Holy furnace

Chapter 504

Although knowing that Meng Jun made such a decision was the most correct choice, Xu Ziyue still couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness, even from the invincible Meng Jun who dared to rush out of the territory alone to kill the powerful phantom. There is a smell called Xiao Suo.

Invincibility is a kind of belief. Once lost, it will never be found again. She doesn't know what kind of struggle Meng Jun went through to make such a decision at this time, but she really doesn't want Meng Jun's invincible heart to stop Here, because the road ahead is dark, no one knows what the ending will be if one does not really go forward.

She thinks that Meng Jun is different from Li Haoxuan, although Li Haoxuan is extremely talented, he is only a mortal body after all, it is really too difficult to break through the shackles, from ancient times to the present, only those who truly have the appearance of an emperor can do it.And Meng Jun not only bears the supreme blood of the Meng family, but also has a physique that is far superior to ordinary people. If he can purify the power of the blood and return to the original, he may not be able to really catch up with the footsteps of Mr. Shang Da. The most important thing is Meng Jun. The heart of martial arts cannot be lost, otherwise everything will be empty.

"Ye Kaitian's term of office is about to expire." Xu Ziyue looked at Meng Jun in front of him, and suddenly said, "I heard that he not only trained a Taoist body in Longhu Pass, but also cultivated the Hunyuan Jue to Xiaocheng's level." realm!"

"Has the Hunyuan Jue been completed?" Meng Jun's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and the bleak aura on his body suddenly changed, reverting to the previous invincible domineering arrogance, and he said to himself, "One year later, with Yuanhuajing Fight him!" After speaking, Meng Jun turned around and disappeared from Xu Ziyue's sight with one step.

"Where's Boss Meng?" It wasn't until this moment that Niu Li and Chongyang flew over from afar. The coercion of the flawless girl before was too strong for even the strong Yuanhua to bear, not to mention their mere heart-moving cultivation.

"It's over, there's nothing more to see, let's go back too." Xu Ziyue shook her head, calmly glanced at Li Haoxuan who was in a coma, and disappeared into the sky in a purple light.

"Who were those two people just now? What a fighting spirit!" In the distance, Duan Tianlong opened his mouth, and Fang Han asked. He was imprisoned for 300 years, and the news was indeed far behind.

"Meng Jun and Xu Ziyue." Fang Han replied, "They should be people who have entered the world in this life of the Unknowable Land."

"People from the Meng family? No wonder there is such a strong original blood!" Duan Tianlong was surprised, and then nodded and said, "The people in the unknowable land are not simple, there is a secret method that can isolate a side of time and space, even I can't hear what they are saying .But judging from the fighting spirit alone, that Meng Jun is indeed very talented, but he is only in the heart-beating state. Seeing that Mister Da is able to comprehend something when he makes a move, he can be regarded as a genius!"

Duan Tianlong's vision is far higher than Xu Ziyue's. In Xu Ziyue's eyes, the changes in Meng Jun are negative and decadent, but in Duan Tianlong's eyes, this is a way to get the Tao. As long as he can take that step and get out of the prison , Immediately it is a world with vast sea and sky.

"Crack!" At this moment, the golden bridge of the gods suddenly shattered, and the golden lights flew all over the sky, and all of them were integrated into the Dange God Island. So far, the Dange God Island has completely recovered, including countless The subspaces have been successfully restored, and all the murderous aura between the heaven and the earth has completely dissipated. When the spring breeze blows, there is spiritual energy moving with the wind, which makes people feel refreshed and happy, like entering a fairyland.

The vast and majestic Dange God Island has reappeared in the world, towering in the void, with several entrances open at the same time, and the countless shops and medicine fields in it have also been restored, and they are presented flawlessly in front of everyone.

"The disciples of the Dan Pavilion return to their positions!" A monk in a red robe rose up from the crowd and submerged into the Dan Pavilion and said loudly. Pulled back in shock.

"Follow the decree of the law!" When the voice echoed all over the world, there were countless responses from the crowd, and then one disciple after another rose into the sky, flew into the Dan Pavilion and returned to their own posts.At the same time, a divine bridge of vitality hangs down from the sky above the Dan Pavilion God Island, spreading to the top of the Dan Pavilion. Junior Brother Ding and other alchemists above the sixth rank climb up the steps and step into it.Afterwards, the renters of the major medicine fields returned to their positions and returned to their own stone houses. Finally, the law enforcers of Dandao Pavilion appeared to guard the major entrances. The monks are welcomed into it.

In the sky above the Dandao Pavilion, four elders of the Deficient Realm with immortal demeanor stood in the void, watching with satisfaction everything that happened in the Dandao Pavilion. In front of them, the space was naturally distorted, and everything shone to the sky. The light on their bodies will be automatically transmitted to both sides by the space, so that no one on the scene can see their existence.At their level, it is too easy to destroy a thing, and it is a fulfilling thing to restore a destroyed thing to its original state. Although they can't do it, the return to the original world is great. Array can do it.

Suddenly, a green light flashed across the sky, and a young man in a padded jacket suddenly appeared among the four old men, and beside him was a big cocoon wrapped around a green spirit.

"The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, Shu Shu, you have not yet entered the state of deprivation, you have already reached this level, if you enter the state of deprivation in the future, wouldn't it make us old guys die of shame?" Looking at The four old men were not surprised by the sudden appearance of the scholar in front of them. One of them opened his mouth and joked to the young scholar with a smile.

"Back when your master first entered the Dharma precepts, he stirred up boundless turmoil in the view of Qingxu, but he was so powerful that he claimed to be invincible all over the world. Even the old man's disciple was beaten and couldn't get out of bed for three months! I I still remember when I was thinking, wait for me to take a nap first, and then I will teach him a lesson, lest he think that he can be lawless as a disciple of the head teacher, but who knows, it was just a nap, and your master has already Standing on my head! I thought your master was enough to defy the sky, but now it seems that you are even better than Shushu!" Another old man also spoke at this time, saying with great emotion.

"Hey! Needless to say, I have already experienced the tradition of the Invincible Hall, and I don't want to learn it again. What I want to know most is that your master is stubborn by nature. How did you find a disciple like you? Let me tell you, you have such a pure personality, even if you kneel in front of him, he won't even look at you, why did he just open his eyes?" At this time, it was an old man who was facing funny, with two eyebrows on his forehead There was actually one missing, one side was the white eyebrows hanging down to the corner of the mouth, the other side was empty.

"Hmph!" At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the ears of the four old men, making their hearts tremble and their eyes staring!

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