Holy furnace

Chapter 38 1 Shot to Kill

"Are you crazy? Resisting Fang Tian's painted halberd with flesh and blood??"

"That Fang Tian's painted halberd is a powerful treasure. It often drinks the blood of beasts. It is a veritable fierce soldier. If you resist so hard, your entire hand will be cut off!" To believe that Li Haoxuan would act like this is tantamount to suicide.

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength! I have shown mercy. You are the one who seeks death and fights Fang Tianhuaji with your body. Even if your entire arm is cut off by me, it has nothing to do with me! It will be embarrassing for the law enforcers to ask. What am I!" The killing intent in Gongsun Yong's heart disappeared in a flash, and Fang Tian drew the halberd faster, as if turning into a ray of light!

"Boom!!!" Let your magic power reach the sky, your weapons are unrivaled, and I will suppress it with one punch!Li Haoxuan's right hand shone with a faint golden luster, and the incomparably strong mana surged out through his body, like a mountain descending from the sky, pressing down on everyone!

Li Haoxuan punched the sky, completely fused his energy and spirit together, and the roar continued!In a trance, he seemed to hear ten thousand strands of Dao voice coming from his body again!

In the end, Li Haoxuan's golden fist and Gongsun Yong's Fang Tian painted halberd collided heavily, making a violent roar!


Li Haoxuan's body has been completely reborn after being tempered by Lihuoshen Furnace and thirty top-level foundation-building pills. Now he can compete with the treasure weapon even if he relies on the strength of his physical body alone. Just beat Gongsun Yong's Fang Tian painting halberd and flew it out!

"Ah!!!" Gongsun Yong roared angrily. In just a moment of confrontation, his Fang Tian Huaji was blown away just as he came into contact with the opponent's fist. Such a situation had never happened to him before, even in the face of Xia Houhan, who was in the tenth realm, was able to persist in five moves before he was defeated, but now, he was punched flying with the treasure in his hand. This is a great shame!

Gongsun Yong roared up to the sky, with long hair flying all over his head. At this time, the tiger's mouth on his right hand had been cracked by the countershock force of Fang Tian's painting halberd, and blood flowed profusely, but he was not afraid!Put one foot on top of the unicorn, soar into the air, and capture Fang Tian's painting halberd flying towards Beng!

"Roar!" At the same time, the unicorn seemed to feel the grief and indignation of its master, and also neighed up to the sky. After a huge snort, its two front hooves were raised high again, and it kicked towards Li Haoxuan!

Facing the hooves of the unicorn, Li Haoxuan never glanced sideways, and his right fist did not withdraw, but spread out into claws, swaying through the void, towards the Fangtian painted halberd!

hum!Fang Tian's painted halberd, which had been beaten and flew into the distance, seemed to be suddenly controlled by a huge force. It trembled slightly at first, and then swished across the void, appearing on Li Haoxuan's right hand!

The tenth level of the Chongxu Sutra, it is too simple to get things from a distance. Whether it is the realm or the mana, he is stronger than Gongsun Yong, and he directly disintegrates Gongsun Yong's effect on Fang Tian's painting halberd. He summoned the mana from above and summoned it into his own hands!

"Boom!!" Li Haoxuan held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and immediately felt a powerful and fierce aura attacking his primordial spirit!

There seemed to be an illusion in front of his eyes, he saw blood flowing into rivers, mountains of corpses and seas of bones!He seemed to hear countless wailing in his ears, and he seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss, killing everywhere!

"Humph!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, the pearl of primordial spirit in the purple mansion trembled slightly, all illusions disappeared immediately, the five senses returned to the body, and the consciousness regained clarity again!

"A mere murderous soldier with no self-consciousness is trying to influence my sanity? Suppress it!" Li Haoxuan shouted in his heart, and the pure magic power in his dantian surged out in an instant, drawing his halberd towards Fang Tian continuously. After instilling it, the entire black Fang Tian painted halberd was rendered golden.

Buzz buzz! !As if it couldn't bear Li Haoxuan's strong physical strength, Fang Tian's painted halberd trembled violently, as if it was about to break at any moment!

"Die to me!" Fang Tian's painted halberd in Li Haoxuan's hand released a strong golden light, setting him off like a victor!Afterwards, the Fang Tian painting halberd in Li Haoxuan's hand stabbed out, and the instantaneous speed caused a violent sonic boom!

