Holy furnace

Chapter 376

"Meng Jun?" Li Haoxuan pondered, but found that there was very little information about Meng Jun in his mind, most of them were rumors from Xu Ziyue, and these rumors were basically his powerful combat power and invincible record .

He knew that Meng Jun's talent was extremely high, but he didn't have a clear idea after all, just like he knew that Meng Jun was very strong, but he didn't know how strong Meng Jun was.In his opinion, Qing Shi's ability to see the gate of the Bigu Realm within 33 years is considered a talent, but from the other party's tone and expression, Li Haoxuan can see that Meng Jun is someone who Qing Shi can look up to Existence, or, Meng Jun is destined to be an existence that can only be looked up to by others. This other person includes many, many people, including Qingshi, and even him.

He understands Qing Shi's arrogance and power very well, but such an arrogant and confident person can stand under the halo of another person so willingly, this matter itself reveals an elusive taste, and the only one The explanation can only be that Meng Jun's talent is beyond Qing Shi's reach, and she doesn't even dare to put herself next to Meng Jun to compare with him.

This fact made it difficult for Li Haoxuan to accept, he didn't understand Meng Jun's strength, but he understood Qing Shi, so this feeling that he couldn't accept suddenly became particularly strong.In fact, Li Haoxuan has always had Meng Jun's position in his heart, just like Meng Jun wanted to fight with him at the same level, he also longed for this battle, and firmly believed that he would not be afraid of anyone in the same-level battle.But just now, he couldn't help but think of his realm, and thought that realm and combat power are indeed two different things.

He couldn't help laughing at himself, because he found that although his combat power was amazing, if he really let go of his hands and feet, used all his strength and all means to fight against Qingshi, he could even kill Qingshi within a few punches, but his talent But it's really not that good.Although Xu Ziyue said that his primordial spirit was so strong against the sky, Li Haoxuan understood that all this was actually because of Li Vulcan Stove.It's hard for him to imagine, if he didn't have Li Vulcan furnace, if he had a perfect body from the beginning, what state would he be in now?Is it possible to ascend to Lingxu like now and be invincible at the same level?

Up to now, he himself is a little confused, wondering if he relies too much on external objects, which will make the road to breakthrough more difficult in the future, because his body always has a limit, when his body is so strong that even his own When the realm cannot be broken through, his realm will be trapped in this body forever. Either he will not be able to break through for the rest of his life and will be invincible at the same level, or he can only fight to the death and eventually blew himself up.

At this time, Li Haoxuan finally realized some key points, and this was exactly what Xu Ziyue was worried about at the beginning. In the final analysis, there are still two words, mortal body!Because the mortal body is limited, but the divine body is infinite!

"I've heard a lot about Meng Jun, but most of them are about his invincibility. I know very little about his talent." In the end, Li Haoxuan shook his head, forcing his chaotic thoughts back, He had a premonition that if he continued to think about it as he did just now, it might lead to a series of unpredictable and terrifying disasters, and it might even attract demons and lead to the collapse of the realm.Li Haoxuan, this is a kind of uncertainty about himself, and it is a big taboo for practice.

"15 years." Qing Shi looked at Li Haoxuan and spoke slowly, her eyes showed infinite admiration.

thunderbolt!In just three words, it exploded in Li Haoxuan's heart like a bolt from the blue. In 15 years, he went from knowing nothing to breaking into the bigu realm. This kind of practice speed almost made Li Haoxuan lose his Dao heart. It was really amazing.It is difficult to appreciate the difficulty of practice without actually embarking on the road of practice, let alone how difficult it is to enter the bigu state.

15 years!It took Li Haoxuan a long time to recover from these three words.Even counting from the time of transformation, he has practiced Taoism for eight full years. According to his own budget, it will take at least ten years to enter the Bigu Realm, so he needs to practice Taoism for at least 18 years before he can see the gate of the Bigu Realm !And when Meng Jun practiced Taoism for 18 years, the other party had already stood firmly in the field of bigu state.

"Isn't it amazing?" Qing Shi smiled, and said to Li Haoxuan, "When I first heard about this, I was worse than you. My Dao heart was almost broken. The teacher personally used the Tianmu Shenqin to play for me. The curse made my Dao heart recover. Since then, every time I think of the word Mengjun, I still can't help trembling. Haha, it is indeed a huge blow. If there is such a person standing in front, whoever is behind Dare to call yourself a genius?"

"It's really amazing." Li Haoxuan said silently, even if he was away from the Vulcan furnace, he still couldn't be even half a step ahead of Meng Jun in practice.This bloody fact made Li Haoxuan have to really look at himself, and it also made him understand that he was not number one in the world, let alone invincible, no matter in terms of realm or combat power.

"Although I may not be invincible now, but I am on the road of invincibility." Li Haoxuan clenched his fists, and there was a wave of firm belief in his mind.He still regards Meng Jun as his opponent. Invincible Fist will not be affected by the opponent's talent. He is not afraid of any challenge, and his will is always firm.

"Brother Chongyang said that you are the one who has the best chance to stand beside Meng Jun in the entire Qingxu Temple." After a brief silence, Qing Shi spoke again.

"Me? Why do you say that?" Li Haoxuan was stunned and asked.

"Because Meng Jun regards you as his opponent." Qing Shi said, "Do you remember the first time you met Meng Jun? In fact, Meng Jun wanted to fight with you at the same level, but was stopped by someone, you If you can arouse his fighting spirit, it means that you are qualified to stand in front of him in the future."

"I heard that Meng Jun has a strong will to fight, and he has a strong will to fight against many people." Li Haoxuan said, "I feel affection, and Gongsun Bubai is among them."

"They are not as good as you." Qing Shi said directly, "Gongsun Bubai is my Zhengong disciple. His talent and combat power are indeed amazing, but he also has a limit. It is foreseeable that his future achievements will not be lower than mine. , but it is extremely difficult to stand shoulder to shoulder with Meng Jun."

Li Haoxuan didn't say a word, the 15 years of entering the Dharma ring had a great impact on him, but it also stimulated his invincible fist from another side, making his aura leak out uncontrollably.

"You are the first person who can still have such a strong fighting spirit after hearing about Meng Jun's cultivation speed." Qing Shi glanced at Li Haoxuan in surprise, and then said with some concern, "I can feel it from your fisting spirit." A kind of strong domineering, from this point of view, even if Meng Jun does not regard you as an opponent, you will have a battle in the future."

"That's for the future, you don't have to worry." Li Haoxuan's tightly clenched fists suddenly loosened, his whole body relaxed, and he said with a smile, "What's more, whoever has never really fought can know who is strong and who is weak?"

"No matter when and where this battle happens, I want you to win." Sensing the confidence brimming with Li Haoxuan, Qing Shi suddenly stepped forward, leaned close to Li Haoxuan, looked into Li Haoxuan's eyes and said softly And domineering.

"Why?" Seeing the pretty face so close, Li Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat and he asked strangely.

"Because I want you to win." The contact with Li Haoxuan's eyes made Qing Shi's face blush, and she couldn't help her heartbeat speeding up, but she still stubbornly refused to look away, naturally and unreasonably Said.

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