Holy furnace

Chapter 43 The Undefeated Gongsun in the Stone House

"Why are you here?" At this moment, the soaring fighting spirit suddenly disappeared, and an indifferent voice came from the stone house, and then, with a bang, two stone doors slowly opened, and a figure slowly stepped out!

"Brother!" Gongsun Yong stepped forward and shouted excitedly.

"It's been four years, and you're still on the ninth level?" The moonlight flowed down like water, and a ray of light shone on the figure.The other party's face was a little cold and arrogant, exuding a little majesty.

This is a man as majestic as a demon god, with distinct facial features, and plump muscles under his bronze-colored skin. It is almost predictable that there are all kinds of incredible power contained in it!Just standing there seems to be the protagonist of the whole world.

"What is the level of Ning Yuan Jin's cultivation?" The man like a demon god stood three meters in front of Gongsun Yong with a spear on his back, and asked again, frowning.

"Fourth layer." Gongsun Yong hesitated and said.

"Fourth layer?" The man's face was serious, a little displeased.As his mood fluctuated, the vitality of the surrounding world seemed to be in disorder, and there was a slight rumbling sound.

"It's about to break through the fifth level!" Gongsun Yong said hastily, his heart beating fast.

"Oh?" The man's face softened a little, and he said, "If you can cultivate the Condensation Energy to the fifth level, you can compress your own mana to ten times! At that time, even if you haven't broken through the tenth level, you will be able to do it." To be able to fight against the tenth-level powerhouse is to have a little bit of self-protection power!"

"Yes!" Gongsun Yong bowed his head and said.

"It's good that you know! Hmm? Where's the god-killing halberd?" The man's expression suddenly became serious, and he asked in a deep voice.

"It was taken away by someone!" Gongsun Yong said calmly, "The man not only took away my God-killing halberd, but also nailed my unicorn to death with the God-killing halberd!!"

boom! !As soon as Gongsun Yong finished speaking, a strong killing intent rose into the air!

At the same time, the long spear behind the man seemed to sense the killing intent of its master, it kept buzzing and released a dark golden light, it was about to soar into the sky!

"Brother..." Gongsun Yong was sweating profusely, almost unable to breathe, his whole body was crushed to the ground, and he shouted with difficulty!

Just at that moment, a strong killing intent enveloped him directly, as if he was involved in Abi Hell, there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere, and the sound of killing!

"Hmph!" Finally, a cold snort sounded, like the evening drum and morning bell, all killing intent receded like a tide.

"Who is it?" Finally, the other party's face returned to calm and asked.

"A newcomer is a top ten expert!" Gongsun Yong said, still kneeling on the ground.

"Wait for me!" The man nodded slightly and immediately started walking towards the distance.

"Brother!! I...I..." Gongsun Yong looked at the back of Gongsun Bubai who was about to go away, finally stood up, took a deep breath and said, "Brother, from childhood to adulthood, you have always resisted in front of everything. You are the one who shielded me from the wind and rain, but now, I am not the kid who knew nothing before! I am now a master of the Nine Layers of the Sutra, even if I don’t have your protection, I can still make a big difference Prestige!"

"Brother, I have always considered you proud and proud of you. It was the same in the past, it is the same now, and it will be the same in the future! This will never change! But, but I don't want every time someone mentions Gongsun Yong He will talk about his big brother Gongsun Bubai. I don’t want every time people see me, they will think that there is an invincible big brother on top of me! Do you know how people introduce me outside? Gongsun Yong, Gongsun Bubai younger brother!"

"I'm really fed up with such same introductions! I hope that one day, I can really stand by your side. I hope that one day our brothers can sweep the three thousand worlds together. I don't expect that one day, others can introduce Gongsun Bubai said, he is Gongsun Yong's elder brother! But, I really hope that no one will put me behind you, elder brother!"

"I don't want to be the person behind you anymore, I want to stand by your side!"

"So, brother, this time, I want to do it myself!"

