Holy furnace

Chapter 390 Grand Imperial Prestige

The Western Desert is the most extensive of the Five Regions. No one except the ancient emperor can know how huge the Western Desert is, because there are countless formations in it, and even the immortals who can pick the stars and capture the moon cannot see through it. The entire Western Desert.The western desert is vast, but ninety-nine percent of the area is covered with endless yellow sand. There are only a few people among them. Most of the people living in the western desert are ascetic monks who practice Buddhism.

The Western Desert is vast and golden everywhere, and there are countless temples, each of which has a statue of the Buddha Emperor. Wisps of golden light emanate from the endless temples, spreading throughout the Western Desert.If you look from outside the region, you will find that the entire western desert is golden in color, and every area is surrounded by golden light, but everywhere in the western desert, there is no difference between day and night, and there is no difference between light and dark, because there is only golden light shining here .In the endless golden light, there is a radiant mountain rising from the middle area, with a height of hundreds of millions of feet, and the peak of the mountain has even pierced directly into the sky. This mountain is famous, and it is called the Spirit Mountain.

There is the sound of Zen singing all day long on the Lingshan Mountain. The Buddha's voice is passed down from generation to generation, saving all sentient beings.There is a Buddha Hall on the top of the Lingshan Mountain, and there is a Buddha statue in the Buddha Hall. The Buddha statue smiles lightly and holds a petal in its hand.There is an old monk among the petals, and there is a Buddhist pestle in front of the old monk.The old monk is chanting scriptures, and the Buddhist pestle is humming.Suddenly, the old monk nodded, but the Buddhist pestle remained the same.

"Immeasurable Light Buddha!" ​​The old monk showed embarrassment, and chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and the scriptures rang again.One flower one world, one sand one heaven.There is a flower petal in the Buddhist hall, and there are endless sand and gravel outside the Buddhist hall.

Zhongzhou is located in the middle of the Ziwei Continent, bordering on the Eastern Wilderness, Nanling, Northern Territory, and Western Desert respectively.Zhongzhou is the most prosperous place among the five regions, with fertile geology and a long history of humanities. There are even several holy land families inherited from ancient times.The ancient times are at least 50 years from now, and 50 years is enough time for too many things to happen. Even the inheritance of the ancient emperor may perish in the dark turmoil that occurred during the period, and these The Holy Land family has been able to avoid the dark turmoil time and time again, which is enough to show how powerful their background is.

There is an immortal mansion in Zhongzhou, named Zizai Immortal Palace.Named after "Xian", it is enough to see his strength.In the depths of the Immortal Palace, there is a golden pair of scissors hanging high in it, and the aura of chaos pervades its body, which conceals the emperor's power exuded from the big scissors!In front of this large golden scissors, an old man knelt on his knees, bowed his head, and his body was covered with dust, as if he had knelt here for thousands of years.

And at this moment, the old man's body trembled slightly, shaking off a piece of dust from his body.The old man raised his head, with a hint of confusion on his wrinkled face, and looked towards the cosmic sky.hum!The golden scissors trembled suddenly, and a burst of imperial prestige overflowed through the air of chaos. The old man suddenly coughed up blood, and his face became extremely recovered. He bowed his head again and kowtowed down.

In the dark universe, there are countless mysterious mysteries and terrifying Jedi!There are even some big stars with terrifying gravity, which can directly crush the strong in Wonderland into blood!At this time, on top of a big dark star, a young man with naked upper body was sitting cross-legged, his long black hair slid down on the surface, and the surface of the long hair shone with starlight, which was enough to kill Xianlu Qiang The terrifying wind of the killer raged around him but never blew a strand of his hair.Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes and glanced at Donghuang beyond the infinite time and space. A smile appeared on his face, and he regained his concentration.

