Holy furnace

Chapter 51

When the "god" contained in that giant eye was revived, the mana in Li Haoxuan's dantian was suddenly pulled by an inexplicable force, and it rushed towards that giant eye continuously!

At the same time, all the energy from the world in the ten directions rolls in from up, down, left, and right, sinking into the bottomless abyss!

"Zheng!" The next moment, a shocking sword sound came, as if it could coerce nine heavens and ten earths, suppress the heavens and the universe, and another supreme being awakened!

From the infinitely deep bottomless abyss, terrifying sword qi appeared one after another, evolving into a peerless formation, and ruthlessly suppressed that giant eye!

"One hundred and eight thousand swords!!" Li Haoxuan's spiritual consciousness saw all this clearly, he clearly saw the endless sword energy condensed into one after another, a total of one hundred and eight thousand swords Gasified into a peerless Dao map!

In the end, this Dao map unfolded with a bang, and moved towards the giant eye to cover and suppress.

At this time, the black pupils of the giant eyes have recovered part of their spirits!Looking at the densely packed supreme sword energy in all directions, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Boom!" With a soft sound, the hundred-foot space around the giant eye suddenly collapsed, and a layer of space fault formed, blocking the space between Shibaqianjian and him.No matter how the hundred and eight thousand swords released their power, they still couldn't reach the giant eye. That giant eye was like a divine mansion aloft, untouched by all dharma, and looked down at the Dao map indifferently!

The space fault seems to divide the entire void into two worlds.

"Zheng!!" The sound of the swords became more and more intense, and the power of the Hundred Eight Thousand Swords was slowly recovering. The Dao map became bigger and bigger, as if it could contain everything, and the space fault was compressed by the Eight Thousand Swords. , almost to be continued!

"Huh! I've been dead for 1 years, and you want to suppress me with a sword?" At this moment, seeing that the Hundred and Eight Thousand Swords were about to connect to the space fault and suppress the giant eye, the giant eye suddenly let out a cryptic sound. The spirit fluctuated, and then, the black pupils focused again, forming a point!

thunderbolt!A jet of black light shot out from the giant eyes, like a thunderbolt, it passed through the huge Dao map directly, and shattered the Dao map composed of one hundred and eight thousand swords!

The Dao map was shattered, and countless sword qis rushed around!Almost blasted the entire cliff.In the end, the one hundred and eight thousand swords were reorganized again with difficulty, and turned into the peerless Dao map again.

This Dao map seems to be incomplete, and a few magic weapons are missing in the key parts!

This time, the Dao map was suspended above the giant eye, and there were no other actions!But in the bottomless abyss, there was another strong sound of swords.

"I'd like to see what backhands you have left behind. You want to suppress me with sword energy? Do you think you are a fairy?" The giant eyes looked indifferently at the Taoist map floating above him, and a ray of thought came out, and they looked down. Nine heavens and ten realms.


There were three loud bangs in a row, as if something had been forcibly broken!Then, the three sword qi rose up with supreme pressure and merged into the hundred and eight thousand sword diagrams!

In an instant, Dao Tu's brilliance flourished, and swords blew unceasingly. Three of the missing key parts were filled in, and only the remaining two most critical parts were still vacant!

thunderbolt!The same ray of black light pierced the sky, like the light of death, smashing Dao Tu to pieces again!Countless sword qi shot out, and one of the sword qi was severely injured and flew directly towards Li Haoxuan's direction!

Each of these sword qi contains extreme power!With one blow, the mountains can be reduced to dust!If the cliffs here were not guarded by a peerless formation, they would definitely become a piece of dust, and this small piece of land would be sunk!

At this time, Li Haoxuan's whole body was cracked and he was on the verge of death. Although he had the realm of immortal records, he had no power to protect himself.He watched the supreme sword energy shoot at him, he saw his nature clearly, and he had no fear!

boom! !At this moment, the Li Vulcan Furnace in Li Haoxuan's dantian suddenly trembled violently!

Following Li Vulcan Stove's movement, Li Haoxuan's mana that was constantly draining from his dantian was also stopped, and he stopped shooting outwards. Li Vulcan Stove blocked that mysterious force!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan's spiritual will was automatically extracted from the Vulcan Furnace and began to recover!

At this moment Li Haoxuan is still in the Immortal Record Realm. Although the realm has been falling, he has not fallen back to the Foundation Establishment Realm. It will take a process!

The nature of the primordial spirit in the realm of Xianlu is very different from the essence of the primordial spirit in the foundation building. Although Li Haoxuan can't show its power, Lihuoshen furnace can extract this part of the will of the primordial spirit to exert enormous power!

Boom!The flames of Li Vulcan Furnace were blazing, and suddenly surged, enveloping Li Haoxuan in it, and blocked the ray of supreme sword energy with a bang!

Afterwards, Li Vulcan Stove rose into the sky by itself, shattered the space with a bang, and appeared above the giant eye in an instant!

boom!Endless fire light diffused from Li Vulcan Furnace, filling the entire space, and there was a chirping sound, as if it could burn even the space.

"Ruth!!" A sharp mental wave suddenly came from above the giant eyes, as if he had suffered an unimaginable serious injury!

A jet of black light shot out from the giant eyes and hit Li Vulcan Stove, but was bounced away with a clang!Li Vulcan Furnace is as immovable as a mountain, and the furnace body is magnified tens of millions of times, and it is directly suppressed on the giant eye, with raging flames, trying to refine it!