It was too fast, this golden light passed everyone's eyes and reactions faster than anyone else!It was as if a golden lightning pierced the sky, blood rained, and fierce beasts wailed.

The unicorn only had time to let out a short and rapid whine before it stopped abruptly!

Li Haoxuan looked indifferently, staring at the front without expression, with a faint golden light flashing on his body, like a golden god of war, in just a split second, he pierced the head of the unicorn with Gongsun Yongzhi's Fangtian painting halberd , Let him die on the spot.

The red blood from the unicorn's head flowed down the black gun barrel, staining a large area of ​​land, shocking!

Li Hao was as steady as a rock, standing on the same spot, never moving half a step from the beginning to the end, the picture of this world seemed to be frozen.No one expected that Li Haoxuan would be so powerful, he shot directly and killed Gongsun Yong's unicorn mount with a single shot!

Boom!Until this time, the entire infinitely small world seemed to have just trembled. The previous golden light covered everything, even the vision was covered, as if everyone was plunged into the golden ocean at this time, unable to see, unable to speak !

No one can really see what happened, only the bloody result!

"This... Gongsun Yong's mount, the unicorn... was nailed to death with a single shot! Who is this person?"

"It's so powerful! This unicorn is said to have been captured from the hunting ground by Gongsun Yong's elder brother himself at a great price. It has already been psychic, and the power of a hoof is equivalent to the full strength of a peak master of the ninth level of Chongxu Jing." Shot, and now you are killed like this? Don't even have the ability to resist?"

"What a stunning shot! I couldn't see the opponent's shot clearly, it was too fast, it was almost unstoppable! With such strength, he is definitely the tenth level master of Chongxu Jing! Gongsun Yong hit the iron plate this time!"

"Hmph, iron plate? No matter how hard the iron plate is, it is better than Gongsun Bubai? He captured this unicorn himself, and he also exchanged this Fangtian painted halberd from the Shenbing Pavilion. , Now, the magical soldiers he exchanged crucified the ferocious beasts he subdued, do you think the matter can be left like this? This is a naked slap in the face, just wait and see, Gongsun Bubai will definitely jump out Hey, even though this young man is the tenth level master of Chongxu Jing, he still has no chance of winning against Gongsun Bubai!"

"I don't think so! The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Gongsun Bubai hasn't shown himself for four or five years. Who knows whether his cultivation has improved or regressed? Moreover, this young man can use his body to fight against treasures, absolutely. Not an easy guy! I think he can fight Gongsun Bubai!"

"Hmph! It seems that Gongsun Bubai has lived in seclusion for too long, and you have all forgotten his power back then! Back then, Gongsun Bubai fought against the four great masters who had achieved great success in the classics by himself, and in the end he was able to escape unscathed. With a complete victory, do you think that the four peerless masters have no treasures in their hands? Moreover, at that time, Gongsun Bubai had not yet reached the point where he could achieve great success in the Xu Jing! , who can stop the entire infinitely small world? Even the law enforcers frankly say that Gongsun Bubai is the number one expert, what could be wrong?"

"But... But he hasn't shown up for five years..." "Cultivation has no time, so what is four or five years? Besides, I heard that Gongsun Bubai is about to leave the customs, otherwise you think Xia Houhan broke through Will you fight Gongsun Yong after the tenth stage?"

"This... Hey, if Gongsun Bubai leaves the test, this young man is really in danger."

There was a commotion in the nearby area, and everyone was terrified by the scene in front of them!Everyone looked at Li Haoxuan carefully and deeply understood that this handsome and strong man must not be provoked.Even Gongsun Yong's mount dared to crucify to death, what else would he not dare to do?

"I'll kill you!!" Gongsun Yong was in the air, seeing the unicorn being nailed to death by Li Haoxuan's move, his liver and gallbladder were almost torn apart!The eyes were blood red, and the fighting spirit hit Tianyu directly, and a loud roar rushed towards Li Haoxuan!

"Who dares to fight here and wants to provoke city regulations? Anyone who kills wantonly in public will be killed without mercy!" At this moment, a voice like thunder came from a distance!

This voice was very powerful and deterred everyone, because if they violated the city regulations and killed people in public places in the infinitely small world, they might be killed on the spot.

"The law enforcers are here!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed, this voice came from the law enforcers in the infinitely small world!

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