in the outer sect. It is extremely difficult for a person to rise up among the tens of thousands of inner sect disciples, break into the top [-], and become an elite disciple!"

"And now, what I want to tell you is related to this." The chief steward paused, and said, "You have entered the foundation building period now. As long as I apply to the inner gate, you can immediately enter the inner gate courtyard and become our clearing house." An inner disciple of Xuguan, but he is just an ordinary disciple. But..."

"But what?" Li Haoxuan asked hastily, he was too aware of the difference between ordinary disciples and elite disciples, it was a world of difference!Once you become an elite, you will become stronger and stronger, and you will be much stronger than ordinary disciples innately!

"However, now there is an opportunity for you to directly become an elite disciple among the inner disciples!" The chief steward was very satisfied with Li Haoxuan's performance, and said with a smile, "That is to stay outside, stay in Jingxianting!"

"En?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, not understanding the intention of the chief steward.

"Listen to me." The chief manager didn't take it seriously, and said, "Under the extremely difficult environment, those who have achieved great achievements are undoubtedly the dragons and phoenixes among the people! And such a person, the more attention they can get from the superiors! You Entering the inner sect now is nothing more than an ordinary disciple, but if you can cultivate the Yuanshen realm to the late stage of foundation building, or even enter the early stage of consecration, then the chances of becoming an elite disciple will be much greater!"

"Among the inner disciples, although there are a lot of disciples who are in the state of consecration, we are in a different environment from those people. It is easy to cultivate to consecration among them, but it is absolutely impossible for those who can cultivate to the state of consecration here. It is rare, and when you reach the top, it will definitely be the sweet pastry that everyone is rushing for! Moreover, if you enter the depths of Taixuan Mountain to practice, there will be a ten-year competition in ten years. If you can beat the crowd by then , become number one in the entire outer sect, then you can directly become an elite disciple of the inner sect!"

"I chose to overwhelm the heroes and become the elite disciple by becoming the number one in the outer sect, but I chose to enter the inner sect now and defeat tens of thousands of inner sect disciples to become an elite disciple. The choice of this road is in your hands, I don't I will force you to make any decision." The chief manager said, handing over the final decision to Li Haoxuan.

"The outer sect contest is held once every ten years. If I can really reach the first place, I can become an elite disciple of the inner sect. If I enter the inner sect now, I'm afraid it will be impossible within a few decades to become an elite disciple! Elite disciples, I will definitely be able to come from behind..." Li Haoxuan was silent, and after thinking for a while, he finally made a decision, and said firmly, "I choose to stay in Jingxian Court and participate in the outer sect competition!"

"Okay, very good!!" The chief manager slapped the table, stood up, and said with a big smile, "I am looking forward to your performance in the future!! From now on, you will move to the third place in the depths of Taixuan Mountain. Courtyard No. [-], this is your occupancy seal!" After speaking, the chief steward took out a jade token from his body and handed it to Li Haoxuan.

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