With the refinement of the Vulcan Furnace, the giant eyes continued to send out sharp mental fluctuations, churning violently, and the black light shot out, but it was difficult to shake the Li Vulcan Furnace.At the same time, a huge billow of pure life energy was refined by Li Vulcan Furnace from the giant eyes and brought into his body.

Zheng!At this moment, another sword energy shot up from the bottomless abyss, filling into the Taoist map in the sky.The brilliance was flourishing, and the Dao map became more and more powerful. The next moment, the Dao map unfolded with a bang, and cooperated with Li Vulcan Stove to suppress the giant eye!

collapse! !However, Li Vulcan Furnace suddenly flew up and crashed into the Dao map, the flames covered the whole body, and layers of mysterious talismans jumped around the furnace body automatically, crackling the pair of 10,000+ Dao Supreme Sword Qi. The Dao map was torn apart by the impact!

After that, Li Vulcan Furnace suppressed the giant eye again and continued refining!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! !

At this moment, when the last Dao map was also scattered, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves suddenly from the bottomless abyss!

With the sound of this terrifying sound, a golden giant sword began to rise slowly!The golden light represents integrity, and now with such a terrifying ghost crying sound, it looks extremely terrifying!

When this golden sword was raised, the whole world changed!Black clouds rolled in, filled with countless thunder and lightning, as if it would be a punishment from heaven at any moment!

This sword seems to be an ominous thing, and it is difficult to be recognized by the heavens!

When the golden sword was lifted up, Li Vulcan Furnace seemed to feel something, and temporarily gave up the refining giant eyes, and slowly suspended in the air, surrounded itself with flames, confronting the golden giant sword!

The golden giant sword stopped at the same height as the Vulcan furnace, and the 10,000+ sword qi that had been broken by the Li Vulcan furnace gathered one after another and merged into the golden giant sword!

When all the sword energy was integrated into the golden giant sword, a perfect Dao map appeared in the void, seamless and perfect!Then, this Dao map began to evolve, and finally evolved into a huge human body with a height of several thousand feet!

The moment the human body took shape, Li Vulcan Furnace also exploded suddenly, enlarging the furnace body to a height of thousands of feet!He had previously refined a large amount of energy from Juyan, enough to support his current self-recovery!

After Li Vulcan Stove was lifted into the sky, the giant eyes seemed to be amnesty, the pupils shrank, and the black light radiated everywhere. At the same time, they quickly rose into the sky, turning into a meteor and flying into the distance!

Countless black lights scurry around like threads of death, enough to shatter the incomplete Dao map, but now they can only splash sparks on Li Vulcan furnace and the huge human body!

The huge human body raised its head slightly, looked towards the direction where the giant eye flew away, then stretched out its right hand, and grabbed the giant eye directly for dozens of miles.

"Ru!" The giant eye had no escape, was grabbed back, and thrown directly into the bottomless abyss!Then, without saying a word, the huge human body pressed down with one hand, directly suppressing the giant eye, trying to suppress it under the endless abyss!

boom!At this moment, Li Vulcan Furnace moved, almost teleported, and appeared under that giant hand, and a pure white flame shot out, staining the opponent's palm!

laugh! ! !The almost invincible palm started to burn under the pure white flame, and a blue smoke rose!

The huge human body withdrew its right hand, and two rays of light shot out from its eyes, instantly extinguishing the flame in its hand!

Li Vulcan Furnace, which was thousands of feet in size, stood in front of the giant eyes, confronting that supreme human body!

hum! !Li Vulcan Furnace trembled slightly, sending out a subtle fluctuation.

The facial features of the huge human body are very blurred, except for the eyes and eyebrows that are clearly visible, everything else seems to be hidden.He frowned slightly, stretched out his left hand, and flicked his fingers!

A sword qi whizzed past and directly hit Li Vulcan furnace, making a loud noise!But Li Vulcan Furnace remained motionless, as if the vajra was indestructible, allowing the supreme being to display all kinds of supernatural powers, just not taking a step back!

In the end, that supreme being shot out three sword qi with a flick of his fingers!

However, these three sword qis did not hit Li Vulcan Stove, but slowly floated above him. Then, the lid above Li Vulcan Stove was opened, and the three sword qi were absorbed in at once!

After that, Li Vulcan Stove soared into the sky, and a ray of red light rolled out, engulfing Huangfu Jing and the other four people, and quickly flew towards the distance!

"Why was he born?" After Li Vulcan Stove left, the great supreme being frowned slightly, shaking his eyes at Li Vulcan Stove, which was dragging a flame forward, and sent out mental fluctuations for the first time.

"I didn't expect you to leave a killing intent here!" Moving away from the Vulcan furnace, the giant eyes seemed to know that it was difficult to defy the sky, and roared unwillingly with mental fluctuations, "But you can suppress me for a while, but you can't shock me!" My life! Thousands of years have passed, your bones are rotten, what can a killing intent clone do to me? And I am immortal, you will never be able to obliterate me!"

"1 years..." The supreme being in human form sighed, pressed down with his right hand, and directly suppressed the giant eye in the deepest part of the endless abyss, and then his body disintegrated instantly, re-formed into a hundred thousand Thousands of sword qi suppressed above that giant eye!

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