Holy furnace

Chapter 420 There is a sword coming from outside the sky, and there is reason on the sword

From the very beginning, Yan Yunluan never thought that he could defeat Li Haoxuan by relying on his natal supernatural powers. Just as Jian Shisan thought, as long as some people are undefeated, they will win.But some people only win when they win.

There is only one person who wins without defeat, but Yan Yunluan is not.Therefore, he still has to make a move in the end.It's just that before making a move, he wanted to see what method Li Haoxuan would use to break his ten thousand magic not to touch his body.

He is a martial artist, and he does not know the dazzling supernatural powers. Apart from the magic fist, the only supernatural powers he knows are ten thousand methods that do not touch the body.He didn't worry at all that Li Haoxuan would not be able to break his ten thousand ways of not touching the body, because as Li Haoxuan said, ten thousand ways of not touching the body is not an absolute defense after all, as long as one bypasses a certain rule, then the three-inch limit can be easily crossed .

Jian Shisan controls the sword with his mind, everything in the world can be a sword, even the void can be a sword in her hand, and the void is everywhere, so his ten thousand dharma will not touch the body and will destroy itself.And Jian Shisan was defeated by Li Haoxuan, so Yan Yunluan knew that Li Haoxuan would be able to break his ten thousand magic not to touch his body.

Even though he knew that his natal supernatural powers would be broken, Yan Yunluan still made a mistake, that is, he didn't expect that Li Haoxuan would use the Great River Sword to break his Ten Thousand Magic Impassable Body.Because he is very confident, except for Sword Thirteen, no one in the entire first-level battlefield can use a sword to break his natal supernatural power, even if his realm is greatly suppressed.So he believed that Li Haoxuan would definitely punch at this time, but he didn't expect that Li Haoxuan's swordsmanship had reached such a level.

In a sense, it is really comparable to Sword Thirteen.Even though he himself is far less sharp and delicate than Jian Shisan in his grasp of sword rules, his Dahe Sword can effectively make up for this.Because the Dahe sword is ever-changing, because the Dahe sword can turn ten thousand swords with one sword, and one hundred thousand swords with one sword.

Now that Li Haoxuan's swordsmanship was comparable to Jian Shisan, Yan Yunluan naturally wanted to show his strongest combat power, he felt that he was facing two people now, one was Jian Shisan and the other was Xiao Yifeng.And before facing Xiao Yifeng, all he had to do was to shatter Jian Shisan's sword and all of Jian Shisan's swords.

He knew that Jian Shisan was very strong, so he didn't keep his hand anymore. At this time, his real strength broke out, and the world resonated, and the strength of his physical body exploded to the limit.The golden ocean around him suddenly boiled and began to roar violently.Then, he took a step forward, stepped out of Chunshui in an instant, appeared in front of Li Haoxuan, and punched out.

Facing the radiant punch in front of him, Li Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He knew very well the directness of being a warrior, so he knew that this punch would hit his forehead in an instant, and then the battle would end.

But he still didn't move.Because at this moment, a sword came from outside the sky.

A sword came from outside the sky and shot towards Yan Yunran's back.

Today's reincarnation battlefield is no different from the Ziwei Continent in the outside world. Apart from the huge arena, there are trees, flowers, rivers, and clouds.

There is a ring above the ground, there are two figures above the ring, and above the figures are white clouds.At this time, the sword broke through the clouds instantly, and with a cloud thread of nearly ten miles, it pierced the people above the ring.

The speed of the sword is so fast that it is impossible to be sure that it is a sword, because it is a stream of light without the body of the sword.However, the sword sounded loudly, resounding through the void, and even suppressed the explosion sound around Yan Yunluan, so Yan Yunluan knew that it was a sword.

Logically speaking, such a sword came from outside the sky, and its speed had already surpassed the sound. Even if he was stagnant in the void at this time, it would take a moment before there would be a sound of piercing the sky.However, this sword made a confident and powerful sword cry, because he stabbed at Yan Yunran's back, so he wanted to tell Yan Yunran that what I stabbed was your back.

This is the pride of the sword, he doesn't bother to hide his power, and he doesn't bother to sneak attack from behind, so he uttered the sword cry, so he wants to tell Yan Yunluan, so even if he doesn't need to look, Yanyun Luan knows it, that is a a sword.

The smoky face became extremely dignified.Although he didn't see the sword behind him with his own eyes, he knew that it must be a shocking sword, and the power of this sword could even compare to Jian Shisan's peak sword!

He no longer has time to think about how the speed of progress of the man in front of him is so heaven-defying and shocking. What he needs to do most now is to figure out how to get rid of the domineering sword behind him that cannot even be described as powerful.

Facing such a sword, he can of course use his natal supernatural powers. Once the ten thousand dharma does not touch his body, no matter how strong the sword is, he will still be scattered three inches away from his body.But he is in chaos, but his back is such a powerful sword, so his natal supernatural powers have not reappeared.Perhaps there is another reason that even he himself does not want to believe it, that is, his natal supernatural power has already been broken by the Dahe Sword once, so even if he blocked the sword from the outside world with his natal supernatural power, his natal supernatural power is still the same. It will be broken again and again by Dahe Sword.

Yan Yunran's eyes suddenly became firm, because he couldn't think of a way to break the sword, so he thought of a sentence, the last way is the best way, and the best way is also the most direct way.This method is indeed very direct. If it is direct, it cannot be more direct. If it is direct, he only needs to punch faster, and then faster.

No matter how powerful the Dahe Sword was, it was still in the hands of humans, so the easiest way to destroy the sword behind him was naturally to kill the owner of the sword in front of him.If the sword master is dead, what's the point of the Dahe sword?So his eyes became more and more determined, so his divine fist became faster and faster, to the extent that the pure gold light on the divine fist had already illuminated Li Haoxuan's face.

When his fist was finally about to touch Li Haoxuan's eyebrows, his misty face was so serious that it seemed as if water could drip out.Since entering the reincarnation battlefield, he has experienced hundreds of battles, but he has never been as vigilant and uneasy as he is today.Because the sword that came from outside the sky was getting closer and closer to him, because he felt a strong sword intent from the sword that came from outside the sky behind him.

The sword intent contained in this sword is neither domineering nor sharp. In Yan Yunluan's view, this strong sword intent is more like an emotion, more like explaining a truth to him through the sword intent.This principle is that as long as I want to do something, I will be able to do it.There is a reason, there is a reason, this is what the sword wants to tell him.

Because he understood the reasoning of this sword, Yan Yun retracted his fists indiscriminately, and passed Li Haoxuan just in the nick of time.

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