Li Haoxuan didn't know that as early as when he entered the Tibetan scripture pavilion, Lihuo Shenlu, who had been sleeping in his dantian, had awakened, and was slowly spinning in his dantian at this time, with a mysterious and mysterious fluctuation Emanating from his body led all the tangible and intangible calculations into the boundless universe, and he didn't know that when the "Hao Ran Tian Gang" in front of him was integrated into his soul, the entire Ziwei continent, except for those extreme magic soldiers All the important people in the world have already felt the feeling. Although they don't know what happened, they can feel the slight changes in the Ziwei Continent from the avenue of heaven and earth. They all looked up and saw an invisible aura in the universe. It is slowly congealing into a boundless giant sword, the sword is facing Ziwei, and even a powerful monk has gone one step further, using the peerless Taoist artifact as a guide, seeing the tip of the boundless giant sword pointing directly at Ziwei Donghuang!Li Haoxuan didn't know what happened, and those important figures also didn't know what happened.Even if they are involved in good fortune, they can only sense some changes in the universe in a blur, guessing that the real "Hao Ran Sutra" will reappear in the world!Except for the Sun Moon Academy and those powerful holy places that possess extreme divine weapons, everyone turned their attention to the Sun Moon Academy.

The reason why the Sacred Lands that possessed the ultimate divine weapon didn't make a move was because they didn't care. Even if the Sun Moon Academy had mastered the Grand Virtue Sword, welcoming back the "Great Ran Sutra" would only increase its prestige, but so what?Although the Haoran Sword is not an ordinary quasi-emperor's weapon, but in this day and age, after all, he can no longer be sublimated to the fullest. If so, what can he do in front of the real emperor's weapon?Unless the founding patriarch of the Sun Moon Academy is revived, he will rule the universe with the quasi-emperor cultivation level, then he can be on an equal footing with the ultimate gods.

Anyone who can sense the changes in the universe is a great practitioner in the Immortal Realm, and can also be called a saint.However, Sun Moon Academy is the supreme religion in the Eastern Desolation, how can everyone be so presumptuous?Even if you are saints at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, you are not qualified to be disrespectful to Sun Moon Academy. Although Sun Moon Academy does not have extreme magic weapons, it has quasi-emperor weapons.In front of the quasi-emperor weapon, even a peerless Taoist weapon is not enough to look at, unless it is also a quasi-imperial weapon, it can be competed, unless it is an extreme magic weapon, it can be ignored.

In the easternmost part of Donghuang, there is a bottomless cliff named Yingyue Cliff.Thousands of miles away above Yingyue Cliff, there is a small star named Sun Moon Star, on which is the holy land of immortality, Sun Moon Academy.At this time, the Haoran Sword, the Zhenjiao artifact in the Sun Moon Academy, suddenly revived, rippling wisps of imperial power, hanging in the sky, pointing in all directions, the peerless sword headed straight for Xiaohan, and shattered several stars!The Haoran Sword is a quasi-emperor weapon, and now it is awakened. The powerful imperial prestige makes the whole Ziwei feel great coercion.

When this powerful imperial power swept Ziwei and flocked towards Qingxu Temple, the shocking formation outside Qingxu Temple suddenly started, and an ancient mirror flew out from the world of Qiankun, hanging high above Qingxu Temple, above the ancient mirror Strips of chaotic air fell down, and a ray of emperor's power burst out, blocking the emperor's power of Haoran Sword from the mountain gate.

There is a temple in the mountains and forests in the middle of the Eastern Wasteland. When the majestic emperor's prestige pervaded to this point, the emperor's prestige suddenly dissipated, like the face of a Buddha in the spring breeze.Under the imperial might of the Haoran Sword, except for the areas guarded by quasi-emperor weapons and extreme divine weapons, all living beings trembled under this coercion.

The Haoran Sword hangs high above the Sun Moon Academy, and the peerless sword energy is turbulent throughout the world. The real emperor's power overflows from the sword, rushing directly into the universe starry sky and smashing several stars, in order to frighten the saints of the five domains.The mighty Emperor prestige overwhelmed the universe, protecting the entire sun, moon, and stars, causing all the saints who cast their eyes on the Sun Moon Academy to change their faces, cutting off the space in an instant, trying to isolate their eyes. However, the emperor In front of Wei Wei, saints are like ants, even the quasi-diwei has the ability to despise saints, except for some peak saints, the rest are groaning and their eyes are bleeding.

A moment later, the Haoran sword returned to the Sun Moon Academy, the emperor's prestige dissipated, and the world returned to peace.

At the same time, the Lihuoshen Furnace in Li Haoxuan's dantian also suddenly returned to calm, and a ray of light emanating from the surface of the furnace completely disappeared in Li Haoxuan's dantian.Afterwards, the number on Li Haoxuan's eyebrows immediately returned to zero, and the light flashed, and he was transported outside the Scripture-Depository Pavilion.

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