Holy furnace

Chapter 410 Just So Someone Can Take My Sword

Li Haoxuan stood holding the sword, carefully recalling the previous sword.The more he recalled, the more Li Haoxuan felt that his sword was a bit confused and vague. In the end, he even forgot how he swung that sword, and also forgot whether the sword he swung was Haoran Tiangang .

After the first battle, he was silent for a long time, and then stared at the ancient Dao Ze sword in his hand for a long time before finally stepping into the battlefield again.He knew that the only way to get back that feeling was to keep swinging the sword and savoring the immortal sword intent in his mind.

Li Haoxuan kept swinging his sword in the first stage of the battlefield. As he swung more and more swords, the number of mysterious crystals in his identity token also became more and more, and Xiao Yifeng's name became more and more famous!At the beginning, his record was zero wins and zero losses. Everyone knew that Xiao Yifeng was a rookie, so no one was interested in fighting him.If he hadn't thrown out the three thousand profound crystals directly, I am afraid that the person in black armor would not have fought against him.

But now, after Li Haoxuan set a record of [-] wins and [-] losses in just one day, those who want to challenge him are like a river of crucian carp.For many Dharma ring powerhouses who have been in the reincarnation formation for many years, twenty victories are nothing, and twenty victories in a row are nothing. What really shocked them was that Li Haoxuan only used one move every time he won. And every move has only one sword.No one would have imagined that such a powerful Xiao Yifeng would be a Lingxu Realm disciple.

The Great Formation of Reincarnation is not an isolated world. Although there is a taste of absolute fairness everywhere in it, it will not restrict the personal freedom of many monks, because everyone here is a disciple of Qingxuguan. It is the pillar of Qingxu outlook on the future.In the reincarnation formation, everyone has an exclusive identity code. This code name may be an ordinary person's name, a string of numbers, or even the name of a magic weapon. Everything is determined by the reincarnation formation. Self-determination.

Although in the reincarnation formation, except for the free battle zone, no one in the six major battle zones can undo the Dao Ze armor, but if you want to, you can tell others about your true identity in Qingxuguan, because this is Your freedom, the reincarnation formation will protect your body, but it must be on the premise that you do not reveal your body.Similarly, as long as you want, you can even establish contact with the other party through the identity token in the trial space.Identity tokens have many uses, and subpoena tokens are just one of them.

The great formation of reincarnation has existed for countless years, and has already formed a complete world. Anyone in the great formation of reincarnation must abide by the rules of this world.In the reincarnation formation, no one's real body is allowed to act without authorization, and the only way to communicate with others is to enter the trial space or pass an identity token.

Li Haoxuan's sudden emergence in the name of Xiao Yifeng has already attracted the attention of many people!After Li Haoxuan's [-] consecutive victories, many experts set their sights on Li Haoxuan, and even many experts from higher battlefields came to the first level battlefield, wanting to fight Li Haoxuan.

Li Haoxuan estimated that the weakest people who can enter the first level of the Bigu theater have a half-step cultivation, and the highest ones may be the strong ones at the peak of Yuanhua Realm, because theoretically high-level monks can descend to low-level ones at will In the battlefield.Although he has the qualifications to enter the third level battlefield, he wants to try to climb up from the first level battlefield, and enter the second level battlefield after winning a hundred consecutive victories.This is not so ambitious, but a kind of pride and self-confidence that belongs to him.

Now, Li Haoxuan no longer has to choose random battles, because more and more people are actively challenging him!Anyone who knows Li Haoxuan's name in the reincarnation formation can challenge Li Haoxuan through his identity token, and his record will also be attached to the challenge!But for Li Haoxuan, there are not enough strong ones, far from enough, so his handwriting has become bigger and bigger. After twenty wins, he even increased the bet from [-] Xuanjing to [-] Xuanjing .He wanted to use these mysterious crystals to lure some real strong men to fight with him.

"Luo Xiangyuan: In the first stage of Bigu theater, 160, eight wins and sixteen defeats. In the second stage of Bigu theater, 45 wins, ten losses. In the third stage of Bigu theater, five wins and five defeats." Li Haoxuan looked at the information displayed on the identity token She nodded slightly, and then instantly disappeared into her own exclusive space.

Li Haoxuan appeared on the endless sea, with blue waves rippling under his feet, and a strong man in blue armor in front of him.Around this strong man's body, the aura of law was extremely strong, even causing the sea water below him to fluctuate regularly in a small area, as if it had separated from the entire sea and existed independently.

Looking at the strong man in front of him, Li Haoxuan knew that he had caught a big fish.

"I didn't expect you to choose me as your opponent. I have to say, you are very courageous." While Li Haoxuan was looking at the other party, the other party still opened his mouth. Although he couldn't see the other party's expression, Li Haoxuan was able to There was a sense of superiority in the other party's words.

"Why didn't you think of it?" Li Haoxuan asked, he hadn't said a word in the previous [-] matches, but now he met a good opponent, he was interested in talking to him.

"I thought you couldn't speak." The blue-clothed strong man was slightly taken aback, and then said as a matter of course, "Because not many people dare to accept my challenge on the first level battlefield."

"Just because of your record of 160, [-] wins and [-] losses?" Li Haoxuan said disapprovingly, "But you still lost after all, and you lost [-] times."

"That's why I said that there are not many people who dare to accept my challenge, not that no one dares to accept my challenge." The man in blue was not worried, and said arrogantly, "You want to use my sixteen defeats to damage my self-confidence? Unfortunately, what you say is meaningless, because you are not on the list that can compete with me."

"I don't want to be one of the people who can compete with you." Li Haoxuan shook his head, and said, "Because the words "can compete with you" make people feel uncomfortable. It's just an evaluation. You said you didn't expect me to accept your challenge, but I didn't expect you to challenge me either."

"Xiao Yifeng, do you think you are stronger than me? You dare to speak so brazenly after only winning [-] games? Are you really empty in the battle hall?" The man in blue mocked.

"Do you know why I bet [-] Xuanjing?" Li Haoxuan asked suddenly with a smile.

"I don't know and I'm not interested in knowing, I just know that the [-] profound crystals will be in my hands soon." The man in blue said indifferently, his tone was full of arrogance and disdain.

"First, I don't think I'm stronger than you, but I'm really stronger than you, and much stronger. Second, I pay [-] Xuanjing just to attract the attention of all strong people, and I hope there will be real strong people You can stand up and receive my sword. Third, you can’t take the two thousand profound crystals with you, because you can’t catch my sword, not even a single sword.”

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