Gongsun Yong's words were so soul-stirring, it seemed that the sky was shaken!Since childhood, he has lived under the protection of this invincible brother, enjoying the best resources and learning the strongest exercises. However, no matter how hard he works and how powerful he is, anyone who mentions him will always add a sentence , he is the younger brother of Gongsun Bubai!

Gongsun Bubai is like a mighty mountain that he can never lift!While shielding him from the wind and rain, it also restricted his growth!

"But you have already been defeated! Even the god-killing halberd was taken away, why did you come by yourself?" The tall figure paused, and cast a slender shadow under the watery moonlight, and said calmly.

"Brother, do you remember what you said to me back then? Why do people fall? You said it was to learn how to stand up! You stood in front of me before, and you were the one who fell all the way. Falling down and getting up all the way, all that is left of me is an invincible back! Over the years, I have never really fallen once, and now I do fall, so please don’t help me, I want to stand up by myself!” Gongsun Yong seemed to be trapped in distant memories, and finally said with a firm tone.

"Then what are you doing here today?" Gongsun Bubai asked after being obsessed for a long time.

"You once warned me that the God-killing Halberd must never admit its master, otherwise there will be a catastrophe! Now that the God-killing Halberd has been taken away, I'm afraid he will forcefully recognize the master..." Gongsun Yong was a little worried Said.

"You don't have to worry about this! The god-killing halberd has been sealed by the law enforcers at Seven Seven and Forty-Nine, and the monks in the foundation-building realm cannot recognize the master." Gongsun Bubai was silent for a moment, then turned his back to Gongsun Yong and said, "Three months! I will give you three months, and if you can break through the tenth level within three months, or cultivate the Ning Yuan Jin to the fifth level, I will let you stand up by yourself!" After finishing speaking, Gongsun Bubai turned around and took two steps. Stepping into that stone house, it disappeared completely!

"Brother, I don't want to spend my whole life chasing your footsteps like this! Although I can only look up from behind you now, no matter how far you are from me, I will catch up one day and touch your shoulder!" Looking at the hut with the Shimen closed, Gongsun Yong clenched his fists in silence, and turned away after a long time!

"Have you started to grow?" After Gongsun Yong left, in the closed stone house, Gongsun Bubai's closed eyes suddenly opened, as if two sharp swords pierced the sky, and a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth, It's like a dream, it's unreal.

The moonlit night was like water, Li Haoxuan, Mu Chenfeng and others drank until midnight before returning to their No. [-] courtyard through the teleportation array.

Although the infinitely small world is infinitely similar to a real world, it is a simulated space after all, and the sun, moon and stars cannot really exist in the sky.However, the Qingxu Taoist method can surpass the heavens and the earth, and the two pearls of yin and yang are embedded in the sky of the infinitely small world, and they operate with the power of the formation!

Six of the hours are daytime, when the fire-yang pearl will release the light of the sun, and the other six hours are night, when the lunar pearl will release the light of the sun, one yin and one yang form the day and night of an infinitely small world!So, there is neither dusk nor dawn here.

There are teleportation circles everywhere in the infinitely small world, which can transport the disciples here to the area where their respective courtyards are located, such as the No. [-] courtyard of Jingxianting where Li Haoxuan is located.There are also inns in the infinitely small world, but the price is high, and few people are willing to spend spirit stones to live in the infinitely small world.

Moreover, no one can fly higher than fifty feet in the infinitely small world, otherwise they will be strangled by the power of the formation, even law enforcement officers are no exception!

"I originally thought that the depths of Taixuan Mountain were just a place for me to retreat and practice, but I didn't expect that this place is where all the disciples of the outer sect gather!! There are so many masters, even such a peerless powerhouse as Gongsun Bubai, it makes people excited! This is just the space where the outer disciples live, if one day I become an inner disciple, how magnificent will the world there be?" Li Haoxuan returned to his No. [-] courtyard, unable to calm down for a long time!

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